Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1409 Finally Seeing Her True Side

The teachers said without hesitation: "Xinrui has always been very enthusiastic about you. Every time you come, no matter what she is doing, she will immediately put down and come to talk and interact with you. We all think...she really wants to please you! "

"That's right, Xinrui has always been very enthusiastic towards me, but does she really like me?" Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and said, "I don't think so."

The teachers were surprised and said: "If Xinrui doesn't like you and still pleases you like this, then this child is too..."

Lu Wanwan interjected: "You want to say that her acting skills are really superb, right?"

The teachers hesitated and said "".

Lu Wanwan said: "Every time I face Xinrui, I feel like I'm looking at flowers in a fog. I can't tell how many secrets are hidden in her smile, but this time you said that she scolded me Patriarchal, and said that she regretted coming back with me, I finally saw her real side, so I was happy instead."

The teachers thought about it carefully, and said, "Wanwan, what you said really makes sense. Xinrui has been in the treatment center for so long, and we have never seen her blush with anyone, let alone her love for her." Who has expressed dissatisfaction, oh, except Yisong."

Lu Wanwan said: "Yi Song is special to her, they competed in Dong Yi's orphanage, when they came here, Xinrui subconsciously wanted to compete with Yi Song for my attention, but Yi Song Now that he is obsessed with guns, he has no intention of competing with her, or in other words, Yi Song's method of competing for favor is even more clever."

The teachers said: "Wanwan, what do you mean... Yisong has practiced the gun well, and it can also achieve the purpose of attracting your attention, so there is no need for him to waste energy and compete with Xinrui for favor?"

"That's right." Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Actually, I made Xinrui a disciplinary committee member to give her a chance to perform well. If she does a good job, it will also attract my attention."

The teachers said: "But she doesn't seem to appreciate it."

Lu Wanwan said tolerantly: "It's okay, she is still young, and she still has time to learn."

Both Yisong and Xinrui's latent personalities are distorted, Lu Wanwan doesn't expect to bring them on the right track all at once, take it slowly.

The teachers couldn't help showing a smile: "Wanwan, you look more and more like the dean."

"Dean's mother..." Lu Wanwan's eyes dimmed, and her voice lowered: "I'll go and burn incense sticks for her later."

"Okay." The teachers knew that Xie Rou's death was a knot in her heart, so they didn't dare to mention it.

Lu Wanwan then asked, "Is there anything else?"

A teacher asked: "Wan Wan, Chinese New Year is coming soon, we want to prepare some New Year's goods for the children, what do you think?"

Lu Wanwan agreed: "Of course, I will pay for it this year."

"How can I get you to pay? In previous years, everyone shared it equally."

"I know, but haven't I been away for six years? In the past six years, you have been contributing money and efforts. I didn't do anything, and I just got a ready-made dean."

Seeing that they wanted to say something, Lu Wanwan quickly said: "Okay, let's make this decision!"

The teachers here are all semi-voluntary workers, so they are not polite to Lu Wanwan: "Well, we will listen to the dean."

Lu Wanwan waved her hand and said, "In the new year, I will not only increase the manpower for our treatment center, but also increase the salaries for you old employees."

Hearing this, the teachers' first reaction was not excitement, but worry——

"Wanwan, where did you get so much money?"

"Yes, Dean, you must not fill in all your salary! You still have a son to support!"

"Oh, don't be so nervous, okay?" At this time, Lu Wanwan seemed to have returned to six years ago, and coquettishly said to them: "I can say that, of course I have confidence, so don't worry! "

Mr. Mu's commission on the sales of the deep-water harbor showcases every year is enough for Lu Wanwan to support his family.

So, the teachers looked at her with emotion: "Wan Wan..."

Lu Wanwan couldn't stand their eyes, so she got up to comfort them.

After a while, she coaxed the teachers and sent them out.

She couldn't help sighing softly, it was her fault, she came back too late, so that no one could shoulder the burden of the treatment center.


At the same time, the Li Group.

After Zhou Yang brought An An to the staff restaurant, his cell phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and saw that it was Li Jingchen's call, so he quickly swiped the answer button.

"Yes, Mr. Li, An An and I are in the staff restaurant now. He is very good and has not caused any trouble."

After reporting on An'an's situation, Zhou Yang changed the subject: "What? You forgot some documents? Okay, I'll go to your office right now, and after I find the documents you want, I'll send someone to send them to you!"

After putting down his phone, Zhou Yang quickly said to An An: "An An, I'm going to Mr. Li's office now to find a document for him. You can wait for me here, and I'll be back soon."

An An looked around and said, "Okay, Uncle Zhou Yang."

After Zhou Yang gave a few more instructions, he left temporarily.

Leaving An An alone, sitting in front of a four-seater square table, looking around curiously.

The people sitting here are all Li's employees, and their meals look very sumptuous, and they all eat with gusto.

Looking at it, An An swallowed silently.

He is hungry.

At this moment, a female voice sounded beside An An: "Hey, whose child is this?"

An An followed the sound and found that it was a woman in her 30s. The work card in front of her said that she was the supervisor of some department.

Seeing that An An was cute, the woman couldn't help asking again: "Little friend, why are you sitting here by yourself? Where is the adult who brought you in?"

An An honestly said: "Sister, I came in with Uncle Zhou Yang."

The woman misunderstood: "Oh, so you are the chief secretary's child, are you waiting for him now?"

An An saw that she had a work badge on her chest, and she could tell Zhou Yang's identity accurately. He must be an employee of the Li Group, so she replied: "Well, Uncle Zhou Yang has something to do suddenly, let me wait for him here one time."

"For a busy person like him, who knows how long it will take." Seeing that An An is not afraid of life at all, the woman continued, "You can eat whatever you want, you can eat it yourself."

An An touched her stomach, with a hint of longing in her eyes: "Can you?"

The woman asked: "When Secretary Zhou left, did he leave his employee meal card to you?"

"Meal card?" An An shook her head: "No."

The woman then pointed to the window not far away, and said, "You can buy meal tickets over there, do you have any money?"