Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1408 She is still young and does not understand your painstaking efforts

Lu Wanwan said: "I said some unpleasant things, which made him angry."

Zhou Mo was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Did you tell him that my mother is going to arrange a blind date for me?"

Lu Wanwan said: "No, but that's about it."

Zhou Mo suddenly wanted to know what they were talking about.

It's inconvenient for Lu Wanwan to say it clearly, because Zhou Mo didn't know the agreement Zong Qi and Jiang Man made privately.

If Sister Mo knew about Zong Qi's "Three No's Principles", then Sister Mo would definitely be sad.

"Sister Mo, I can only say, you must not bring up the blind date in front of Zong Qi, he will definitely not be able to stand the excitement."

Lu Wanwan tried it just now, it was just a hypothesis, and Zong was so angry that he almost vomited blood, not to mention it was true.

"I know! I must not say it!"

Seeing Lu Wanwan admonishing her seriously, Zhou Mo nodded hastily.

Lu Wanwan went on to say: "After I go back, I will complete the adoption procedures for Xiao Mian for you. Next time you come, you just need to sign and stamp on it, and we will go to the Public Security Bureau to get a notarization."

"Okay!" Zhou Mo raised a smiling face: "Wan Wan, thank you for fulfilling Zong Qi's wish."

Lu Wanwan said lightly, "I hope one day you won't blame me."

Zhou Mo didn't hear clearly: "What?"

The next second, there was a "ding" sound from the elevator, and a family came in noisily, separating Lu Wanwan and Zhou Mo.

Speechless all the way.

When the elevator door opened, Lu Wanwan walked out of the corridor, turned her head and said to Zhou Mo: "Sister Mo, please stay."

Zhou Mo followed behind Lu Wanwan and asked, "Wanwan, you haven't told me yet, how should I deal with my mother?"

Lu Wanwan looked at her: "Who vowed to be independent?"

Zhou Mo groaned: "I."

Lu Wanwan asked again: "Who said that you have to be the master for once?"

Zhou Mo said embarrassedly: "It's still me."

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "Well, that's why I trust you."

"Wan Wan, you are so cunning!" Zhou Mo stomped his feet.

Lu Wanwan winked at her: "You have to learn to overcome the fear and cowardice you have bred because you worship your godmother."

Zhou Mo thinks about it too, this kind of thing can't be done by others, besides, her mother is already dissatisfied with Wan Wan, if Wan Wan is allowed to go through this muddy water again, it will be unfair to Wan Wan.

"Wanwan, frankly speaking..." Zhou Mo looked at Lu Wanwan and said, "This is the first time I have resisted my parents in my life. These parents are the mayor and the mayor's wife.

So I adore them and fear them, but now that I've moved out, I've taken the first step,

If you are still hiding behind you and Zong Qi at this time, what kind of independence is it?Are you right? "

Lu Wanwan understands that Zhou Mo doesn't lack the determination to climb high mountains, but she lacks the courage to climb high mountains. As long as she overcomes the past this time, she will be considered a grown-up.

Although the world of adults is full of pain and parting, this is the whole picture of life.


Psychotherapy Center.

"Wan Wan, why did you come back alone? Where's Xiao Mian?"

Facing the teachers' questions, Lu Wanwan walked towards the office and replied, "Xiao Mian has decided to stay at Zong Qi and Zhou Mo's house."

"Really?" While the teachers were happy for Xiao Mian, they were unavoidably surprised: "Xiao Mian decided on her own?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "Well, I was sitting on the side at the time and heard her agree with my own ears."

In this way, the teachers did not ask any more questions.

After all, these days, Zong Qi and Zhou Mo's performance, they are all watching.

It is Xiaomian's blessing to be adopted by them.

However, the teachers were still very reluctant to think that the child they took care of was about to leave here: "Then Dean, will we not see Xiao Mian in the future?"

"How could it be?" After Lu Wanwan sat down, she remembered something and said, "Before, Sister Mo discussed with me to hire a teacher here. In the past, Jinxiu Jiangnan brought Xiao Mian to get acquainted with the nanny for a while. Who of you celebrates the New Year?" Do you have time?"

A life teacher said: "Wan Wan, I know Xiao Mian best, let me go."

Lu Wanwan agreed: "Okay, next time I go to Splendid Jiangnan, I will bring you with me."

After finalizing this matter, Lu Wanwan continued to ask: "By the way, how are Yi Song and Xin Rui doing recently?"

Talking about these two "problem children", the teachers no longer sighed like before, but smiled and said——

"Yi Song has recently become obsessed with playing with guns. Whenever he has time, he spends time in the gun training room, and communicates more with instructor Xiao.

Instructor Xiao took the opportunity to tell him a lot of principles of life, such as not pointing guns at others, and learning guns is not for killing people, but for protecting important people.

We think that such a smart kid as him should be more or less able to listen to it. "

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked, "What about Xinrui? Is she still running her own small group and isolating others?"

When the teachers talked about Xinrui, they laughed even harder——

"Not to mention Xinrui, since you made her a disciplinary committee member, she has been busy with class affairs every day, and has no time to start her own small group."

"Xinrui is beautiful and has a sweet mouth. The children like to come to her for anything, but as a disciplinary committee member, if she doesn't keep a bowl of water level, the children will complain and annoy her to death."

"Once, I accidentally heard Xinrui complaining secretly while collecting homework in the classroom, saying that she was a nanny to a group of little kids at a young age, and I almost died laughing."

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but smiled: "She must be scolding me, right? I put her up."

"This..." The teachers looked at each other, hesitating whether to tell the truth.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan showed a strange expression: "It seems that Xinrui really scolded me?"

The round-faced teacher who was acquainted with Lu Wanwan said, "Wanwan, we told you, don't be angry."

Lu Wanwan said with a gentle expression, "Okay, I promise I won't be angry."

The round-faced teacher then said: "Xinrui is indeed very resentful towards your arrangement, and said that you are patriarchal and deliberately retaliated against her for Yisong, and she also said..."

Lu Wanwan asked curiously, "What else did Xinrui say?"

The round-faced teacher sighed: "She also said that instead of staying here and being punished by you, it would be better not to come here in the first place. Wanwan, I think she is still young and doesn't understand your painstaking efforts."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly.

A teacher asked strangely: "Wan Wan, she said that about you, how can you still laugh?"

Lu Wanwan looked at them, and asked with a calm smile, "What do you think, what was Xinrui's attitude towards me before?"