Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1407 Everything you have now will disappear in an instant

The fortress that Xiao Mian erected in her heart has been broken down by Zong Qi and Zhou Mo!

She is willing to stay, in a new capacity.

That is the adopted daughter of Zong Qi and Zhou Mo!

If they always look the same, then she is willing to treat them as filial as her biological parents when she grows up.

"Xiao Mian..." For some reason, Zong Qi's eyes became moist.

He gently embraced the little one not far away, and restrainedly kissed her hair, both as an adopter and as a father.

Zhou Mo covered his throbbing heart, with a tone of wanting to laugh and cry: "Look at you, crying like a little cat, Aunt Zhou Mo thought you didn't want to stay!"

Xiao Mian stretched out her hand, wrapped one arm around Zong Qi's neck, put the other on Zhou Mo's arm, and looked at them obediently.

Seeing this, Zhou Mo's heart almost melted.

She had said earlier that her feelings and dependence on Xiao Mian were not as strong as Zong Qi.

But since the last time when Xiao Mian desperately defended her in front of her mother and asked her mother not to hurt her, Zhou Mo's mood changed a lot.

It turns out that children are such a wonderful "gift", a gift given to them by God.


After lunch, Zhou Mo took Xiao Mian to the children's room for a lunch break, leaving Zong Qi and Lu Wanwan sitting in the living room chatting.

Seeing Zongqi looking softly at the closed door, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Congratulations, your wish has been fulfilled."

Zong Qi withdrew his gaze, coughed weakly, and said, "Thank you, if you hadn't been trying to find a way to bring Xiao Mian, we wouldn't have kept her so smoothly."

Lu Wanwan picked up the water glass on the table and said with a faint smile: "If you want to thank, you can thank Sister Mo. Her every move will affect whether you can successfully adopt Xiao Mian."

"Yes, Mo'er and Xiao Mian are not related, but they unconditionally agreed to adopt Xiao Mian, and even specially bought toys for her from Europe." Zong Qi said, looking at the doll on the table.

"This is just one of them." Lu Wanwan said: "I saw just now that Sister Mo delivered strawberries to Xiaomian's mouth as soon as she got them. This kind of subconscious behavior is often the most touching."

Zong Qi was stunned, and said: "Yes, Mo'er is really thoughtful."

After a pause, he said sadly again: "The more I am with her, the less I feel that I am worthy of her."

Lu Wanwan held the bottom of the cup with one hand, and gently spun the cup with the other hand. After observing Zong Qi for a while, she suddenly asked, "Oh? If that's the case, then it's better for you to hand over Sister Mo to you." man, how about it?"

Zong Qi's expression froze, and he said excitedly, "No way!"

Lu Wanwan said: "Look, I'm just making a hypothesis. If you are so excited, then don't ask whether you are worthy of her, because even if you are not, you are reluctant to give her to another man. Isn't it?"

Zong Qi's ten fingers on his knees gradually curled up, as if enduring great unwillingness, he said after a while, "Yes, at least when I'm alive, I can't watch Mo'er fall into the arms of other men!"

After testing Zong Qi's attitude, Lu Wanwan immediately asked, "What about after death?"

Zong Qi's eyes trembled: "After death?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "If Sister Mo took Xiao Mian to marry another man, would you be so angry that you would jump out of the coffin?"

"Miss Lu, can you stop making assumptions?" Because Zong Qi just wanted to beat that man up just thinking about it!Not to mention keeping the promise with Jiang Man!

Lu Wanwan looked at his expression that was about to be driven crazy, and couldn't help asking: "It's very difficult, isn't it?"

Zong Qi was silent and did not speak.

Lu Wanwan sighed quietly: "That day, you promised the mayor's wife that you would not touch Sister Mo, not marry Sister Mo, and not delay Sister Mo's future happiness. You said that you only wanted to be roommates with Sister Mo, but now you What did you do to treat her as a roommate?"

Zong raised his eyebrows and frowned.

Lu Wanwan continued: "You asked her to help you win over Xiao Mian and help you raise Xiao Mian, but in the end you didn't even give her a title."

At some point, Zong Qi crossed his fingers together, revealing the entangled emotions in his heart.

For a long, long time—

Zong Qi loosened his fingers that were so tight and turned white, and said, "Don't talk about it, because Mo'er is so good, I can't selfishly delay her life."

Lu Wanwan almost sighed and asked, "In other words, you don't regret your agreement with the mayor's wife?"

Zong Qi's wavering mood became firm again: "Well, I don't regret it."

Lu Wanwan then laughed, and she really saw Zong Qi right.

How can a scientist who can make sacrifices for the country, like a layman, go back on his word?

Lu Wanwan moved her face and said: "Zong Qi, you are a real gentleman, I admire you very much! So, please show the spirit of doing scientific research and force yourself to live! Otherwise, everything you have now will disappear in a flash."

Who is Zong Qi?He quickly figured out the cause and effect: "Did you test me just now? You suspected that I would break the contract? That's why you tested me!"

After a pause, Zong Qi's voice tightened: "Did the mayor's wife tell you to do this? As soon as I say I regret dating her, she will immediately come and take Mo'er back?!"

Seeing that he seemed really angry, Lu Wanwan hurriedly explained: "I am not sent by the mayor's wife to test you, don't think too much about it!"

But Jiang Man has already regretted it!

Zong Qi was able to stick to his agreement with Jiang Man even after being shaken, which is commendable.

It also shows that she did not misunderstand the person.

"It's better not, or even if it's you, I'll be angry!" Zong Qi frowned and said very seriously.

At this moment, the door of the children's room was pushed open, and Zhou Mo came out, looking at them strangely: "Zong Qi, Wanwan, what are you talking about? I can hear your voices from the room."

When Zong Qi heard this, he glanced at Zhou Mo nervously.

Seeing her puzzled face, it can be seen that although she heard voices in the room, she didn't hear the specific conversation, so she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Wanwan picked up her coat and bag, and said to Zhou Mo: "It's nothing, Sister Mo, I'm going back. Thank you for your hospitality at noon."

Zhou Mo was surprised: "You are leaving so soon?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Well, I have to go to the treatment center to deal with other things."

"That little cotton..."

"Let her sleep."

Zhou Mo smiled after hearing Lu Wanwan's words, and then said, "Then I'll see you off."

Zong Qi was still angry with Lu Wanwan, so he didn't intend to get up and see him off.

Lu Wanwan didn't mind either. After putting on her shoes, she went downstairs with Zhou Mo.


In the elevator, Zhou Mo asked worriedly: "Wan Wan, what happened to you and Zong Qi?"