Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1406 If you can't learn to let go, you will never grow up

After Zhou Mo bit her lower lip, she asked, "What about my mother? Do you know that she is the real master of the mayor's mansion!"

"Mo'er, you don't have to abandon your original family for me. That's definitely not what I want to see."

Zong Qi is a person who urgently needs warmth, but if this warmth is obtained by absorbing Zhou Mo's family affection, then he will have a disturbed conscience.

Zhou Mo moved and said: "Zong Qi, I know you are doing it for my own good. To be honest, I am also reluctant to leave my parents and elder brother, but if I never learn to let go, I will never be able to grow up and will always accept my parents. arrangement, do you understand?"

The moment she left the mayor's mansion, she really realized the transformation from a "girl" to a "woman". She is well arranged.

She also wants to "rebel" once in a while, to be the master for herself once in a while!

Zong Qi looked at her complicatedly, and after a long time, he said: "Well, if one day, you want to go back to the mayor's mansion, then I will personally send you back. If you don't want to go back, then I won't force you."

"Well! Zong Qi, you are so kind, my mother treats you so well, but you..."

If it wasn't for Xiao Mian being caught between the two of them now, Zhou Mo really wanted to get into his arms, hug him, and kiss him.

"Your mother and I just have different positions, and it has nothing to do with right or wrong."

Compared to Zhou Mo who was already a little distracted, Zong Qi seemed very sober.

He had to wake up.

With his current physical condition, even if he wanted to do something, he would be powerless.

But in this way, he doesn't have to worry, he will violate the agreement with Jiang Man that day.

Zong Qi thought to himself mockingly.

"Uncle Zong Qi, Aunt Zhou Mo, I'm ready to dress up 'Princess Anna'!" At this moment, Xiao Mian's happy voice sounded among them.

Zong Qi and Zhou Mo came back to their senses one after another, praising Xiaomian for his ingenuity.

"No." Unexpectedly, Xiao Mian raised her pink face, looked at them and said, "Uncle Zong Qi and Aunt Zhou Mo accompanied me to dress up 'Anna' together. No 'Little Anna', become the beloved 'Princess Anna'!"

Xiao Mian's words were very childish, but they were sweet to the hearts of Zong Qi and Zhou Mo.

Zhou Mo couldn't help but "pop" on Xiao Mian's face, and with the strength in his heart, he said impulsively: "Xiao Mian, you stay and live with us, okay?"

After hearing this, Xiao Mian slowly lowered the hand holding the doll.

"Still...can't you?" Zhou Mo asked tremblingly.

If Zhou Mo's heart was filled with disappointment at this time, then Zong Qi's heart was filled with despair.

Because he didn't have that much time, he could wait for Xiao Mian to agree.

When he was in the bathroom just now, when he saw the gushing nosebleed through the mirror, his eyes were so flustered that he couldn't add any more.

He even had the idea of ​​asking Lu Wanwan to send him to the hospital for an operation right away!

As long as the bloody nosebleed can be stopped, Mo'er will not become suspicious, and Xiao Mian will not be frightened, he can do whatever he wants!

"Mo'er, wait a little longer."

"...Okay." After Zhou Mo gave him a wry smile, he cheered up and said to Xiao Mian, "Xiao Mian, it's because Aunt Zhou Mo likes you so much, that's why she was anxious to let you live with us, but I know you Everyone in the treatment center is reluctant, in that case, then Aunt Zhou Mo and Uncle Zong Qi, just wait until the day when you can also let go, okay?"

After hearing Zhou Mo's words, Xiao Mian couldn't help but respond: "Aunt Zhou Mo, I actually... like you and Uncle Zong Qi very much, but..."

"No need but, we understand!" Zhou Mo forced a smile and said, "Actually, we are very happy that you are willing to come here."

Xiao Mian looked at Zhou Mo, and then at the doll in her hand. She knew that Zhou Mo specially asked a friend to send this set of toys from Europe.

She also knew that Zong Qi specially arranged a room for her. There was a fish tank in her room, and a family of clownfish lived in it, just as Zong Qi expected.

These were all told by the dean on the way here.

Uncle Zong Qi and Aunt Zhou Mo wanted to adopt her from the bottom of their hearts, so they were willing to work hard on the details.

And the teachers in the treatment center have always taught them that they can’t get something for nothing, and they should say thank you to all those who have kindness to them.

But just saying "thank you" to Uncle Zong Qi and Aunt Zhou Mo, is that enough?

At this time, Lu Wanwan washed the strawberries and brought them to them.

After Zhou Mo picked up one, he immediately sent it to Xiao Mian's mouth: "Come on, Xiao Mian, open your mouth, ah~"

Seeing that Xiao Mian didn't open her mouth, Zhou Mo couldn't help looking at Zongqi: "Didn't you say that Xiao Mian's favorite fruit is strawberries?"

Zong Qi said, "Yes, her teacher told me."

Zhou Mo said depressedly: "Then why doesn't Xiao Mian eat?"

Zong Qi frowned, and said, "Do you think I dropped it on the ground before? How about I go to the supermarket downstairs to buy two new boxes."

Zhou Mo agreed: "Okay, then you go, remember to buy strawberries with cream! It's more delicious than ordinary strawberries."

"En." Zong Qi gently hugged Xiao Mian down, and stood up by himself.

In the end, a small hand suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes, and a choked voice sounded: "Uncle Zongqi...don't go..."

"Xiao Mian?" Zong Qi was stunned, and sat back in his seat: "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Mian pursed her mouth and looked at him and Zhou Mo with tears in her eyes. After a while, she couldn't hold back and asked, "Why do you treat me so well? I am obviously not your biological child..."

After Xiao Mian finished speaking, she burst into tears.

"!" Zong Qi and Zhou Mo were at a loss, just like the new parents in the world.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help secretly laughing at the scene where they were holding dolls and clumsily coaxing Xiao Mian, but in the end they were drowned by Xiao Mian's tears.

for a long time--

Xiao Mian's crying turned into sobbing, and she turned her big red eyes and said to Lu Wanwan in a low voice, "Dean, I want to stay..."

Hearing this, Zong Qi and Zhou Mo suddenly fell silent, but their hearts were beating wildly!

Zong Qi even covered his heart with his hands because he was too excited, and bent down slightly.

Listening to the drumming noise in his heart, Zhou Mo asked with some uncertainty: "Xiao, Xiaomian... What did you just say? Can, can you say it again?"

Lu Wanwan handed Xiao Mian a tissue and encouraged her, "Xiao Mian, tell Uncle Zong Qi and Aunt Zhou Mo what you think."

Xiao Mian wiped her tears with a tissue bigger than her own face, her eyes became firm and she said, "I said, I want to stay here and live with Uncle Zong Qi and Aunt Zhou Mo!"