Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1402 Maybe He Can Really Do It

Behind her was An An's questioning voice: "Mum, can we go?"

Lu Wanwan hurriedly said: "An'an, you go down first, Mommy will go down later."

"Okay." An An was itchy, and left without asking any more questions.

Lu Wanwan just turned over the wristband, and saw a circle of lead wrapped under the wrist cloth.

Li Jingchen was playing tennis with An An wearing a lead wristband?

She raised her eyes, looked at him, and asked complicatedly: "You still say that my loving mother has many failures, aren't you also releasing water?"

Li Jingchen didn't want to tell her at first, but if he didn't say anything else, this little woman would be so angry.

"Then referee, do you want to inform another contestant?"

Facing his playful expression, Lu Wanwan suddenly understood his good intentions: "I don't want it anymore, I don't want to hurt An An."

"So you forgive me?"

"You treat him so well, how can I blame you?"

Lu Wanwan thought that Li Jingchen was too strict with An An, but she never thought that he was also giving in to An An in his own way.

Seeing that she was looking at him embarrassedly, Li Jingchen purposely put on a straight face and asked, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Lu Wanwan said sincerely: "Well, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't be troublesome."

Through today's incident, Lu Wanwan found that gradually, Li Jingchen and An An didn't seem to need her to mediate. They have their own way of getting along, and what she thought was "for their own good" sometimes turned into bad things.

Li Jingchen turned his back again: "Then how are you going to comfort me?"

Lu Wanwan tugged at his sleeve: "I apologize, can't I?"

Li Jingchen followed her little hand and turned around again: "Apologizing is for children, not for adults."

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to ask, "Then what do you say?"

Li Jingchen then picked her up by the waist, gave her a deep kiss, and childishly wiped the sweat from his head on her neck. His excessive body temperature and the prickly touch of his hair made Lu Wan In the evening, I had the illusion that I was being held down by a jackal, tiger and leopard, acting hardcore and acting like a baby.

Finally, Li Jingchen had had enough of making trouble.

Lu Wanwan felt that she also stinks.

Of the three of them just now, she was the only one who stood comfortably aside as the referee, but now she smelled of Li Jingchen's sweat, and she still held a towel to wipe An An's sweat in her hand.

As a last resort, Lu Wanwan could only go back to her room and take a bath for herself.


After breakfast, Lu Wanwan proposed to go to the treatment center to do business. Li Jingchen knew about it last night, so he didn't say anything.

An An opened her mouth and asked, "Is Mommy coming home for dinner tonight?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Of course."

An An felt relieved: "That's good."

"Wait for Mommy to come back." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she took the time to go out.

After Lu Wanwan went out, Li Jingchen asked An An: "Why don't you follow?"

An An took a sip of milk and said, "Because Mommy said, she has a lot of things to do today, and I'm afraid she will be distracted to take care of me when I go."

Li Jingchen said: "Oh? You do have self-knowledge. "

An An was dissatisfied and said, "I've always been considerate of Mommy, okay?"

After Li Jingchen smiled, he asked, "Do you want to go with me to the Li Group?"

After hesitating for a while, An An said, "...No, it's not that I haven't visited it before, so I'd better stay at home and practice calligraphy."

Li Jingchen squinted his eyes: "Last time was the last time, this time is this time, it's different."

An An was puzzled: "Why did you suddenly ask me to go to your company?"

Because, ever since An An opened the red folder in his study, Li Jingchen was determined to hand over the company to him.

This strong feeling is different from the previous few times.

Before, Li Jingchen said that he would hand over the company to An An, more because An An was his own flesh and blood, and he had to do so, even if he forced An An.

But that day, An An opened the red folder that symbolized the future of the Li Group, and Li Jingchen saw a strong interest, even yearning, from his expression.

At that moment, he thought, maybe An An can really do it.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Li Jingchen said: "Because I said last night, I will find more time to accompany you."

How else to put it, since ancient times, how to keep people's hearts?

After An An was slightly moved, he wavered and said, "...It's not impossible for me to go to Li's Group with you, but you can't tell others that I am your son."

Li Jingchen hooked the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I promise not to say."


Li Group.

"Morning, Mr. Li!"

"Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li..."

The moment An An stepped into the lobby of Li's Group, he felt that he was probably dizzy.

How else would he agree to Li Jingchen and come to his company?

At this time, An An's brows became more and more wrinkled in the face of everyone's curious scrutiny.

Li Jingchen saw An An's irritability, maybe he would be clamoring to go home in the next second.

Therefore, Li Jingchen deliberately used aggressive methods: "Why, after being looked at for a few times, you are like a little girl, and you are twisting?"

An An really fell for the trap: "No way!"

"That's good." Li Jingchen pressed the elevator button. He has his own exclusive elevator, but he didn't take it today, but took the ordinary elevator with the staff.

In this way, An An became the object of much attention.

To be honest, in a confined space, the feeling of being stared at by everyone is definitely not good.

An An subconsciously leaned towards Li Jingchen, but in the next second, he realized that he should stay away from this man, otherwise he would not be able to explain clearly.

Finally, a high-level executive couldn't help asking: "Mr. Li, who is this kid beside you?"

Li Jingchen said lightly: "My family."


Everyone in the elevator was startled, Mr. Li was so silent, he actually got a child out?

But, who gave it to Mr. Li?It can't be his dead wife, can it?

Everyone was cold and humorous in their hearts.


As soon as the top floor arrived, An An immediately rushed out of the elevator.

Li Jingchen walked out of the elevator slowly behind him.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, An An turned around, rushed towards him, and asked angrily, "You did it on purpose!"

Li Jingchen asked Shi Shiran, "What's the intention?"

"You deliberately exposed my identity in front of them, you clearly promised me, you liar!"

An An was a little incoherent, fortunately he believed Li Jingchen once, but Li Jingchen lied to him!Bastard!

Li Jingchen said calmly: "I only told them that you are my child, but I didn't say that you are my son."

Without thinking about it, An An asked impatiently, "Is there any difference?"

Li Jingchen walked towards the office and said, "Of course it's different. 'Child' means you can be my nephew or my grandson."

An An froze for a moment, and went completely crazy: "You don't take advantage of me!"

grandson?Play super super with him, right? !