Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1403 I agree that he followed you

Inside the President's Office.

Zhou Yang, who was sorting out the documents, went to open the door immediately when he heard footsteps outside the door.

"President Li..." As soon as Zhou Yang finished speaking, he saw a little man forced to follow behind Li Jingchen. At first he thought he had misread: "...An An?"

An An originally walked awkwardly beside Li Jingchen, but when he saw Zhou Yang, he immediately remembered how Zhou Yang took care of him and his mother when he was renting a house in Jiuxi Tiandi, so he called out: "Uncle Zhou Yang, long time no see."

Zhou Yang glanced at Li Jingchen, hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen walked directly towards his desk, leaving Zhou Yang and An An behind.

Only then did Zhou Yang bend down and reminisce with An An: "It's been a long time since I saw you. How are you and Ms. Lu doing recently?"

An An sneaked a glance at Li Jingchen, saw that he started to read the documents, and then said softly: " life with Mommy is not bad."

After Zhou Yang nodded, he asked kindly, "Then why did you come to the company today?"

An An pursed her lips, as if she didn't want to say anything.

Zhou Yang then asked: "Could it be that President Li forced you to come here?"

An An shook her head: "No, I promised to come."

"Oh?" This was beyond Zhou Yang's expectation, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Jingchen.

As if he had a third eye, Li Jingchen looked away from the document and landed on Zhou Yang: "When we're done chatting, bring in a cup of coffee."

"Yes, Mr. Li." After Zhou Yang responded, he turned to An An and said, "It's working hours now, Uncle Zhou can't chat with you anymore. By the way, tell Uncle Zhou what you want to drink."

An An said, "Uncle Zhou, let me follow you, okay?"

Zhou Yang laughed: "What are you doing with me? Isn't the leather sofa here not fragrant?"

An An said: "Follow you, walk around and have a look, it's better than being bored here."

There is one thing to say, Mr. Li's aura fits perfectly with this office. After staying for a long time, it will indeed make people feel uncomfortable, so Zhou Yang usually finds something for himself to do, and when he has nothing to do, he will go out quickly.

"Then you have to get Mr. Li's permission. How about this? I'll make coffee, and you can ask Mr. Li, can you do it?" Zhou Yang looked at him and asked.

An An nodded: "Let me try."

After Zhou Yang left, An An turned around and came to Li Jingchen's desk, and quickly asked, "Well, can I follow Uncle Zhou Yang?"

While flipping through the documents, Li Jingchen asked, "the reason."

An An looked at him seriously and focused, without any nonsense, straight to the point and said: "I want to walk around, but you are busy."

Li Jingchen then said, "Yes."

"You agree?" An An didn't expect it to be so simple!

Li Jingchen gave a faint "um".

The purpose of bringing An An to Li's Group is to let An An look around.

It's good for An An to follow Zhou Yang. First, Zhou Yang and An An can coexist peacefully. Second, Zhou Yang is very clear about the affairs of the company. Zhou Yang can tell An An anything he wants to know.

And the most important thing is that Zhou Yang is his man, and Li Jingchen can rest assured that An An is entrusted to him.

After getting his consent, An An breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was in the mood to look around. Seeing two pots of prickly pears on Li Jingchen's desk, An An couldn't help asking: "Is this your prickly pear?"


"Is it real or plastic?"

Li Jingchen said, "Really."

An An's eyes widened slightly: "You know how to raise prickly pears?"

"Prickly prickly pears are not difficult to raise."

"No, what I mean is, you actually know how to grow prickly pears, such ordinary plants."

"Ordinary? It was given to me by your mother."

Li Jingchen said in a serious tone of "you'd better reorganize your wording".

As soon as An An heard that it was given by Lu Wanwan, she immediately leaned over and observed: "Look carefully, they are very cute, no wonder you keep them."

Li Jingchen didn't say anything.

An An looked at the cactus in front of her. It was only a small one, but it was covered with a layer of white thorns. It looked like a little hedgehog, cute and not easy to mess with.

As a result, when An An stretched out her hand and touched the cactus, she realized that its white thorns were soft and had no lethality at all.

The contrast between them made An An wonder: "I thought it would be very difficult."

Li Jingchen asked, "What did you say?"

An An said without raising her head: "I was almost deceived by its appearance... I thought it was hard, but it's actually quite soft."

After hearing this, Li Jingchen glanced at An An thoughtfully.

An An gave him the same feeling as this prickly pear, seemingly hard, but very soft in heart.

At the beginning, he was worried that his hands would be covered with blood. After a long time of contact, he realized that An An was more sensible than willful, accommodating others more than accommodating himself.

At this moment, Zhou Yang came in with a cup of coffee.

After putting it on Li Jingchen's desk, Zhou Yang secretly looked at An An, and finally heard Li Jingchen say: "Okay, don't flirt, I agree that An An will follow you today."

An An then said: "Uncle Zhou Yang, since he agreed, let's go out."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Yang pointed to the black sofa beside him, and said to An An: "I still have something to report to President Li, you go and sit there for a while."

"Okay." An An went obediently.

Zhou Yang then took his laptop and reported to Li Jingchen: "Mr. Li, at 9 o'clock later, you are going to hold a board meeting and make an annual summary.

After the meeting, you will meet with President Shi of Huaneng Corporation to discuss green energy cooperation next year.

At 12:[-] noon, you will have a meal with the presidents of the four major banks to discuss the loan amount of the company next year.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, you will meet with the person in charge of our technology branch,

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, you will meet with the representatives of the city government to receive the medal and pennant,

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the person in charge of Deepwater Harbor will come with a few business representatives, by the way, it's still in the afternoon... If President Li still has time,

You also need to meet with the company's shareholder representatives to thank them for their trust and support this year. "

Very busy……

Just listening to An Anguang, he felt that Li Jingchen was busy all day.

But Li Jingchen has to repeat these things day after day.

How did he do that?

An An stared blankly at Li Jingchen, seeing that his expression did not change when he heard the end, a feeling of admiration spontaneously arose.

At the end, Zhou Yang asked: "President Li, that's all for now, do you need me to leave the computer with you?"

"Well, let's put it here." Li Jingchen said.

"Then what's the matter, you contact me in time, I took An An out?" Zhou Yang made the final confirmation.