Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1401 The clown is actually herself?

An An suddenly stopped Lu Wanwan who was about to slip away, and asked, "Mummy, what did you tell him?"

Lu Wanwan felt even more guilty when she met his clear eyes.

"An'an, Mommy is really in a hurry."

"That's good! I'll go down to have breakfast with Mommy, and Mommy can talk while eating." An An said, and was about to put down the racket.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan had no choice but to bend down and explain: "Okay, okay, Mommy is telling you the truth... Mommy saw your arms and knees were scratched, so she took advantage of the intermission , go to him and ask him... to let you."

Although An'an had already guessed it in her heart, she was still a little unhappy when she heard Lu Wanwan say this: "Mum, how could you do this? You actually cheated for me!"

"Yeah, how could you do that?" Li Jingchen put his hands on the net and looked at Lu Wanwan playfully, probably because he didn't expect her to have today.

After Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen helplessly, she turned her head and said to An An: "Mummy saw you fall many times and got injured, so she did this."

An An raised her head and said seriously: "But Mommy, I fell worse before, but you didn't see it, but it doesn't matter, I know that wrestling is meaningful!"

Lu Wanwan asked: "Then what's the point of telling Mommy, besides the pain?"

An An said without hesitation: "I can learn something! As long as he is willing to teach me real skills, the number of times I fall is nothing at all, just pay the tuition fee!"

Lu Wanwan was taken aback.

An An went on to say: "And I can feel that when he played tennis with me before, he was mostly playing with me, but today he is serious! I am actually very excited. He no longer treats me like a child, but It's treating me like an opponent."

Although he is still weak, it doesn't mean that he likes that Li Jingchen has been ignoring him and teasing him.

For An An, it doesn't matter if you wrestle or scratch your skin. It's just that in order to write a strong pen with a pen, he has a sore wrist and pain in his fingers. He doesn't hesitate, as long as he can really learn something.

After Lu Wanwan heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry and thought, after a long time, the clown was actually herself?

In the next second, Lu Wanwan held An An's two little hands and said sincerely: "Okay, it's Mommy's fault, she underestimated you, Mommy apologizes to you, and Mommy will definitely not cheat when you play in the future , okay?"

An An simply said: "I want to see Mommy's performance now!"

After Lu Wanwan was stunned, she came to her senses and said, "Do you want Mommy to continue to be the referee for you?"

"Well! I want Mommy to see with my own eyes how I scored in his hands! The kind that is upright!" Although An An is small, she is very ambitious.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay."

An An turned around and said to Li Jingchen: "I've made an agreement with Mommy! She promised me that she would not help me cheat again. Also, I just haven't touched the racket for more than a week. I'm just a little rusty. After the warm-up in the first half , my touch has returned, you don't have to show mercy."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows. This kid is first-rate in terms of self-control and self-regulation.

Just like last night, waiting for them to come back for supper and waiting until 11 o'clock, a normal child, neglected by his parents, hungry, probably crying and fussing, as a result, he used a bowl of glutinous rice red date porridge, and soon coaxed.

This is self-control.

Looking at the present, after learning that Wan Wan cheated for him, An An can still control her emotions and not make a scene with Wan Wan. This kind of self-regulation ability may not be uncommon in an adult. In a child, it is rare and precious.

On the other hand, the children who grew up in Li's parents, whether it is him, Li Xiangchen, Li Qingling, Li Xuyang, or Li Xiuqi, all have more or less character defects. The reasons are nothing more than family reasons and premature birth. Get in touch with the dark side of society.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling Li Jingchen was, he had to admit that Fu Shuo laid An An's foundation very well, made him self-controlled and kind enough, and made it easier for him to guide An An.


"5 to 21, okay, the game is over!" Since Lu Wanwan didn't understand the rules of tennis, she didn't choose the way of winning points, but counted how many balls they won each other. In the end, An An followed Li Jingchen's 3 balls won in the field.

When An An heard that she had won 5 balls, she murmured to herself, "He didn't shave his head like he did the first time..."

"Shaved head", as the name suggests, means that the score is beaten into a big duck egg.

An An was so excited: "Mum! Did you see it? I won! I won 5 balls from him!"

Seeing An An who was screaming and dancing in front of her, Lu Wanwan picked up a towel beside her, knelt down and wiped his little face: "Mummy saw it, baby is awesome!"

Probably because he was in a good mood after winning, An An obediently closed his eyes and let Lu Wanwan wipe his face for him.

Afterwards, he opened his eyes and said, "Mum, today must be because of you cheering me on. I feel like I have endless energy."

Lu Wanwan's heart warmed: "It's my baby who strives for success."

After An An chuckled, she suddenly scratched her back with her hands and said, "Mum, I feel a little itchy..."

Lu Wanwan immediately said, "Turn around and let Mommy see."

"Yeah." An'an turned around, and Lu Wanwan found that the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat, it was winter.

It is conceivable how much exercise is involved in this sport.

Lu Wanwan said decisively: "Mommy will take you to take a hot bath."

As a result, when she turned around with An An, a tennis racket stopped in front of her, and Li Jingchen's lazy voice sounded: "Referee, you also take care of me."

Lu Wanwan squinted at him, wanting to ask him if he's okay?Who didn't give An An water just now, and betrayed her in front of An An?

"Didn't you have a good time?"

As Lu Wanwan said, she glanced at Li Jingchen's handsome face and saw that he didn't sweat much, so she didn't have to worry.

Li Jingchen glanced down at An An: "Happy is happy, but tired is really tired."

Lu Wanwan asked, "Then what do you want?"

Li Jingchen said: "Why don't you wipe my sweat for me too."

Lu Wanwan asked, "Are you sweating?"

Li Jingchen knew that she was still blaming him for not giving An'an any water, so he said, "Then help me take off the wristband, will that be all right?"

Lu Wanwan asked, "Can't you take it yourself?"

Li Jingchen lowered his hand and pretended to say, "I can't lift my hand anymore."

After Lu Wanwan glared at him angrily, she took a step forward and took off his wristband.

As a result, the wristband was heavy, which was beyond Lu Wanwan's expectation.