Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1400 I'm not like you, hard-hearted

Now he pretended not to know anything, was he trying to induce her to say Fu Shuo's name?Wouldn't it work to hit her back with Bai Qingluo?


With the lessons learned from last time, Lu Wanwan will never be fooled!

"You don't remember what you said yourself, so how can I remember it." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she began to concentrate on washing the dishes.

The smile on Li Jingchen's face deepened. It seems that the last time he used Bai Qingluo's name to fight, the results were remarkable.


The next morning.

Because An'an had a bad mood last night, Lu Wanwan didn't go out immediately after breakfast, but went up to the top floor to watch An'an and Li Jingchen play tennis.

This was the first time she saw them playing tennis, so she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"I'll be the referee for you." Lu Wanwan stood aside and said.

Li Jingchen was standing in the field wearing a wristband. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said softly, "No, just sit by and watch."

"Why not?"

Facing Lu Wanwan's question, Li Jingchen said calmly, "Because that kid is doomed."

Although this is the case, An An still has to face with Mommy watching today: "I haven't fought yet, how do you know I'm going to lose."

"The facts of the past told me." Li Jingchen said.

An An looked behind the racket and shouted: "I'm ready! Let the horse come here!"

But Li Jingchen pointed to the small yellow ball at his feet, and reminded: "Just now you tossed the coin, you should serve the ball."

An An was embarrassed, and the will that had just been ignited vented a little.

After Lu Wanwan couldn't help but laugh, she said, "Baby, come on!"

As a result, An An and Li Jingchen both turned their heads to look at her when they called "Baby".


Before An An could respond, Li Jingchen's voice sounded: "I will work hard to defeat him."

"..." An An said something loud, and she knew that Mommy was calling him, right?

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips, and also looked at Li Jingchen inexplicably.

Li Jingchen seemed to have misunderstood her meaning: "What's the matter, baby, do you not believe in my strength?"

Lu Wanwan helped her forehead, and said: "...I believe, I believe it, can't I?"

Thus, the game officially began.

Probably because of Lu Wanwan's presence, the two men played very seriously.

But An An is a rookie in the tennis world after all. He lacks skills, height and strength, so he was soon beaten by Li Jingchen.

Seeing An An chasing the ball until he fell several times, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but feel distressed: "Okay, intermission!"

Hearing this, after Li Jingchen killed An An with a smash, he looked at Lu Wanwan: "Wanwan, we don't have a halftime break."

"Now." Lu Wanwan said, "I am the referee."

"Okay." Li Jingchen was forced to accept this setting, and asked, "Referee, I want to drink water, is that okay?"

"No problem." Lu Wanwan grabbed the mineral water on the side and threw it to him.

"It's really rough." After Li Jingchen raised his hand to hold the mineral water, he smiled and shook his head.

After Lu Wanwan glanced at him angrily, she took a bottle of mineral water and sent it to An An.

After panting heavily for a while, An An took the mineral water and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Thank you, Mommy."

"Drink slowly."

After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she suddenly saw that An An's arms and knees were scratched, she couldn't help getting up and coming to the opposite side of Li Jingchen, and said to him through the Internet: "Li Jingchen, can I discuss something with you?"

Li Jingchen put down the mineral water and said, "Huh?"

Lu Wanwan quickly said: "You let him order."

"What?" Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes after hearing this.

Lu Wanwan thought he didn't hear clearly, so she grabbed the net with her hands, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear: "I hope you give way to my son, his arms and knees are injured."

Li Jingchen was nervous first: "What injury?"

Lu Wanwan said: "It's scratched."

Li Jingchen calmed down: " this considered an injury?"

Lu Wanwan asked: "Then what else is it?"

Li Jingchen said with a half-smile: "Just because he scratched his skin, you want me to let him go. Are you a referee like you?"

Afraid of being heard by An An, Lu Wanwan hurriedly said, "Speak up!"

Clinker, the more nervous she is, the more Li Jingchen wants to tease her: "Why don't the referee give me some favors and let me just admit defeat?"

Lu Wanwan said: "If you just admit defeat, An'an will know that there is a ghost inside."

"So the referee wanted me to play match-fixing." After a pause, Li Jingchen swept Lu Wanwan's lips with explicit eyes: "I understand, you can start to bribe me."

Lu Wanwan beat him angrily.

Li Jingchen made a gesture and shouted: "The referee hit someone."

Lu Wanwan put down her hand resentfully, and said angrily, "Do you have any sense of being an adult at all?"

Li Jingchen finally stopped teasing her: "My son didn't cry out for pain, why are you so anxious?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I feel bad."

Li Jingchen said: "A woman's benevolence."

"Yes, I'm not like you, with a heart of stone."

"Lovely mothers have many losers."

"Strict father...uh, strict father..." Lu Wanwan thought hard about the disadvantages of "Strict Father".

In the end, I heard Li Jingchen say: "A strict father produces a filial son."

"..." Lu Wanwan: I'm so angry.

At this time, An An's voice came: "Mum, I have a rest, have you finished talking?"

"Well, we're done talking." Lu Wanwan turned her head and finished talking to An An, before reminding Li Jingchen: "Put some water."

After Li Jingchen gave her a meaningful look, the second half of the game started.

As a result, this time, An An scored as soon as he served the ball.

It was so easy that even Lu Wanwan, who couldn't play tennis, was dumbfounded.

Accompanied by the sound of the little yellow ball landing on the opposite side, An An was shocked: "Impossible, you can't even catch my serve!"

Lu Wanwan: "..."

She just asked Li Jingchen to release some water, and didn't ask him to open the gate directly to prevent flooding!

If An An can't see that there is a ghost here, she will be named after Li Jingchen!

"I didn't realize it for a while, can't I?" Li Jingchen asked.

"Really?" An An suspiciously took out another ball from her trouser pocket, and kicked it off just like before.

Li Jingchen swung his racket, but "regretfully" failed to catch it again.

An An frowned lightly: "What's wrong with you? Suddenly changed from Popeye to muscle weakness?"

Li Jingchen grabbed the grid of the tennis racket, and said black-bellied: "Well, you have to ask the referee."

"Referee?" An An was stunned, and looked at Lu Wanwan: "Mommy! What's going on here?"

Being stared at by Li Jingchen and An An, one big and one small, with exceptionally good faces, Lu Wanwan felt a lot of pressure: "Ah... I suddenly remembered that I have to go to the treatment center today, the time is almost up, so Mommy is leaving first." !You play!"