An An, who smelled the scent of supper, had a frenzied stomach spasm.

He felt ashamed to death, but Li Jingchen found out that he was hungry until now because he didn't want to eat dinner alone.

On the other side, the devil whispered from time to time: "Why, aren't you hungry enough? Then your mommy and I won't leave it for you, we'll eat it all."

"Wait, wait a minute." An An turned around immediately, expecting to see Li Jingchen's mocking and hateful smile, but he just handed the spoon to his mouth and said, "Open your mouth, I'll feed you." you."

Tonight's supper is sweet porridge.

When An An opened her mouth, she could eat the stewed sweet jujube and soft black glutinous rice.

After he swallowed, he took a look at Lu Wanwan.

Sitting next to him, Lu Wanwan said softly, "It's Mommy's fault. I got together with my colleagues too late, so I didn't come back early to accompany you."

An An hurriedly said, "It's not Mommy's fault."

Li Jingchen said, "That's my fault?"

"It's not your fault." An An glanced at Li Jingchen, and said with some unspeakable complexity: "I'd better get out of bed and eat by myself."

"Yes." Li Jingchen didn't force him.

After Lu Wanwan got out of bed with An An's little arm, Li Jingchen put the snack in front of him and let him eat by himself.

As soon as An An tasted the sweet porridge, her mood began to warm up as her stomach began to warm up, and she began to talk more: "Mum, let's go to the small kitchen outside to eat? Don't drip on the floor and stain the carpet."

Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen looked at each other and said, "Okay."

The three of them came to the small kitchen outside and ate around a small round table.

During the process, An An was always a little apprehensive. He was afraid that Mommy and the others would ask, why did they wait for them to come back hungry for supper?Then he really didn't know how to answer.

In fact, at the beginning, he only said that he would wait for them to come back for supper because he was bored.

But he didn't expect that it would be 11 o'clock.

He was depressed and hungry, thinking for a while whether he should just run downstairs to eat, and lying on the bed dizzy for a while, thinking, if not, just go to sleep, and he won't be hungry when he falls asleep.

And it's all because, after An An moved into Li's house, Li Jingchen went home after get off work every day, and sometimes even came back earlier than Lu Wanwan, which made An An get used to his existence.

Although An An didn't say anything, he actually saw everything in his eyes.

As a result, Li Jingchen suddenly didn't go home for dinner, which made An An feel uncomfortable.

And this incompatibility, accompanied by Lu Wanwan's inability to come back to have dinner with him, was magnified infinitely, and even made An An feel strangely uneasy about "was he abandoned by them?"

Now, Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen are by his side, eating sweet porridge together, while An An feels at ease, but at the same time feels a little ashamed, he shouldn't lose his temper.

Compared with An An's fast eating speed, both Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen ate very slowly. After all, when they were socializing tonight, it can be said that they had enough food and drink. If it wasn't for accompanying An An, they would like to wash their hands even more now. Wash and sleep.

"Hic!" An'an was the first to put down the bowl and burped.

Lu Wanwan asked: "Do you want more?"

An An shook her head: "No more, Mommy."

Lu Wanwan touched his belly, and after confirming that it was bulging, she felt relieved and said, "Mummy promises to go home as soon as possible."

An An was even more embarrassed: "Mum, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be willful..."

"It's okay." Lu Wanwan looked at him gently: "Mommy hasn't seen you acting like a baby for a long time."

"Mummy..." An An blushed slightly, thinking that Mummy is always gentle, and described his waywardness as coquettish.

Lu Wanwan patted his head and said, "Mommy will officially have a holiday tomorrow, and I will have more time to spend with you, and so will he."

"Huh?" An An subconsciously glanced at Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen nodded and said, "My company is one day later than your mommy. We will have a meeting tomorrow and we will be on vacation after the annual summary."

What does An An want to say has nothing to do with him?But the way Li Jingchen told him the plan seriously made him unable to bear to say so.

After a while, he choked out an "oh", indicating that he knew.

"Next, I, like your mommy, will spend more time with you and won't let you be alone."

Like a kitten whose tail has been stepped on, An An looked away in a panic, and said to Lu Wanwan, "Mum, I'm full, I'm going to bed first, good night!"

"An'an..." Before Lu Wanwan could speak, An'an went back to her room and closed the door.

An An, who closed the door, sprinted all the way and fell on the bed, thinking in a daze, Li Jingchen was right, he was really afraid of being alone.

Ever since Mommy divorced Daddy and brought him to rent a house in S city, he has been enduring this kind of loneliness.

And when he received the bomb box and couldn't move, this kind of loneliness directly escalated to the loneliness of being the only one left in the world.

To be honest, he was scared.

Fear of being alone for too long, fear that the adults at home will never come back...

at the same time--

Lu Wanwan turned away the maid and looked at Li Jingchen quietly.

Li Jingchen asked, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked, "What do you think of An An, what happened tonight?"

"Could it be... miss us?" Li Jingchen asked with some uncertainty.

Lu Wanwan said with relief: "That's right, he just misses us."

Li Jingchen was not too happy too early: "Are you sure including me?"

Lu Wanwan smiled: "Otherwise? If you think about it, An An's performance after returning from City Y this time, is it almost trying to curry favor with you?"

Li Jingchen thought about it, from An An going to the gym to wait for him every morning, to sending the copybook to his study in advance every day, it was all his personal behavior, no one forced him.

"It seems to be the case."

"I said, you are good to him, he will not know, not to mention that you have gone through the test of life and death with him." Lu Wanwan finished with a smile and began to clear the dishes on the table.

Li Jingchen asked in a daze: "You mean..."

Lu Wanwan said: "An'an is starting to cling to you, don't you feel it?"

Li Jingchen laughed, took the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, and put them into the sink: "I treat him like this, and he is still willing to stick to me? Isn't that right?"

Lu Wanwan came to his side and began to wash the dishes: "Don't pretend to be mean, didn't you say it yourself?"

"What did I say?" Li Jingchen, who was pushed aside, folded his arms and looked at her with a smile.

Lu Wanwan knew that this man had always been black-bellied, and he said it himself. He couldn't be a loving father like Fu Shuo, so he could only use a way of education that was completely opposite to Fu Shuo's to make An An remember him.