Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1398 Everyone is good, come to accompany him quickly

Fan Hai was stunned by Lu Wanwan's operation: "I haven't eaten yet, and you ask me for money, can I do without you?"

Lu Wanwan said seriously: "That's not sure. You've lost money in stocks and spent all your year-end bonuses. I have reason to suspect that you won't be able to come up with pocket money."

Fan Hai couldn't stand the insult, so he immediately took out his wallet, opened it, counted a few banknotes, and slapped them on Lu Wanwan's desk: "400 yuan! Is that enough?"

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan collected the money naturally, found Haitian Yishi's front desk number, and called to make an appointment.

Because of her internship experience in the Jinzhao Hotel, she was familiar with these things, and she even asked Haitian Yishi to prepare the stage in advance, lest Mr. Mu and several directors had to give a speech on a whim, and there was no place to play.


In the evening, the sun set low.

Then the off-duty bell rang.

Lu Wanwan just took out her mobile phone, called Li's house, and said softly to An An, "Honey, Mommy won't be home for dinner tonight."

An An quickly asked, "Huh? Is Mommy going on a date with him again?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "No, the Mommy department has dinner tonight."

An An said: "That's it... that's fine."

"You have to eat obediently and not picky eaters, you know?"

"Well, I see, I love you!"

Lu Wanwan said softly, "Mummy loves you too."


Li house.

Just as An An learned that Lu Wanwan had a department dinner tonight, Li Jingchen also called back a while later, saying that he was going to entertain several bosses of listed companies and that he could not come back for dinner.

"'s okay, I'm fine, that's all, goodbye."

Having said that, An'an was a little unhappy. Counting yesterday, he was released as a pigeon for two consecutive nights!

The maid at the side said: "Young master, since neither the husband nor the eldest mistress are free to come back, you should wash your hands and go eat."

"Oh." After An An washed her hands, she sat at the long table, looked at the two empty seats, and suddenly raised her head and said to the maid who served the dishes: "Sister, I'm so bored, can you eat with me? "

The maid put the dishes away and said, "This is not appropriate, young master."

After An An sighed, she propped her cheek with one hand, picked up the chopsticks with the other hand, poked the white rice in the bowl, and poked a hole in it after a while.

Obviously there is his favorite big chicken drumsticks in front of him, but what An An thinks is, everyone is good, come back and be with him soon!

Seeing this, the maid warned softly: "Young master, don't waste food like this."

"Understood." An An then picked up a few grains of rice with chopsticks and sent them to his mouth, but only one grain was dropped on the way.

The maid had something to say again: "Young Master..."

"I know - I know -" An An interrupted her lazily with a long voice.

The maid had no choice but to stand aside and look at him.

After An An listlessly picked up half a bowl of rice, she thought of something, put down her chopsticks and said, "I'm full."

The maid worried: "Young master, you only ate half a bowl of rice, isn't it enough?"

But An An said: "Sister, after my mommy and the others come back, you can ask me to come down for supper! That's the deal!"

After finishing speaking, An An rubbed off her chair and went upstairs without looking back.


However, it was already 11 o'clock when Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen came back from socializing.

Lu Wanwan was fine, she hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol, but Li Jingchen was forced to drink because he pushed the bosses of several listed companies to have a dinner party yesterday.

After returning home, the two looked at each other, and Lu Wanwan asked, "Have you been drinking?"

Li Jingchen gave a soft "um".

"Then you go take a bath first, I'll see if An An has slept." Lu Wanwan said.

"Okay." After Li Jingchen agreed, he went upstairs and asked, "Tomorrow is a holiday, what are your plans?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I want to take Xiaomian to Sister Mo and Zong Qi's house."

Li Jingchen asked: "Aren't you going to spend time with your son at home?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said, "Zongqi's illness is imminent. Xiao Mian went to visit him. Maybe he can gain some strength to live."

The two talked and reached the second floor.

Lu Wanwan pointed to An An's room, and said softly: "In the past, An An didn't like Fu Shuo drinking while socializing, and I think it's the same for you."

Li Jingchen nodded: "I see."

After finishing speaking, he went to take a bath in cooperation.

Lu Wanwan then unscrewed the door of An'an's room. The light was on, and she saw the little guy curled up on the bed at a glance.

Lu Wanwan felt strange, An An didn't usually sleep like this, did she have a nightmare?

"Honey, are you asleep?"

An An, who heard the movement, turned around, put her hands on her belly, and said aggrieved and pitifully, "Mummy, I'm so hungry."

Lu Wanwan hurried over and asked, "What's wrong?"

An An took the opportunity to get into her arms, and cried, "Mum, why are you coming back now? I'm starving to death..."

"What?" Lu Wanwan didn't understand, how could he be starving to death?This is in the Li residence.

She touched An'an's head, and said in a warm voice: "No fever? What's going on? Is it a stomachache? Take your hands away and let Mommy see, okay?"

As a result, An An whimpered, didn't speak clearly, and refused to let Lu Wanwan touch her stomach, just like a kitten throwing a temper tantrum for no reason.

Lu Wanwan looked worriedly at An An who was pillowing on her thigh, curled up like a shrimp, with a look of lovelessness.

"Wanwan, I've finished washing, it's your turn..." At this time, Li Jingchen's voice sounded outside the door, seeing that An'an was still up, he walked in automatically and said, "You can take a bath, he will take it to me." .”

Lu Wanwan said to him, "But I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, wondering what's so difficult about it?

In the next second, An'an covered herself with a quilt, turned her back, and kept a small butt facing them.

Li Jingchen was not used to him, so he stretched out his hand to lift the quilt: "It's so good, what's your temper?"

The maid waiting outside came in in time and explained: "Young Master, Young Mistress, it's like this... In order to wait for you to come back for supper, Young Master only ate half a bowl of rice tonight. Come back, let him be hungry until now, this hungry, it is inevitable that he will not be able to control his temper."

Li's house is huge, but very deserted. Even Li Jingchen sometimes feels desolate at night, let alone An An, a child.

Li Jingchen's heart softened, and he asked, "Is the supper ready?"

The maid said: "Ready, I'll wait for you and the eldest mistress to come back."

Li Jingchen nodded and said, "Bring in the midnight snack."

The maid was taken aback: "Bring it in?" No one knew that Li Jingchen had a slight obsession with cleanliness.

"En." Li Jingchen affirmed.

After the maid did so, Li Jingchen picked up a bowl of supper from the tray, and deliberately slapped it in An'an's direction: "Is it delicious? Do you want to eat? Turn around."