Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1397 Are you scared now?That's too late

When Luo Ye and Lu Wanwan were discussing where to have dinner tonight, the office landline suddenly rang.

Fan Hai was upset at first, but now he punched his hands, knocked on the desk with his knuckles, and said, "Hi, the phone is ringing, answer it."

Luo Ye turned around, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Leader, you are close, can you take it?"

As the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling person with your hand, and this is indeed the case, so Fan Hai could only mutter "Are you the leader or am I the leader?" before getting up to answer the phone.

"Hey! What's the matter?" Fan Hai just stared at Luo Ye, not looking at who was calling, but in the next second, he heard a voice from the other side——

"It's me, Fan Hai, you are so angry."

"Mu, Mr. Mu?" Fan Hai stumbled on his tongue, quickly corrected his attitude, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Mr. Mu said: "I called you because I want you to inform the department to arrange a dinner party tonight."

Fan Hai glanced at Lu Wanwan and Luo Ye, and deliberately said: "Well, I don't think it's necessary anymore, Luo Ye has already talked to Manager Lu, and I'm in a hurry to get together before get off work, I don't think it's appropriate, Did not participate in their topic."

Mr. Mu said "Oh?"

Fan Haila grew his ears, waiting for Mr. Mu to blame Lu Wanwan and Luo Ye for neglecting their duties!

Mr. Mu asked: "Then have they discussed where to have dinner tonight?"

Fan Hai replied: "This... I didn't participate, so I don't know."

Mr. Mu said inexplicably: "Then you can ask them for me."

Fan Hai couldn't figure out Mr. Mu's intentions, but from what he knew, Mr. Mu didn't like employees who were lazy and slippery during working hours, so after putting down the microphone, he came to Lu Wanwan's desk with the mentality of watching the show, and asked road--

"Manager Lu, President Mu asked me to come over and ask you, have you negotiated a place for dinner tonight?"

Luo Ye's face tightened: "Is it President Mu's call?"

Fan Hai looked at him gloatingly, and said, "Are you afraid now? It's too late, Mr. Mu already knows that you are in our office."

Luo Ye was young after all, so he immediately looked at Lu Wanwan nervously, blaming him for coming to discuss with Lu Wanwan before he got off work, but now he hit Mr. Mu's gun!

Lu Wanwan thought for a while, then straightened up and said, "I'll answer the phone. If President Mu blames me, I will apologize to him."

"Manager, don't go! I came to discuss with you. Even if Mr. Mu wants to blame, he should blame me!" Luo Ye didn't want to drag Lu Wanwan into trouble.

"Usually, superiors criticize subordinates. My superior is Mr. Mu, and your superior is me. Even if you want to criticize, I should criticize you."

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan went to answer the phone by herself.

Fan Hai sneered, Mr. Mu hates employees who make jokes during working hours the most. Now, even if Lu Wanwan is the celebrity in front of Mr. Mu's eyes, he will inevitably be scolded.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, it's me."

"Manager Lu?" After hearing her voice, President Mu asked, "I asked Fan Hai to ask you, have you negotiated a place for dinner tonight? What do you say?"

"It's been discussed, we will have a buffet at Haitian Yise." Lu Wanwan said, and said politely: "Is Mr. Mu coming?"

I thought Mr. Mu was going to start complaining, but he agreed straight away: "Okay!"

Lu Wanwan was slightly startled: "What did you say?"

Mr. Mu smiled and said: "I forgot to mention yesterday, this year your department was rated as the best department in the whole company. I and several other directors are going to have dinner with you tonight to reward you. Considering that you chose to eat the buffet, it seems that my year-end bonuses this year are not enough?"

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses and said, "Mr. Mu is serious. Luo Ye and the others are just a group of young people who haven't formed any consumption concepts yet, and the place they chose is relatively down-to-earth."

Mr. Mu said with relief: "The down-to-earth attitude is good, which shows that they are down-to-earth and willing to work. It is my company's blessing!"

Lu Wanwan said self-consciously: "But Mr. Mu, we started discussing where to have dinner before we got off work. After all, it's not very good. You can criticize me."

"Hey, it's understandable during the special period. Just punish your department and invite me to a buffet tonight!" Mr. Mu said.

Lu Wanwan responded straight away: "That's a good thing."

"Okay, then it's settled." President Mu finished speaking and ended the call.

When Lu Wanwan turned around, Fan Hai's gloomy eyes and Luo Ye's worried and self-blaming eyes met him.

"Manager, what did President Mu say? Did he scold you?"

Fan Hai looked like an idiot, glanced at Luo Ye, and thought, isn't this obvious?Mr. Mu is the one who can investigate and dismiss even the vice president of the company if he wants to, will he feel sorry for Lu Wanwan?

As a result, Lu Wanwan showed a relieved smile: "Mr. Mu said that we will go to Haitian Yise for a dinner with us tonight."

Luo Ye was dumbfounded: "What—?!"

The expression on Fan Hai's face froze, and he said in astonishment, "This is impossible!"

Lu Wanwan said: "In the past, it was impossible."

After all, Mr. Mu has a hot temper and can't tolerate sand in his eyes, but: "Because our department was rated as the best department in the company this year, that's why we won this honor."

"So that's it!" Luo Ye understood, and was very grateful for the achievements of the department this year!Let him make up for it in front of President Mu!

"Manager, does Mr. Mu really want to have dinner with us tonight?"

Faced with Luo Ye's unsure expression, Lu Wanwan said with certainty: "Really, you should go back and inform other people in the department."

"Okay! I'll inform everyone right away!" Luo Ye left excitedly.

Lu Wanwan and Fan Hai were left to look at each other, Lu Wanwan looked calm, but Fan Hai felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Fan Hai." Suddenly, Lu Wanwan called out.

Ever since she knew that Fan Hai and Liu Yihui had coveted most of the department's year-end awards, Lu Wanwan started calling him by his first name.

With a fake smile on his face, Fan Hai asked, "Manager Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Wanwan asked calmly, "Are you going to have dinner tonight?"

"To...or not to go?" Fan Hai was also worried.

He is now in the department and is an unwelcome presence.

Even Mr. Mu, who has always been upright, has been "corroded" by Lu Wanwan, and has become a member of the "colleague" with Lu Wanwan. If he goes, he will only stare blankly.

But if you don't go, in case Mr. Mu asks...

Lu Wanwan interrupted his entanglement: "If you go, I'll make an appointment for you. If you don't go, I'll tell Mr. Mu for you. You're not feeling well. You're going home to rest. You What do you think?"

In order not to offend the leader, Fan Hai endured his nausea and went: "Go."

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she stretched out her hand to him: "Then pay the money, 400 yuan per person, you can eat all you can eat lobster and sea urchin."