Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1391 They Think They Are Smart

After hearing what the leader of the production department said, Mr. Mu gently pulled the red envelope towards him and asked, "You mean, your department can't do it?"

Lu Wanwan deeply felt the difficulty of getting the year-end award.

The leader of the production department quickly said: "It can be done! It's just that it will be too hard for the workers who guard the production line. If possible, I hope Mr. Mu can allocate more funds to our department in the coming year so that we can subsidize the production line." Worker!"

"Well, what you said makes sense." The hand that was holding the red envelope with the leader of the production department finally let go.

The leader of the production department finally got the department's year-end award. He just showed a smile, and the next second, he saw Mr. Mu grabbed another stack of red envelopes from the pile of red envelopes like a small hill, and handed them to him: "Don't wait!" In the coming year, this is another subsidy I gave to the workers on the production line, and you can help me distribute it to them."

The leader of the production department took it without the slightest hesitation, and said, "Okay, Mr. Mu, don't worry! I will definitely convey your concern for the production line workers!"

Lu Wanwan on the side opened her eyes wide, thinking that there is still such an operation?

No wonder, Fan Hai told her to come up quickly, it was late, but not so much.

That's what it meant.

Lu Wanwan glanced to both sides, who was the first one to come up?

Mr. Mu continued to roll the roll: "Next, from the Quality Inspection Department..."

Taking advantage of the gap when others went up to change, someone said——

"It will be my turn soon, and I have already figured out how to talk to President Mu more about this, how about you?"

"I prepared it last night. Mu is always a temperamental person. As long as I sell him a bad deal, I don't believe he won't give me more money!"

Good guy!

Lu Wanwan, who heard this from the side, showed a disdainful expression, but according to the order of the queue, if they were greedy for one more red envelope, she would ask for as many red envelopes as possible. For the sake of the employees in her department, Lu Wanwan had to use her brain , also began to make a miserable draft.

When it was Lu Wanwan's turn, there were only 3 red envelopes left on Mr. Mu's desk? ? ?

Lu Wanwan was afraid that she might be wrong, so she rubbed her eyes.

Mr. Mu looked at her with satisfaction, and said, "Manager Lu, your department has performed very well this year, beyond my imagination, so I not only prepared a year-end bonus for your department, but also prepared a commission for you."

Lu Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What's the commission for me?"

Mr. Mu nodded and said: "That's right, I promised you at the meeting before that as long as you help the company negotiate the right to settle in the Deepwater Harbor, I will give you 20.00% of the sales of any products sold in front of the Deepwater Harbor showcase in the future." Commission, I will do what I say."

Lu Wanwan asked: "However, our company has just settled in the deep water harbor, and you are going to give me a sales commission, will it be too soon?"

Mr. Mu said: "It's okay. Although we haven't been here for a long time, the sales volume during this period has been considerable, especially the last time the four of Elena came to us to make trouble, which made us a patriotic enterprise. Many young people All of us are showing support by buying our products in retaliation, and this is likely to continue for a long time to come."

Lu Wanwan said: "Since this is the case, then I will be disrespectful. Thank you, Mr. Mu."

"Besides thank you, don't you decide to say something else?" Mr. Mu leaned back and looked at Lu Wanwan with interest.

Lu Wanwan secretly glanced at his three lonely red envelopes, and decided to save her saliva: "No."

Mr. Mu became more interested in talking with her: "Oh? The leaders of other departments have taken the opportunity to complain to me about how difficult it has been for them this year. Why don't you do that?"

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips and asked, "Do you want to tell the truth?"

Mr. Mu nodded: "I just like to hear the truth, so tell me."

"Because, there are only 3 red envelopes left on your table, and it's useless for me to sell them badly." Lu Wanwan said truthfully.

After being speechless for a while, Mr. Mu said, "Who said I only have three red envelopes left here? I still have a big drawer here."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Mu opened the drawer at hand, and saw that there were so many red envelopes that it was almost overflowing.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan changed her tone: "Mr. Mu, in fact, our department... is not easy!"

"Okay, I got it." Mr. Mu looked at her dumbfounded, and said, "You can take as much as you want."

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "Mr. Mu, this is not appropriate."

Mr. Mu happily said: "I say it's suitable, so take it!"

Lu Wanwan could only give each employee two red envelopes, but in the end, Mr. Mu said: "If you take more, your department has contributed the most this year, so it doesn't make sense to get the least."

Lu Wanwan thought the same, so she stopped being polite and gave each employee five red envelopes, so she had to take the red envelopes back!

Taking a glance from the corner of the eye, I found that Mr. Mu could still laugh. Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking, "Mr. Mu, are you a bit too generous?"

Mr. Mu smiled: "You want to say that I look like a fool?"

Lu Wanwan didn't dare to say that: "Everyone says you are a temperamental person, you can do whatever comes to your mind."

After looking at her for a while, Mr. Mu suddenly said seriously: "Actually, I also have my own considerations. The year-end bonuses I plan to give to each department are actually calculated in advance, but they don't know. They think I just give them randomly. of."

"What does President Mu mean?"

Mr. Mu said: "What I mean is, I originally prepared twenty red envelopes for them, but I only gave them ten red envelopes for the first time.

Because I know that they will sell me and complain, and when they sell me and complain, I will give them five more red envelopes,

In this way, not only will they be grateful to me, but I can also save the five red envelopes I prepared earlier, do you understand? "

Lu Wanwan looked at him in surprise, the "impulsive" and "hot-tempered" Mr. Mu, who people said was not as simple as they imagined.

Mr. Mu smiled slightly: "They may think they are very smart, but they don't know that this is my way of employing people."

After a pause, President Mu went on to say, "Manager Lu, I also told you this secret because of your integrity."

Lu Wanwan immediately understood: "I will keep it a secret."

"Very good." After nodding in satisfaction, Mr. Mu took out the largest red envelope from the drawer, and said, "Inside this red envelope, there is a commission from me. You can use it to buy some delicious food for your son. It's fun." Yes."

After Lu Wanwan accepted the red envelope, she said sincerely, "Thank you, Mr. Mu!"

Mr. Mu said: "Also, the red envelopes from your department are distributed by you. I trust you."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."


After Lu Wanwan returned to the office with the red envelope, Fan Hai immediately came over smelling it.