Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1392 They are still young, so they should suffer more

Fan Hai stared at the red envelope Lu Wanwan brought back with bright eyes, and suddenly felt that it might be the right choice for her to win the year-end award.

"It's a rewarding experience, Manager Lu."

Lu Wanwan said lightly, "It's Mr. Mu who is generous."

"Mr. Mu has always been generous." Fan Hai leaned against Lu Wanwan's table, casually picked up a red envelope, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed deeply, showing an intoxicated expression: "I've been looking forward to it day and night, and it's finally here!"

Lu Wanwan said: "Leader, can you put down the red envelope first?"

"Why do you want to let go? We are at the same level, and I have the right to decide how to distribute these red envelopes." Fan Hai said, with a big wave of his hand, he took away a batch of red envelopes.

Lu Wanwan's eyes froze: "What are you doing?"

"A penny!" Fan Hai's voice trembled with excitement.

Lu Wanwan waved away his hand that was about to take the money, and said, "You have lost one-third of your points. Is there anyone who has such a share?"

Fan Hai said tactfully: "If you want me to say that you have worked hard, you can take one-third of it, and keep the remaining one-third for the young people in the department. They are still young, so they should suffer more. .”

But Lu Wanwan said: "In my place, everything is distributed according to work, and there is no such thing as young or old!"

Seeing that she refused to join forces, Fan Hai said angrily and annoyed: "I said Manager Lu, you are upright and upright because you are Mr. Li's girlfriend. You are not short of money, but I am short of money, so you can't treat me like that. Be kind!"

Lu Wanwan said: "No, since Mr. Mu entrusted me with the responsibility of distributing the year-end bonus to the department, then I will have a bowl of water. Leader, if you don't return the red envelope, I will report it."

When Fan Hai heard this, he immediately pushed back the red envelope: "Okay, okay, you are so lofty, I have nothing to say."

After Lu Wanwan took a look at him, she began to distribute the red envelopes.

Fan Hai was watching from the side, seeing that Lu Wanwan made five red envelopes every time he made a move, his expression seemed to be gouging out his flesh: "You gave Luo Ye and the others five red envelopes each? You have..." Sick !

Lu Wanwan raised her head and asked, "Otherwise, how much do you think they are worth?"

Fan Hai was so angry that he almost cursed: "One is enough to make them happy! How much is a group of brats worth?"

Lu Wanwan asked for advice: "Is this based on your experience?"

Fan Hai subconsciously said: "Yes, I used to be..." Halfway through the words, he closed his mouth consciously.

Lu Wanwan continued for him: "Do you want to say that you were divided like this before?"

Fan Hai's eyes flickered.

Lu Wanwan asked: "Then let me ask, where did the extra red envelopes go? Could it be that you and Liu Yihui divided them up privately?"

"Stop talking nonsense about things without evidence!" Fan Hai became impatient in an instant.

Lu Wanwan smiled: "Since ancient times, the upper beam has not been upright and the lower beam has been crooked. Liu Yihui has recently been investigated for corruption and bribery. As his direct subordinate, I will ask Mr. Mu to investigate you as well."

"..." Fan Hai almost knelt down for Lu Wanwan.

He didn't bother about how Lu Wanwan distributed the red envelope anymore, he turned around and said, "I'm going to work, I won't accompany you to get crazy!"

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows. After tidying up, she got up and went to distribute red envelopes to Luo Ye and the others.

At this time, in the department office.

Xiao Shan was picking up the calendar on the table, and muttered, "There are two more days, it's New Year's Eve."

Someone speaks up—

"Recently I've been so busy with new projects that I forgot that Chinese New Year is almost here."

"No way, Mr. Mu thinks highly of us."

"By the way, the 3D modeling of the deep-water harbor, where have you done it?"

When Lu Wanwan opened the door and entered, what she saw was the scene of everyone sitting in front of the computer and working hard.

While she was relieved, she did not forget to say: "Everyone stop."

Upon hearing Lu Wanwan's voice, everyone turned around and shouted, "Manager!"

Lu Wanwan hid her hands behind her back and made a fool of herself: "Guess what I brought you?"

"What?" Everyone looked around, like a group of youngsters waiting to be fed.

After Lu Wanwan smiled slightly, she took out the red envelope behind her. The red cover with gold edging immediately caught everyone's eyes!

"It's a red envelope!" Xiao Shan was the first to shout out!

Others woke up and realized that today is the day for giving out year-end bonuses.

"Don't stand still, come and get it." Lu Wanwan greeted them and said.

Luo Ye stepped forward and said, "Manager, if you don't tell me, we'll forget about it."

"You guys forgot, Mr. Mu hasn't forgotten." Lu Wanwan said, and handed him five red envelopes: "Here, with the red envelopes, we must make persistent efforts in the New Year!"

"I will!" After Luo Ye took the red envelope, the more he counted, the wider his eyes widened: "Manager, did you give too much?"

"No, five for one person, it's fair." Lu Wanwan said while posting.

After receiving the red envelope, Xiaojing said with a complicated expression: "But in previous years, we were all one person."

"Really?" Lu Wanwan paused.

Some employees guessed: "I know! It must be Mr. Mu who saw that we performed well this year, so he gave us a year-end bonus!"

"Aren't you afraid?" Luo Ye sneered suddenly, and said, "Even if there is an increase, Mr. Mu can't give us such a high increase all at once."

Xiao Jing looked at the red envelope in his hand and said, "Fan Hai was the one who gave us the year-end bonus before, maybe he is the only one who knows what happened."

Others seemed to understand: "You mean, Fan Hai...coveted our year-end award? How dare he?"

Luo Ye said: "In the past, Liu Yihui protected Fan Hai, but we didn't dare to directly ask Mr. Mu how many year-end awards he gave us. Why didn't he dare?"

It's not to blame Luo Ye for being suspicious, it's because Liu Yihui and Fan Hai didn't take the lead.

After the others recalled it, they said——

"No wonder, in the past, compared with my colleagues in other departments, I always felt that the year-end bonus was a bit small. I thought that the planning department was not valued by Mr. Mu. Now that Liu Yihui has been investigated, I seem to understand what's going on."

"However, Fan Hai was quite polite to us before. Is it appropriate for us to doubt him without any evidence?"

"Oh! Let's stop guessing, just ask Fan Hai directly!"

After a group of young people finished their calculations, they went to Fan Hai to find out.

In the end, Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand to stop her.

Everyone was stunned and asked——

"Manager, are you trying to persuade us not to be so impulsive?"

"After all, Fan Hai is our leader no matter what."

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said, "No, I want you to go after you finish collecting the red envelopes."

As for Fan Hai's life and death, it has nothing to do with her.

Luo Ye's eyes lit up: "Manager! You support us to settle accounts with Fan Hai?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Well, if Fan Hai really missed your year-end award before, then I believe Mr. Mu will deal with it fairly."