Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1390 He has always been generous and will not treat us badly

In the blink of an eye, it was night.

Before going to sleep, Li Jingchen cast his eyes on Lu Wanwan, watched her ignore him after applying the hand cream, lifted the quilt and lay down with her back to him, he rolled his eyes, thinking——

"Cough! I shouldn't compare Bai Qingluo with Fu Shuo."

Lu Wanwan paused when she lay down, thinking that this doggy man actually reflected on himself?

But thinking of what he regretted after agreeing, Lu Wanwan guessed that maybe he was coaxing her again.

When she was happy, he would immediately turn his back on her.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan continued to turn her back to him, did not speak, but secretly put an ear outside the quilt.

Looking at the white spot exposed outside the quilt, Li Jingchen resisted the urge to jump up and take a bite, and continued: "A woman like Bai Qingluo, who does all kinds of bad things and dies without regret, how can she be as noble as Fu Shuo? "

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan felt relieved, but at the same time vaguely felt that something was wrong?

Li Jingchen continued: "Actually, I don't even know where Bai Qingluo's cemetery is, otherwise I would have lifted up Bai Qingluo's tombstone, let alone worship Bai Qingluo..."

Lu Wanwan closed her eyes and opened them again, she finally realized that something was wrong!

She turned around and faced Li Jingchen: "You said Bai Qingluo's name five times in total! Can't you use 'her' to refer to it?"

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Is there? Have I mentioned Bai Qingluo so many times?"

Lu Wanwan gritted her teeth: "Yes! It's the sixth time!"

Li Jingchen asked: "Then how do you feel?"

Lu Wanwan said bluntly: "I want to kill your feeling!"

Li Jingchen actually nodded, and echoed: "That's it. Every time you mention Fu Shuo, I think so too."

"..." Lu Wanwan bit his chest angrily.

After Li Jingchen snorted, he coaxed softly: "Put harder, Wanwan, this little strength can't bite me to death."

"Pervert!" Lu Wanwan wiped her lower lip angrily, then turned around.

Li Jingchen was left looking at the crescent-like bite mark on his chest, showing a doting expression.

His Wanwan, the harder he bites, the more she cares about him, doesn't it?


The next day, Yaobo Company.

When Lu Wanwan took the elevator to the office floor, she heard people around her discussing——

"It will be New Year's Eve in two days. Shouldn't we have a holiday?"

"It should be just these two days. I don't know how much our department's year-end bonus is this year?"

"If you ask me, it's just too much, Mr. Mu has always been generous and will not treat us badly."

Everyone was beaming, as if celebrating the New Year ahead of schedule.

However, Lu Wanwan was very calm about this.

After all, she has just joined Yaobo Company not long ago, so it is unrealistic to get the year-end bonus, so it is better not to have any expectations.

After arriving at the office, just as Lu Wanwan put down her bag, she heard the landline ring.

In the next second, Fan Hai stood up abruptly, rushed to the plane like flying, picked up the microphone, and called flatteringly: "President Mu!"

Now that someone answered the phone, Lu Wanwan sat down in peace.

While protecting the microphone, Fan Hai looked at Lu Wanwan vigilantly: "Ah, yes, I am Fan Hai, if you have anything to say, tell me!"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Mu over there said, "Let Lu Wanwan answer the phone."

The corner of Fan Hai's mouth twitched, he turned his back, and whispered, "Mr. Mu, I'm at the same level as her. If you have anything to do, tell me to do it, isn't it the same?"

But Mr. Mu said: "If you tell me to yell, you can yell! Don't make me say it a third time!"

A strong sense of imbalance hit Fan Hai's heart, he reluctantly took down the microphone, and said to Lu Wanwan: "Mr. Mu is looking for you, come and answer the phone!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan raised her head.

Fan Hai put down the microphone and sat back in his original position.

Lu Wanwan was a little speechless, it was just a phone call, and Fan Hai wanted to compete with her?

Lu Wanwan immediately came to the landline, picked up the microphone and said, "Hello, Mr. Mu, it's me, Lu Wanwan."

"Manager Lu, come to my office." After Mr. Mu finished speaking, he ended the call.

Why is there no beginning and no end?

Lu Wanwan glanced at the microphone strangely.

In the next second, I heard Fan Hai say: "Hurry up, wait a little later, there won't be so many rewards."

Lu Wanwan felt there was something in his words: "Leader, what do you mean?"

"You'll know when you go up." Fan Hai said, turning the office chair around, without further words.

After Lu Wanwan shrugged, she put down the microphone and went to see President Mu.

knock knock --

"Come in."

Lu Wanwan, who got the promise, pushed the door open and entered.

I saw that in Mr. Mu's office, besides himself, there were more than a dozen department heads.

At this time, their faces were filled with festive smiles like the New Year, just like what Lu Wanwan saw in the elevator just now.

Mr. Mu was on the phone. When he saw her, he took off the receiver and signaled, "You're here. Sit down and line up."

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she found a seat and sat down.

Seeing her sitting down, a department leader immediately gave her a thumbs up, and enviously said: "Manager Lu, your department is like this this year, and I don't know how much bonus you will give to President Mu later?"

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Mr. Mu called me to give me a bonus?"

"That's right, it's an old custom. If you don't believe me, take a look." The department leader pointed to Mr. Mu's desk.

Lu Wanwan looked up, and sure enough, she saw stacks of red envelopes piled up on Mr. Mu's desk, which looked like small mountain bags!

And Lu Wanwan finally understood why Fan Hai was in a hurry to answer the phone call just now. It turned out that today is the day when Mr. Mu will give out year-end awards to various departments.

At this time, Mr. Mu finally finished the phone call. After putting down the phone, he said with a smile on his face: "According to the company's practice, before the holiday is announced, I will call you up and give year-end bonuses to each of your departments.

This award is distributed in the form of red envelopes, so there is no need to deduct additional taxes, and it is actually distributed to employees in each of your departments. "

Hearing this, the department leaders scrambled to say——

"Thank you, Mr. Mu!"

"President Mu is proud!"

"Boss Mu is amazing!"

Mr. Mu waved his hand and said, "Okay, I have all the performance sheets of various departments this year. I have read their names. Come here to get the year-end awards. First of all, the Technology Research and Development Department, the new mobile phones you developed this year have received good feedback. However, digital cameras are mediocre and sales are not good. In the new year, I hope to improve."

"...Yes, we will work hard." The leader of the technology research and development department also felt a pressure when he took over a stack of red envelopes.

After Mr. Mu nodded, he looked at the next person: "Okay, next is the production department. I hope that your department's production line will be accelerated by at least three times next year to increase production for the company. Can you do it?"

The leader of the production department was so scared that he shook his hand when he received the red envelope: "Three times the amount? Now workers work 9 hours a day. If you want to triple the production, unless the workers guard the production line 24 hours a day, otherwise There is no way to do it..."