Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1389 You still mention him, are you trying to annoy me on purpose?

Lu Wanwan scolded: "You want me to give birth to such a child? You have a good idea!"

Li Jingchen put his arms around her, and said with a smile on his lips, "I think it's pretty."

Lu Wanwan pushed him and said, "Okay, check An'an's 'homework' quickly."

Li Jingchen put one arm around Lu Wanwan's waist, picked up the copybook on the table with the other hand, put it upright in front of each other, and said, "You can read it with me."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan took a look, only to find that An An had written a whole copybook today, and she couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Is An An working too hard today?"

Li Jingchen poured cold water on her: "Hard work? Don't forget, he was lazy for a week."

After hesitating for a while, Lu Wanwan hugged his arm, and said softly: "Yes, I admit, An An hasn't practiced calligraphy for a week, and her skills will definitely become rusty.

But when he knew his mistakes, he corrected them. He wrote a whole copybook on the first day he came back. I didn’t have his perseverance when I was young.

And this is all for him to abide by the agreement with you, so don't be jealous, okay? "

A trace of unease appeared on Li Jingchen's handsome face: "Who is jealous?"

Lu Wanwan looked at him and said, "Isn't it? Aren't you worried that An An will be unfamiliar with you when he comes back this time? Don't worry, Fu Shuo is not such a person, and he will not provoke your relationship."

The more Li Jingchen listened, the more he frowned, and at the end, he simply said, "Let go."

Lu Wanwan sat sideways on his lap by embracing his arms. She brushed back the long hair on her chest and pinned it lazily behind her ears. Then, she asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Jingchen looked at her charming and charming, and after slightly moving his Adam's apple, he tried his best to put on a stern expression: "I will let you go."

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows slightly: "What if I don't let go? If you don't want to be hugged by me, then push me away and let me fall to the ground."

"You!" Li Jingchen was inexplicably angry and stared at her helplessly.

Lu Wanwan looked at him, opened and closed her red lips and said, "What are you staring at? Does it look like your eyes are big? I'm not afraid of you. You are just a paper tiger in front of me."

"Really?" Li Jingchen narrowed his phoenix eyes, and suddenly grabbed the back of her head, covering her with a fierce breath!

for a long time--

Li Jingchen just left the piece of sweet rain that made him linger, and pressed his forehead against hers, and said in a low voice: "A paper tiger is also a tiger, and it will eat people when it is in a hurry!"

Lu Wanwan raised her hand to cover her red lips from being sucked and kissed. Her cheeks became more and more beautiful. Hearing this, she softly "hummed" and said softly, "What's so special..."

Seeing that she was still so "disobedient", Li Jingchen held her small face with his big hand, turned it around and said, "I said before, you are not allowed to mention that man again! You still mention him because you want to annoy me deliberately ?”

Stared at by his fierce eyes, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "Who is mad at you? Who hugged me on the bed before and said that after the real culprit who sent the bomb box to An'an and me is caught, he will take it with him." I went to visit Fu Shuo?"

"Me!" Li Jingchen suddenly became short of breath.

Lu Wanwan seized on his speech impediment and attacked, "Yes, it's you, what else do you have to say?"

Saying that, Lu Wanwan felt a little wronged.

She's obviously trying to comfort him, okay?In the end, this man's focus was all on Fu Shuo!

Li Jingchen thought of the promise he made to her that night because of a momentary soft-heartedness, and his guts turned green with regret.

"I regret!"

Lu Wanwan looked astonished: "What did you say?"

Li Jingchen said: "I regret that I softened my heart that night and said that I would send you to visit Fu Shuo."

Just thinking about it, Li Jingchen couldn't bear the scene of their reunion after a long absence, let alone sending Wanwan to Fu Shuo, he would definitely explode with anger.

Whether Li Jingchen will be blown up in anger is unknown, but at this moment, Lu Wanwan is really going to be blown up in anger: "Li Jingchen, are you mean? You have to go back on what you promised?"

"Then I'm going to visit Bai Qingluo's grave now, will you feel better?" Li Jingchen made a comparison, but it was obviously not suitable.

Lu Wanwan's complexion suddenly changed, as if she stepped on dog shit when she went out: "Damn! Is Bai Qingluo married to Fu Shuobi? If you dare to visit Bai Qingluo's grave, I will take off the diamond ring you gave me right away." Return it to you, take this diamond ring and visit her grave!"

Li Jingchen's face was livid: "How dare you!"

"See if I dare!"

The two of them are just like kindergarten children, neither will let the other go.

Just at this moment, a little guy came in from the door of the study, appeared angrily in front of Li Jingchen, pointed at Li Jingchen with a rolled up magazine, and said, "Ah, the surname is Li! You lied to me!"


what? What?

Lu Wanwan turned around in confusion.

An Anzheng said to Li Jingchen all at once: "There is only one interview about you, and that is "How to Get Rich and Successful"! The charity you mentioned has nothing to do with half a dime!"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen wondered, "Didn't you say you didn't want to watch it? Why did you really watch it?"

"Me!" An An was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses: "You thought I couldn't read it, so you took a random magazine to deceive me? Make me think you are doing charity?"

That's pretty much what it means.Li Jingchen thought to himself.

At this moment, even Lu Wanwan was waiting for Li Jingchen to explain to the child...

You know, it is not a good thing to overdraw your child's trust in yourself.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen found a business card from the desk very calmly and handed it to An An: "Okay, since you really want to know me so much, you can call your god-grandmother, she will tell you."

An An took a look at the business card and found that it was Jiang Man's contact number: "Grandma?"

"Well." Since taking over the Li Group, Li Jingchen was invited by Jiang Man to participate in the charity auction. He donated not one billion, but five hundred million, and they all issued receipt certificates. An An wanted to know, it was very simple.

Moreover, with the dignified mayor's wife as his witness, he is not afraid that An An will not believe him.

"If there is a chance, I will ask her to prove it in person!" After speaking, An An, who was still angry, turned around and wanted to leave.

In the next second, Lu Wanwan's voice sounded: "An'an, wait for Mommy, let's go together."

After An'an stood still, she saw that Lu Wanwan pulled away Li Jingchen's hand around her waist, straightened her clothes, and walked over to hold his hand.

The two walked all the way to the door, saying at the same time——

"Mommy, your mouth..."

"Been bitten by a mosquito!"

"Then I'll buy a bottle of insecticide for Mommy. If a mosquito bites you again in the future, you'll just spray it to death!"

"Well, you really deserve to be Mommy's big boy!"

"..." Li Jingchen.