Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1380 He Doesn't Want to Be a Blaming Devil

After the two policemen looked at each other awkwardly, they said politely: "As long as Mr. Fu is fine, we have nothing to ask."

Fu Shuo is the richest man in city y, he will not call the police blindly.

"Well, I'm not feeling well, so I can't get up to see you off." Fu Shuo continued.

Although I don't know why the richest man in their city has become so weak, but his status is here, the two policemen don't dare to ask more questions——

"Mr. Fu is polite, you have a good rest, we will leave right away."

"Mr. Fu, if there is anything to do in the future, please call us immediately, and we will get there as quickly as possible."

Fu Shuo politely nodded and said, "I will."

Xia Zhi didn't miss the two policemen. She looked Fu Shuo up and down. The shock, doubt, and inquiry in her eyes seemed like Fu Shuo was a different kind. She couldn't help standing in front of Fu Shuo, and said to the two policemen: " Comrades, I will send you out."


Under Xia Zhi's somewhat displeased gaze, the two policemen suddenly realized that they had been staring at Fu Shuo for too long, and after scratching their heads in embarrassment, they followed Xia Zhi and left.

outside the hospital.

After Xia Zhi stood still, she suddenly said, "Two comrades, regarding what happened today, I hope you will not speak out."

At this time, Xia Zhi's expression was serious and cold, she couldn't see the embarrassed look at the beginning at all, because it was about Fu Shuo's secret, she didn't want anyone to reveal it!

The police are smart people. Fu Shuo is sick in bed now, but there is no word about it to the outside world. He also knows that the Fu family deliberately concealed it.

It was accidentally smashed by them today, and they didn't even have time to pretend to be stupid, so how could it be possible to spread it: "We understand."

"Okay, let's go slowly, both of you."


inside the room.

Seeing Xia Zhi go and come back, but looking unhappy, Fu Shuo couldn't help laughing and asked, "Didn't they already leave? Why do they still look unhappy?"

Xia Zhi squatted in front of Fu Shuo's sofa, pouted and said, "Sir, I'm unhappy because of you."

Fu Shuo was taken aback: "For me?"

"Well, the way those two policemen looked at you just now made me feel very uncomfortable!" The more Xia Zhi said, the more upset she became: "I knew that I would not allow them to follow me!!"

Obviously Xia Zhi yelled and yelled, but Fu Shuo felt that she was very cute for no reason: "Xia Zhi, you don't have to do this, they just looked at me twice, maybe they were wondering that I am the richest man in City Y, how can I be so cute?" The sick one can't even get out of bed?"

Xia Zhi was filled with righteous indignation: "But this kind of look is very hurtful!"

Fu Shuo bent his lips: "Why are you more angry than me?"

Seeing that he was still laughing, Xia Zhi couldn't help complaining: "Sir, your temper is really good. If it was before, you would definitely lose your temper!"

Fu Shuo remembered something, and his smile gradually disappeared: "Just like what I did to Wanwan?"

"..." Although Xia Zhi didn't say it, she obviously meant it.

Fu Shuo smiled wryly: "I don't want to go back to my original appearance. That's not me at all, but a devil who only cares about venting anger and complaining about others."

After Xia Zhi nodded, she asked, "Sir, are you really not angry?"

Fu Shuo looked at her and jokingly said, "Haven't you already been angry for me?"

Xia Zhi choked, she didn't know why she was so angry, she wanted to fight for Fu Shuo.

"It's all right." After Fu Shuo let out a sigh of relief, he said to himself, "I don't know where An An is?"

Xia Zhi hurriedly comforted: "Sir, don't worry, the young master must be afraid that the master and the old lady are still here, so he didn't dare to call you immediately."

"Well, An An is getting more and more calm." Fu Shuo was relieved, but at the same time felt a little sad: "Should I say that he taught well?"

"Sir, no matter how good Young Master Li taught you, you should lay the foundation for him first." Xia Zhi said.

Fu Shuo looked at her and said, "Your words comfort me."

Xia Zhi immediately asked: "By the way, sir, the young master's suitcase is still with us, do you think I should send him to the airport?"

But Fu Shuo said, "If An An didn't mention it, just keep it."


Xia Zhi knew that Fu Shuo wanted to keep something in mind.


On the other side, Y City Airport.

An An didn't dare to call Fu Shuo and Xia Zhi because he was worried that Fu's father and Fu's mother were still at his father's place. The mercenaries were a little surprised.

The plane is about to take off.

Suddenly, An An's cell phone rang several times.

He picked up his phone and looked, and found that Xia Zhi had sent him the photo.

All of them are photos of him and his daddy.

An An showed a smiling face, although this trip did not draw a perfect sentence, but there is no regret.

The sweet voice of the stewardess sounded through the radio——

"The plane is about to take off. Passengers, please fasten your seat belts, put away the small table, and turn off your mobile phone, so as not to affect the flight..."

An An obediently turned off her phone, turned her head, and waved her little hand to her second hometown: "Goodbye, I will be back!"


At the same time, City S.

When Lu Wanwan received a call from Xia Zhi, saying that An An had left for S City, she was overjoyed.

Then, she cared about two questions, one was: "Did An An lose her temper?"

The other is: "Did Fu Shuo say anything?"

Xia Zhi chuckled lightly, and said: "The young master didn't lose his temper, and the master didn't say anything either."

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"Would you like to speak to Monsieur?"

"Okay." Lu Wanwan said generously.

"Well, then wait a moment!" After Xia Zhi finished speaking, there was silence.

After a while, Fu Shuo's voice sounded: "Wanwan, it's me."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "Fu Shuo, you have worked hard to take care of An'an these few days. He didn't cause you any trouble, did he?"

"No, An An is very obedient and sensible. It can be seen that you... they took good care of him." Fu Shuo's voice seemed to hide a trace of disappointment.

Lu Wanwan said lightly: "This is what we should do."

Speaking of this, going on will only add sentimentality, Fu Shuo took a breath, and then continued: "Wanwan, even if Li Jingchen is protecting you, you must be careful!"

"I will, thank you, Fu Shuo."

The wind from the balcony messed up Lu Wanwan's hair, but it couldn't mess up her heart.


At 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, Li's house.

Lu Wanwan couldn't sleep anyway, so she just lifted the quilt and sat up, and said to Li Jingchen who was reading, "I'm going to the living room."

Li Jingchen slowed down turning the pages of the book, and asked, "What are you asking for in the living room?"

Lu Wanwan said excitedly: "When An'an comes home, do you want to go with me?"