Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1379 We have eyes but do not know Mount Tai, we are disturbing you

Fu Shuo looked at the photo and asked, "Xia Zhi, tell me the truth. An An suddenly said that he would come back. Is it because he saw that my waist assist device was about to run out of battery?"

After Xia Zhi said "uh", she asked guiltily, "Sir, did you find out?"

"Well, this picture of me feeding the giraffe shows my assist, and the light on it is already yellow."

After a pause, Fu Shuo said, "No wonder, An An acted so strangely. He was very excited one second, but said he was sleepy and wanted to come back the next second. He was afraid that I would blame myself, right?"

Although Fu Shuo's guess was not entirely correct, it was almost the same. Xia Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, the young master is really sensible. When he found out that Mr.'s auxiliary device was about to run out of power, he offered to come back. .”

Fu Shuo sighed: "I didn't let him have a good time."


Fortunately, Fu Shuo quickly cheered up and said, "However, when An An comes back next time, I will definitely take him to have a good time and leave without any regrets."

"En!" Xia Zhi heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this.

At this moment, the sound of police cars and ambulances sounded outside.

Xia Zhi immediately said "Yeah": "Oops!"

She forgot to tell the police and the hospital not to come!

"Sir, I'll go out first, and you can rest here!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Zhi ran out of Fu Shuo's room.

Fu Shuo ordered Xia Zhi to call the police and doctor before getting out of the car, in order to prevent conflicts between his parents' troops and Li Jingchen's mercenaries. Now that the crisis has been resolved, there is no need for them to come.

But Xia Zhi still couldn't avoid an apology, the hospital was fine, Xia Zhi only had to pay for the ambulance call this time, and they drove the ambulance away.

But it's not so easy for the police to explain, because in the eyes of the police, Xia Zhi is calling the police blindly!

"Is it your family who called the police a few days ago?"

Facing the police's questioning, the corner of Xia Zhi's mouth twitched. She remembered that a few days ago, Fu's mother called the fire brigade because she was worried about what happened to Fu Shuo at home, and asked them to send someone to unlock the lock.

"Comrade, aren't you from the police station? Why are you still in charge of the fire brigade?"

The policeman said with a serious face: "Our police station is next to the fire department. We share information with those who call the police blindly. Why do you keep committing crimes?"

"I..." Xia Zhi had a bitter expression on her face: "Comrade policeman, I really almost had an accident just now, but in the end I was fine again..."

"Whether there is something wrong or not, you have to go with us to the police station!" The police were not so easy to fool.

Xia Zhi said "Huh?"

The policeman said seriously, "What? We only know that your family has reported to the wrong police more than once. It's impossible not to bring you back to the police station to do ideological work!"

Xia Zhi said depressedly: "You can go with me if you want, but my husband has limited mobility, can you let me go in and report to my husband?"

The policeman said: "Yes, yes, but we have to go in with you, lest you make trouble!"

"Okay." Xia Zhi curled her lips and said, "Please follow me."

inside the room.

After helping Fu Shuo to sit up, Xia Zhi told the whole story. She was extremely depressed. Last time, it was Fu's mother who called the police blindly, but the police blamed her!

This grievance made Xia Zhi unavoidably emotional: "Sir, that's how things are. Those two policemen are guarding outside the room right now, waiting to take me to the police station to criticize education. I came in to tell you A loud noise! ​​Oh, what is this all about? I’ve grown up so much, I’ve never been in a police station yet!”

After Fu Shuo finished listening, he said, "Go and invite them in."

"Oh." Xia Zhi turned her head and invited the two policemen into the room.

The police saw that Fu Shuo was leaning on the sofa, his temperament and appearance were extraordinary, but his thin and handsome face looked a little frail and familiar.

For some reason, the policeman couldn't help but soften his voice: "Are you the owner?"

Fu Shuo nodded: "Yes."

The policeman asked again: "Your family also reported to the police last time, right?"

Fu Shuo calmly explained: "Well, last time my mother was afraid that something would happen to me at home, so she called the fire brigade and asked them to come and unlock the lock. After I heard the news, I went out to see her old man right away, so I Misunderstanding."

The policeman asked, "What about this time? It was also a misunderstanding?"

Fu Shuo nodded: "Well, this time someone came to my house to make trouble. I was afraid of killing people, so I asked my housekeeper to call the police. Fortunately, things didn't get worse, and the people who came to make trouble dispersed. I'm sorry for making a trip in vain."

The two police officers looked at each other and asked——

"Someone came to your house to make trouble? Can you tell us the process in detail?"

"It's like this. We have to ask about potential dangers and possible cases."

Fu Shuo asked, "You two mean to make a record?"


"'s not a big deal." Fu Shuo wrote as lightly as possible.

But the more he said that, the more suspicious the police became.

If it's not a big deal, do you need to call the police and call an ambulance?

Could this man be hiding something?

Looking at his clothes and the villa he lives in, he is either rich or expensive, but he is not familiar with his mother. In such a big villa, there are only him, a housekeeper, and the troublemakers he said , there are suspicious points!

Thinking of this, the police simply pulled a chair over, sat down in front of Fu Shuo, and asked seriously, "Sir, what is your name?"

Seeing that they took out their notebooks and pens, looking like they were about to interrogate Fu Shuo, Xia Zhi couldn't help saying, "Sir, let me take the notes!"

"No need." Fu Shuo didn't want Xia Zhi to be wronged for him.

Then, he said to the policeman who asked the question, "My surname is Fu."

"Fu?" The policeman paused, and then asked, "What's your name?"

Fu Shuo's thin lips parted lightly: "Single name, one word."

Hearing this, the policeman looked at him in surprise, and the hand holding the pen trembled slightly: "Fu Shuo? Fu are the president of Fu's company, Fu Shuo?!" You are also the richest man in city y!

Fu Shuo smiled brightly: "I am no longer, the president of Fu's company is my father now."

With a sound of "swipe", two policemen stood up quickly, put their hands on the seams of their trousers, and said more cautiously and respectfully than seeing the leader: "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu! We have eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and disturbed your rest." Already!"

Fu Shuo calmly said: "It's my question, and I made you a waste of time. Do you two comrades have anything else to ask?"