Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1381 The first person he saw was me

Li Jingchen didn't seem to care about it: "Isn't it just going home? As for being so laborious?"

Lu Wanwan asked, "Don't you miss your son?"

"He's not here, but I'm pure." Li Jingchen said, and wanted to bow his head and flip through the book.

As a result, Lu Wanwan quickly took his book away and said, "Liar."

Li Jingchen turned his eyes and looked at her pretty face: "How did I lie to you?"

Lu Wanwan raised the book in her hand and said, "If you don't want An'an, you won't be reading in the middle of the night."

Li Jingchen's eyes darkened, and he said, "I'm just simple and not sleepy."

Lu Wanwan wrinkled her nose and said, "Okay, return the book to you. You can read it here slowly, but when my son comes back, I will be the first person to see it."

Li Jingchen took the book pretending not to care, but when Lu Wanwan was about to get up, he pulled her arm hard and made her fall back on the bed.

Lu Wanwan looked confused: "Li Jingchen, what are you doing?"

Li Jingchen said lightly: "If I don't go, you are not allowed to go either."

Lu Wanwan was so angry that she raised her hand to beat him: "Li Jingchen, are you childish or not!"

Li Jingchen didn't let her get up even though he pressed her thigh.

How damn childish!

I couldn't bear to go to the living room to wait for my son, so I just suppressed her and didn't allow her to go to the living room to wait for my son!

Just when Lu Wanwan was so angry that she wanted to bite him, there was a voice at the door——

"Eldest young master, eldest young mistress! Young master is back!!!"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen retracted his long legs, got up and got out of bed, opened the door and said to the servant in front of him: "Understood, let's go down."

"Yes, young master."

Immediately afterwards, Li Jingchen ignored Lu Wanwan and took the elevator downstairs.

Therefore, when An An just stepped into Li's house, the first person he saw was Li Jingchen.

He opened his mouth wide in surprise, wanting to say where is Mommy?Why didn't Mommy come down to pick him up?

Li Jingchen looked at him and asked calmly, "Are you back?"

"Ah... well, I'm back!" An An was a little uncomfortable, but also a little touched and asked: "Are you waiting for me to go home?"

"What do you think?" Li Jingchen didn't say yes or no.

An An can only understand by herself.

Li Jingchen is so proud, and he has been refusing to call him father, so even if Li Jingchen is waiting for him, he won't say it directly.

But even so, An An felt the warmth of being valued, and immediately said, "Thank you."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Thank me?"

An'an said sincerely: "Well, thank you for lengthening my visit to Daddy, I spent a very meaningful week this week."

Li Jingchen took the initiative to ignore the word "Daddy" and said, "It's your mommy's idea."

An An took the initiative to take a step forward, looked up at him, and said, "No, the mercenary uncle told me that it was you who told them to extend my return time, and I know that they only listen to you, if you don't They must not dare to promise my mommy's order."

In the past, he only thought that Li Jingchen was domineering and petty, and that everything related to his father would force him to break up with his mother, but after this incident, he got to know Li Jingchen again.

It turned out that he wasn't exactly narrow-minded.

"Li...!" At this moment, Lu Wanwan, who went downstairs a step late, was angrily trying to settle an account with Li Jingchen, but in a blink of an eye, she saw An An, and immediately turned her anger into joy, and shouted happily: "An An!"

"Mummy~!" An An was obviously happier, and instinctively jumped over Li Jingchen and threw herself into Lu Wanwan's arms.

After Lu Wanwan knelt down to catch him, she first touched his small face, and after making sure that she didn't lose weight, she said, "It seems that you have eaten well this week."

"Of course, sister Xia's dishes are not as delicious as Mommy's, but they are still delicious. I want to eat a bowl of rice for a meal!"

For children in An An's age group, it is not bad to be able to eat a bowl of rice for a meal.

Lu Wanwan pinched his little cheeks that were flushed by the cold wind, and said, "It seems that Mommy has to thank Xiao Xia well."

An An nodded her head like a pest: "Mmm! Mommy must thank Sister Xia. She has moved out with Daddy and lives in a villa outside. There are only her housekeeper and two male nurses in the whole villa. Doing a lot of work, but still being able to take good care of Daddy, is really hard."

Lu Wanwan can fully understand Xia Zhi's hard work.

She suddenly felt a little guilty. If she hadn't asked Xia Zhi to stay with Fu Shuo before she left, this little girl would have been able to pursue the path she wanted...

An An continued: "However, I think Sister Xia and Daddy are getting along very well now, and Daddy won't lose his temper!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan firmly believed that it was the right decision for him to keep Xia Zhi by Fu Shuo's side.

Lu Wanwan immediately noticed: "By the way, baby, where is your suitcase?"

An An faltered and said: " suitcase was left in Daddy's villa."

In the next second, Li Jingchen's voice sounded from behind him: "Why are you so reckless? Don't you still want to find a chance to go to City Y to find Fu Shuo to get your suitcase?"

Hearing this, the mercenary who escorted An An back said in time: "Master Li, you misunderstood the young master, this is how it happened..."

The mercenary told the story of how Fu's parents and Fu's mother went to block the door of Fu Shuo's villa today.

After hearing this, Li Jingchen finally no longer doubted that An An was playing tricks on purpose: "That's how it is."

He then said to An An who was a little angry: "You did a good job."

Because of being misunderstood, An An deliberately ignored Li Jingchen.

It was Lu Wanwan who signaled him not to do this with his eyes, and then An An turned around and said, "I don't want to have a conflict and cause fearless casualties. In your opinion, is this a timid behavior?"

Li Jingchen looked at him firmly and said, "No, but if I were you, I wouldn't do this."

An An understood and said: "I know, if it were you, you would definitely take people down and step my daddy's parents into the soil! Because they locked up my mommy for three days and three nights before! To be honest, one day In an instant, I really wanted to do this too, but I saw how my dad was being helped into the house. He had worked so hard, and I didn't want him to be caught in the middle, so I didn't help Mommy get revenge in the end. I'm sorry, Mom mum……"

Lu Wanwan looked at him in surprise.

To be honest, she didn't think about asking An An to avenge her.

"An'an, you've done a great job, don't tell me you're sorry."

After rubbing An An's little head, Lu Wanwan went on to say, "It's very late, can Mommy take you back to the room to sleep?"