Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1378 I couldn't keep her just now, and I can't keep her now

An An is not worried about Fu Shuo's father, but Fu Shuo. He is holding on to Fu Shuo's hand. If the car suddenly reverses now, both Father Fu and Fu Shuo will fall down!

"Well, now we can only hope that Mr. Fu can persuade his parents to go back." The mercenary said.

Outside the off-road vehicle, Father Fu pulled the door hard twice, but he didn't pull it. He immediately understood that the car was locked from the inside.

This also shows that this off-road vehicle has been in the starting state, which is really strange. It is obvious that the owner of the car has not turned off the engine, but locked himself in the car.

Seeing that his father couldn't open the door of the off-road vehicle, Fu Shuo heaved a sigh of relief and persuaded him, "Dad, you should go back, I'm doing this for your own good."

That's the end of the conversation, Fu's father didn't go around in circles anymore: "Suo'er, tell Dad the truth, is it Lu Wanwan who is sitting inside!"

The last three words were almost bitten out.

"It's not her, I can swear it." Fu Shuo said seriously.

Father Fu would never think that Lu Wanwan dared to let An An go back to City Y by himself, but his son's expression didn't look like he was lying to him. For a while, Father Fu didn't know whether to investigate further.

At this moment, Fu Shuo's waist assist device became louder and louder, even Fu's father heard it.

Fu Shuo said in a deep voice: "Dad, you heard it too. My auxiliary device is about to run out of battery. If you want to embarrass your son in front of so many people, you can continue to waste time here with me."

Hearing this, Father Fu subconsciously released the door of the off-road vehicle to help his son.

In this regard, Fu Shuo smiled invisibly and said, "Thank you, Dad."

Father Fu frowned and said, "I'll help you into the house first."

"I'll open the door!" Xia Zhi had already finished calling the police station and the hospital in the car. Seeing that Fu Shuo was unable to move, she thought it was because the battery had run out, so she rushed out of the car to help open the door.

On the off-road vehicle, the mercenary said calmly: "The crisis is over! Young master, it's time for us to set off."

An An's little face was full of reluctance: "But I haven't said goodbye to Daddy and Sister Xia yet."

"You can call them after you get on the plane."


The mercenary said: "Young master, now is not the time to be willful. You heard Mr. Fu's father just now. He looked like he wanted to settle accounts with Miss Lu. If you showed up now, the scene would definitely become a mess." It's a mess, we people don't care about the importance of shooting, if someone is killed, it will be bad."

An An understood that they were right.

He also didn't want this visiting trip to end in blood.

He watched Fu Shuo enter the courtyard and then the house, until he could no longer be seen, then said with red eyes: "Okay then, let's go."

If it was before, An An would get out of the car impulsively, and bet that Fu's father and Fu's mother love her more than the hatred for his mother.

But now An An knows how to weigh the pros and cons. He knows that Fu's father and Fu's mother have long regarded him as an enemy, and the relationship between them is irreconcilable.

After helping Fu Shuo into the house, Fu's father immediately turned around and said to his wife who followed him, "Take someone to check the off-road vehicle outside."

Father Fu's voice was low, and Mother Fu couldn't hear clearly, so she couldn't help asking: "What?"

Father Fu said, "Go!"

Mother Fu suddenly understood, and she immediately took people out again.

Seeing this, Fu Shuo's voice tightened slightly: "Dad, what is Mom doing out there?"

Father Fu said with a pun: "Your mother is just going to invite your guests to come in and sit down. You don't need to be nervous. By the way, you should sit down quickly. If you continue to toss, the battery will really run out."

With Fu Shuo's current situation, it is enough for Father Fu to keep an eye on him alone.

The others were all called out by Fu's mother.

As a result, when Fu's mother took her staff out, she only saw the back of the off-road vehicle driving away. She gritted her teeth and said to her husband, "Suo'er's guests are all gone."

"Going away?" Father Fu's face darkened.

Fu's mother nodded and said, "Well, when I went out, that car drove a long way."

Father Fu couldn't help looking at Fu Shuo, and said in a voice that couldn't be heard, "Suo'er, your trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain is wonderful."

Fu Shuo was in a daze, and after a while he said, "My guest was scared by you, so he just went back early."

Father Fu said meaningfully: "I think, your guest is so timid, one day we are here, she will not come again."

But Fu Shuo laughed, and said with firm eyes: "It's okay, I believe, we will meet again one day.

Young master... just leave like this?

Xia Zhi on the side showed an expression of disbelief. She thought Fu Shuo would be very disappointed, but what she saw was his smile.

really weird……

The young master left without even saying hello, how can the master still laugh?

Since they couldn't stop Fu Shuo's guests, and because Fu Shuo said that he was tired and wanted to go back to his room to rest, Father Fu and Mother Fu had to take their own people back.

On the way back, Fu's mother thought more and more that something was wrong: "Husband, there must be something wrong with the off-road vehicle that came back with Shuo'er, should we have someone check its license plate number?"

"Well, let's check it out." Although Dad Fu thinks it's meaningless to check it now, it can be prevented before it happens.

"Honey, you have such a dignified expression, do you know something?"

Father Fu's face was heavy: "I guess, the 'guest' Shuoer was talking about was Lu Wanwan, so she didn't dare to get out of the car to meet us."

Fu's mother's expression changed suddenly, and she became vicious almost immediately: "Lu Wanwan?!"

Father Fu continued: "But Shuo'er said it wasn't her."

Mother Fu gritted her teeth and said, "How dare she come back to look for Shuo'er?! Doesn't she think that our Shuo'er is not miserable enough!"

Father Fu sighed: "Whether it's her or not, we can't prove it."

Mother Fu didn't want to let Lu Wanwan go easily: "Husband, such a good opportunity, should we order the airport and the high-speed rail to be blocked! Let Lu Wanwan have no escape?"

Father Fu waved his hand: "It's too late, we couldn't keep her just now, and we can't keep her now."

Mother Fu was so angry that her teeth itch: "Then let's just forget about it?!"

Father Fu asked angrily: "Otherwise, we chased all the way to S City to find her desperately? Do you think she died first, or us?"

"..." Mother Fu didn't say anything more.

at the same time--

Seeing that Fu Shuo had been lying on the sofa in a daze after returning to the room, Xia Zhi couldn't help but took out her mobile phone and said, "Sir, this is a photo I took of you and the young master today, how do you like it?"

After Fu Shuo took the phone, he flipped through one by one.

There are photos of him and An An eating noodles in the square of the Town God's Temple, there are photos of him and An An looking for the host to pray for peace in the temple, and there are photos of him and An An feeding carrots to giraffes...

Suddenly, Fu Shuo's gaze froze.

He seemed to understand why An An suddenly wanted to go home.

In the last photo, he extended his arms to feed the giraffe, revealing a waist assist device with a...yellow light.