Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1377 Who is so noble and wants me to invite you

Looking at An An's sleepy face, although Fu Shuo was still a little puzzled, he finally agreed: "Okay, since you are tired, let's go back."

"Well! Go back!" An An said, turned around and waved to the mercenaries, and said, "Uncle mercenaries, we are going back!"

This was beyond the expectations of the mercenaries, but it would be great if An An was willing to go back.


When the car drove back to Fu Shuo's villa, Xia Zhi, who was in charge of driving, suddenly saw: "Sir, the master and the old lady are here again!"

Hearing this, Fu Shuo's expression turned serious. He looked out of the window and found that his parents brought someone with them this time!

This posture is wrong at first glance.

"Stop!" Fu Shuo said immediately.

Xia Zhi immediately stepped on the brakes.

At this time, Fu's mother and Fu's father also saw them.

Seeing her son's car followed by a strange off-road vehicle, Fu's mother and Fu's father couldn't help but look at each other, and said anxiously: "I said, that day Shuo'er said nothing to let us enter the house, there must be ghosts!"

Father Fu was quite calm: "Don't talk about it yet, we will ask Shuo'er after he gets off the car."

In the car, Xia Zhi was asking worriedly: "Sir, what should we do now? If the master and the old lady see the young master, they will definitely lose their temper!"

"Call the police." Fu Shuo said decisively, "By the way, call the ambulance together."

"Help, ambulance?" Xia Zhi was stunned, couldn't she use reason to solve the problem?

"Well, do as I said, I'll get out of the car first." Fu Shuo said, opened the car door, and went to face his parents alone.

On the other side, on the SUV.

An An was looking at the two old people at the door, and said in surprise: "That's not grandpa... No, isn't that my dad's parents? Why did they bring so many people here? Could it be that my whereabouts have been exposed?"

The mercenary on the side said: "Impossible young master, you have not been out of the house these days, if you want to know your whereabouts, you must touch the door of the house, and if you touch the door of the house, you will not be discovered by us, unless you are with us." The same special forces or mercenaries, otherwise it would be impossible for ordinary people to do it!"

Hearing this, An An asked, "In other words, didn't my dad's parents come here for me?"

The mercenary analyzed: "Well, it may be the last time, Mr. Fu turned them away, they thought it was weird, so they brought someone to the door, young master, I think you are sitting in the car, if something happens , we drove straight to the airport, lest the two parties have a conflict, and it would be bad if we saw blood."

Of course, as for whose blood was seen, that's hard to say.

The mercenary thought with a relaxed face.

An An frowned: "What? Are you leaving today?"

"That's right, Young Master Li said that once something unexpected happens, the young master's vacation trip will be over."

In fact, even if today's incident hadn't happened, the mercenaries would have sent An An back to City S, but it would be better if this happened, because then they would have an excuse. If An An wanted to blame, she would blame Fu Shuo's parents.

An An pursed her lips. He knew that it was good to be able to stay here for a week. It was only three days. He shouldn't force too much, as if he didn't keep his word.

During the exchange between An An and the mercenaries, Fu Shuo had already come to the two elders of the Fu family and shouted as usual: "Dad, Mom, who are they?"

Father Fu first took a serious look at him, and after confirming that it was still the same as usual, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Suo'er, it doesn't matter who they are, what matters is, where did the off-road vehicle behind you come from?"

Fu's mother also asked: "Yes, Shuo'er, who is sitting inside?"

They are all old people with poor eyesight. In addition, the windows of off-road vehicles are made of special materials. Clearly.

Therefore, none of them saw An An sitting in the off-road vehicle.

Fu Shuo said lightly, "The above are all my friends."

Father Fu was surprised: "Your friend?"

Fu Shuo nodded, "Well, I'm going out today to have a party with my old friends. Seeing that everyone is still enjoying themselves, I invite them to come here as our guests."

Hearing this, Fu's mother was overjoyed and said: "That's great! You are always bored at home, and mom is afraid that you will get sick. It would be great to go out to meet with friends and have a heart-to-heart talk!"

Father Fu thought about it, since his son was injured, he has become indifferent to world affairs, and he looks like he is about to retire from the world, but now he is willing to come out to meet with friends?

Fu Shuo continued: "Dad, Mom, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to let people block my gate? Or, you let them leave first, so that my friend and I can drive in?"

Hearing this, Fu's mother turned around immediately, and said to her servants: "Okay, it's okay, you all go away."

"Wait!" Father Fu still felt weird, if it was a gathering of friends, Shuo'er would not smell of cigarettes and alcohol, so who was sitting on the off-road vehicle was open to debate.

Fu Shuo looked at him with deep eyes, "Dad?"

Father Fu smiled and said, "Suo'er, since I'm your friend, maybe I've met your mother before, so how about you invite them down and say hello to us?"

Fu Shuo's eyes flashed, and he said, "Dad, when they drive the car into the yard, they will naturally get out of the car."

Father Fu half-jokingly said: "You don't mean to drive the car into the yard and lock it right away?"

"How could it be?" Under Fu Shuo's calm appearance, an undercurrent was raging.

"We've been chatting here for so long, but none of the guests in your car got off. I want to see who is so noble and wants me to invite you!"

After finishing speaking, Father Fu strode forward and headed for the off-road vehicle!

Fu Shuojun's face changed, but just at this moment, a rapid "beep" sound came from the auxiliary device around his waist!

This is going to... out of power!

Fu Shuo knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, so he rushed to Father Fu's side at the risk of running out of battery, pressed his hand to pull the car door, and said in a low voice, "Dad, I advise you to go back with Mom. Well, my friends are none of your business."

Fu Shuo's unusual appearance reminded Fu's father of a woman. It seemed that only she could make Shuo'er fight against them again and again!

Thinking of this, Fu's father's expression also changed: "Suo'er, the more you say that, the more my father wants to see who is sitting in this car!"

If Lu Wanwan is sitting in this car, then he will definitely let her come and go today!

At this time, on the off-road vehicle.

The mercenary in charge of driving said rightly: "Young master, sit still, I'm going to reverse the car."

"Uncle mercenary, wait a minute, my father's hand is still holding the car door, if you reverse the car now, you will drag them down together."