Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1376 Let's Take Daddy's House

An An immediately asked, "Where? Where?"

Xia Zhi pointed at him, and then An An saw that there was a sign hanging at the entrance of the giraffe's activity area, with a photo of the frowning giraffe on it, and their names below the photo. "

An An was confused: "But sister Xia, in my eyes, they look almost exactly the same. How do I know that my name is the one just now?"

"Then let's just go with the fate, we don't have to be so serious." Xia Zhi's meaning is very simple, that is, whichever An An can call, then feed the one.

"Okay then." After An An nodded, she began to shout: "Luna, Daisy... Oh, the names of these two heads are female giraffes, Tom, Charles, these two heads should be male giraffes, right?"

An An yelled while analyzing, and Fu Shuo and Xia Zhi couldn't help laughing at the little expression on the picture carefully.

After calling the names on the photo, the last adult giraffe walked over slowly with a baby giraffe.

I don't know if I came here for a walk by accident, or was really called by An An.

But it doesn't matter anymore, I saw An'an holding up the carrot again to attract their attention.

As a result, the adult giraffe turned a blind eye to the carrot and was completely attracted by the acacia tree in front of it. It opened its mouth and easily grabbed the fresh and tender leaves without any effort.

An An couldn't help feeling a little disappointed: "Is carrot not in the giraffe's diet?"

"It should be here, hold on for a while." Fu Shuo said.

"Okay." An'an waited and waited, but the adult giraffe has been addicted to eating leaves.

Just when An An was about to give up, suddenly, the baby giraffe, which was protected by an adult giraffe, slowly leaned out. After meeting An An's eyes for a while, the little guy spread his four naturally long legs, bent down to grow ridiculously Neck, trying to reach the carrot in An An's hand.

"Ah! It ate! It ate!!!"

After waiting for a long time, the reward finally came, and An An couldn't help but screamed excitedly.

"Daddy, sister Xia, have you seen it!"

An An then turned her head and shouted at Fu Shuo and Xia Zhi.

Fu Shuo and Xia Zhi, like the adult giraffe calmly eating the leaves, let the two cubs interact while they calmly watched from the side.

But An An said at this time: "Daddy, sister Xia, you are tall, maybe you feed it, and the big giraffe will see it!"

Inspired by An'an's activity, Fu Shuo couldn't help but also picked up a carrot and stood up to attract the adult giraffe's attention.

"I won't feed it anymore, how about it, I will get out of the car and take pictures of you."

After Xia Zhi finished speaking with a smile, she jumped out of the car, took out her phone, turned on the camera, found an angle, and took a commemorative photo for Fu Shuo and An An.

As a result, she froze.

Because Fu Shuo was holding a carrot, he accidentally exposed the auxiliary device at his waist, and the light on it was already yellow.

After a while, it will turn red, and then, there will be no power.

It was because they had so much fun that no one noticed the problem.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi subconsciously wanted to go forward and remind Fu Shuo, but when she saw the childlike smile on his face, Xia Zhi hesitated.

It's been a long time since she saw Fu Shuo so happy. If she reminded Fu Shuo now, it would be tantamount to telling him that it's time to wake up from your dream. It would be too cruel.

However, if she doesn't say anything, it will be Fu Shuo who will be embarrassed later!He cares about face so much, if he suddenly couldn't stand up in front of An An and those mercenaries, the scene would be uncomfortable enough just thinking about it!

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi decided to take a photo of their father and son first. Then, she jumped back into the car, sat down, and said to An An: "Master, when you were feeding carrots just now, did you get licked by a giraffe?" gone?"

In this short period of time, An An had already fed the little giraffe three carrots, and he said with satisfaction: "Well, its tongue is sticky."

"Then I'll take you to the faucet and wash your hands?" Xia Zhi continued.

"Okay." An An agreed without thinking.


While An An was washing his hands, Xia Zhi, who was standing behind him, suddenly said, "Master, did you have a good time today?"

An An turned her back and said, "Happy!"

"That's good." Otherwise, Xia Zhi really didn't know how to say this next.

"Sister Xia, what's wrong with you?" After An An finished washing her hands, when she turned around, she happened to see the tangle on Xia Zhi's face.

Xia Zhi then said: "That's how it is. When I took a picture of you and your husband just now, I saw that the power of your waist assist device was about to run out, so..."

Hearing this, An An's face tightened.

Xia Zhi blamed herself: "If I had known that the young master was coming, I would have asked Dr. Chu to help me make another waist assist device. This way, I will definitely be able to play with you for a day."

In fact, Xia Zhi had this idea more than once.

However, she didn't have any friendship with Chu Mo, so she never said that.

Thinking about it now, if there was a spare waist assist device, it wouldn't spoil An An's happiness.

"Sister Xia..."

"I'm the housekeeper, I didn't prepare well in advance, I'm sorry, young master." Xia Zhi apologized.

"It's not Sister Xia's fault, it's because I was so focused on playing that I didn't notice that Daddy's battery is about to run out."

After a meal, An An said: "Sister Xia, let's take Daddy home! By the way, should I find an excuse so that Daddy doesn't think it's his fault?"

Xia Zhi didn't expect An An to even think of this. She was relieved and ashamed at the same time: "Young Master, Mr. is indeed a bit paranoid about the back injury. It is of course the best if you can find an excuse to hide it from him. Just to embarrass you."

"I'm not wronged." An An showed a healing smile and said, "Sister Xia, let's go back and find Daddy."


After returning to the sightseeing car, An An said to Fu Shuo coquettishly, "Daddy, I'm tired."

Fu Shuo immediately looked at him and asked with concern, "Tired?"

"Well, I got up too early today." An An made a gesture and rubbed her eyes.

Fu Shuo couldn't help but said softly, "It's Daddy's fault, he shouldn't have woken you up so early."

An An persisted and said: "Daddy, let's go home, shall we? I want to sleep."

But Fu Shuo remembered something: "But you were fine just now."

After An An froze slightly, she continued to make up: "That's because the giraffe came to eat my carrots. I, I was excited for a while, so I was energetic. Now that the feeding is over, I am not so excited, so I am sleepy."