Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1375 In order to make them reconcile, I broke my heart

After Lu Wanwan was stunned for a while, she asked softly, "What's the matter, you suddenly said such words?"

Li Jingchen kept holding her, but his phoenix eyes fell on Zong Qi's medical examination report on the table, feeling emotional: "It's nothing, I just feel that I may be able to buy anything, except health."

Lu Wanwan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "You, you survived catastrophe several times, which means that even the sky doesn't want to accept you, and you will live a long life."

Li Jingchen gave a soft "um".

When Wanwan was not by his side, he thought about ending the rest of his life quickly every day, but now that Wanwan was back by his side, he began to become timid and full of fear of death.

Lu Wanwan immediately remembered something and asked, "By the way, should An An come back?"

Li Jingchen let go of her and said, "Well, I have told the mercenaries to send An An back tomorrow morning."

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Well, it's been a week, and my dad called twice, asking when to send An An to him, but I dare not say, let's send An An to Y city, I'm afraid that the old man will be angry and worried, but if my dad comes here to see An'an on a whim, then this matter will be unstoppable."

Although Lu Wanwan was sure that Fu Shuo would not hold on to An An, Lu Hongye did not necessarily think so.

Li Jingchen said: "with me here, your father won't come to the door easily."

Because Lu Hongye hates him, Li Jingchen knows this.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan blinked: "Are you trying to comfort me?"

Li Jingchen said, "Yes."

Lu Wanwan said seriously: "But, I always feel that you are a little wronged. Do you hope my father can accept you?"

"Who doesn't want to be liked by my father-in-law?"

It's funny to say that he used to look down on Lu Hongye, but now it's Lu Hongye who looks down on him.

Lu Wanwan said: "My dad has always admired you."

Li Jingchen smiled wryly: "That was before, now if he hadn't looked at your face, he would have swallowed me alive long ago."

Lu Wanwan said: "He is a stubborn old man, and so is my elder brother. He used to be so clingy to you, and got lost in order to come to see you..."

Mentioning this matter, Li Jingchen couldn't help laughing.

The previous Lu Zeyu was stupid, but he was so cute that he couldn't help but want to help the other party.

"Would you regret sending my elder brother to cure his brain?" Lu Wanwan tentatively asked in a joking tone.

She needs to know how Li Jingchen thinks about her elder brother, so that she can help untie this knot.

Li Jingchen said firmly, "I don't regret it."

Lu Wanwan continued: "But my elder brother has taken away so much business from the Li Group over the years."

Li Jingchen has absolute confidence: "I gave it to him on purpose, otherwise, with the strength of Lu's company back then, it would not be able to take away my business."

Although Lu Wanwan was a little unconvinced, she had to admit that what Li Jingchen said was true: "Then do you still give in now?"

Li Jingchen said frankly: "Even if I don't let it go now, your elder brother can take it away with his own ability."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan smiled, not only proud of her elder brother, but also pleased with Li Jingchen's honesty.

"Do you know? My elder brother has done so much, not only to avenge you for me, but also to strengthen his own company."

Li Jingchen nodded: "I know."

As long as it is a normal man, he will be ambitious.

Lu Wanwan raised the corners of her mouth: "So, if my elder brother heard your last sentence, he would be very happy."

Li Jingchen asked knowingly, "Which sentence?"

Lu Wanwan imitated Li Jingchen's tone just now, and repeated: "You just said, 'Even if I don't let you, your elder brother can take it away with his own ability', my elder brother has always hidden his admiration for you, Your acknowledgment is actually very important to him."

"is it?"

"En!" Lu Wanwan nodded affirmatively.

"Just coax me." Li Jingchen didn't think that Lu Zeyu would still worship him now.

"Oh, I'm serious, why don't you believe me?" Lu Wanwan said depressedly.

Li Jingchen started to use his brain, and immediately understood: "You must want to coax me to show your favor to your elder brother, because you know that I will always be the wrong side in front of your elder brother. Do you think it is better to persuade your elder brother? It's easier to convince me to take the first step, right?"

Lu Wanwan was dumbfounded.

Is Li Jingchen really human?

He saw through her thoughts like this?

"You... Forget it, I won't tell you anymore."

Li Jingchen raised his handsome eyebrows: "If you can't tell me, why don't you say it?"

"..." Lu Wanwan simply turned her back.

After Li Jingchen let out a muffled laugh, he said, "I know you're doing it for my own good. How about this? I'll accompany you to send An'an to your father. Is that all right?"

Lu Wanwan turned her head immediately, smiled at him and said, "Of course it's fine, it shows that you are sincere."

Li Jingchen said dotingly: "You, you really broke your heart just to make us reconcile."

Lu Wanwan said: "It's good that you know!"

Li Jingchen looked at her with piercing eyes, and suddenly asked: "Does this mean that you are completely on my side now?"

Lu Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this is really the case?

Seeing that she didn't refute, Li Jingchen immediately tasted as sweet as honey, and said, "Wanwan, I won't let you down."


On the other side, city y.

At this time, An An, Fu Shuo, and Xia Zhi were sitting in a sightseeing car, feeding giraffes in the zoo.

The mercenaries also rented a sightseeing car and closely guarded them.

When the giraffe in the enclosure came to An An's side with leisurely steps, An An couldn't help but "wow": "Daddy, they are so tall!"

Fu Shuo looked at his excited side face, thinking that nothing went wrong this trip, An An was really overwhelmed at home.

The next second, An An thought of something, and looked at the iron bucket at her feet. There were some food for animals in it, which they bought specially in the scenic spot.

An An found some carrots from the iron bucket and asked, "Daddy, can I feed them?"

Fu Shuo nodded: "Of course."

An An then held up the brightly colored carrot, and then used her voice to attract the giraffe who hadn't gone far: "Hey, look here!"

As a result, the giraffe walked forward on its own, ignoring An An.

An An waved it vigorously for a long time, her arms were sore: "Ah, is my voice too low? Or is it too short?"

Xia Zhi advised him from the side: "Young master, there are their names on the sign, why don't you try to call them by their names?"