Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1374 I want to spend a lifetime with you

Lu Wanwan couldn't wait and said, "I'm going to fight now."

Li Jingchen reminded in a warm voice: "When you fight, you should pay attention. Don't let Jiang Yan directly stop Jiang Man from arranging a blind date for Zhou Mo. That's called fighting, you know?"

Lu Wanwan took out her mobile phone and asked, "What do you think I should say?"

Li Jingchen said: "Apologize to Jiang Yan first, and say that you introduced a friend to Zhou Mo without telling their family. Who knew that the two saw each other and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

At this time, Jiang Yan will definitely ask, who is this man?What do you do?Tell him about Zong Qi's occupation and details. He and Zong Qi both serve the country. "

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Well, what then?"

Li Jingchen smiled: "Then, you don't need to say anything, Jiang Yan knows what to do."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan then found out Jiang Yan's contact information and made a call.


mayor's house.

Jiang Yan was looking for a place to hang the pennant in the room when his cell phone rang.

He walked over, picked up his phone and saw that it was Lu Wanwan's call, and immediately swiped the answer button: "Wanwan, are you home yet?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I'm home, Brother Jiang Yan. There is one thing, I think it's better to be honest with you."

"What's the matter, so serious?" Jiang Yan asked with a smile.

Lu Wanwan continued: "Some time ago, I introduced a man to Sister Mo, and it turned out...they fell in love."

Hearing this, Jiang Yan smiled even brighter: "I thought it was something, Zhou Mo called me before and told me about her falling in love, and I haven't thanked you for helping her connect! "

After hesitating for a while, Lu Wanwan asked, "Did Sister Namo tell you what kind of person the other party is?"

"No, she said that she would take me to see him after I came back from the army. Was she so mysterious? Those who didn't know thought her boyfriend was a scientist and needed to remain anonymous to contribute to the country!" Jiang Yan joked road.

In the end, his joke got Lu Wanwan's silence.

Jiang Yan blinked, and asked in disbelief: "Wanwan, I can't really guess it right? Zhou Mo talked about a subject, a scientist?"

Lu Wanwan said "hmm".

good guy! ! !

Jiang Yan almost dropped the pennant in his hand!

After a while, he recovered his voice, and said: "Fuck, Zhou Mo can do it! He actually kidnapped a national treasure and came back, no wonder he looked so proud when he called me! No, wait until she comes back from get off work I'm home now, so I have to ask her carefully, how did she drag the gods down from the mortal world?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I'm afraid Sister Mo won't be going home for a while."

Jiang Yan asked without knowing it, "What do you mean?"

"Because, Sister Mo and her boyfriend are living together." Lu Wanwan said.

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded again, and after a long time, he said both happy and disappointed: "Okay, okay, now the whole family is left with me as a single dog, I'd better go back to the army, this year is fine!"

Lu Wanwan suddenly said, "Brother Jiang Yan, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Yan couldn't help asking: "Wanwan, it's so good, why do you say sorry? I can't thank you in time, you don't know how bad Zhou Mo's character is, can you help her find a scientist to be her boyfriend, yes She got a great deal!"

Lu Wanwan said with difficulty: "Then what if I say that this scientist is infertile and has a tumor?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yan's expression froze, and he asked with great difficulty: "Did I hear you right?!"

Lu Wanwan said: "I'm sorry, Brother Jiang Yan. When I introduced them to each other, I only knew that Zong Qi's body was irradiated during an experiment, which caused infertility. But I didn't expect his condition to get worse. Now It's time to have surgery!"

After all, Jiang Yan is a man and an officer. Although flustered, he quickly calmed down and asked, "You mean, this scientist named Zong Qi accidentally damaged his body during the experiment?"

Lu Wanwan gave a heavy "hmm".

Jiang Yan closed his eyes and asked again, "Does Zhou Mo know?"

Lu Wanwan said truthfully: "Sister Mo only knows about Zong Qi's infertility. She expressed her willingness to adopt a child with Zong Qi. As for Zong Qi's tumor, it was only found out today. He wanted to keep it a secret." Sister Mo secretly performed the operation."

Jiang Yan was silent for a long time before reluctantly accepting the reality: "Since Zhou Mo knows, then I have nothing to say."

Lu Wanwan said again: "I'm sorry, Brother Jiang Yan."

Jiang Yan turned to look out the window, and said with a complicated expression: "Dating is all about your love and my willingness. As long as Zhou Mo likes it, then I will support her! Wanwan, you don't have to blame yourself anymore."

"Well, after you say it, you will feel more relaxed." Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Brother Jiang Yan, I won't bother you."

Jiang Yan said, "Wait..."

Lu Wanwan asked, "What's the matter, Brother Jiang Yan?"

Jiang Yan said: "Tell me, where does Zhou Mo live with her boyfriend now? I want to go and see for myself."

Lu Wanwan said: "They live in Jinxiu Jiangnan now."

Splendid Jiangnan?

After Jiang Yan memorized the address silently, he ended the call.

Then, he stood in one position for a long time, looking worried.

However, what he was worried about was not Zhou Mo, but Zong Qi.

He even decided to go and see for himself how sick the scientist named Zong Qi was.

You know, his sister is not the kind of character who can take care of others. It would be a pity if the scientist named Zong Qi was folded into her sister's hands...


Li house.

After Lu Wanwan put down his phone, Li Jingchen asked, "How is it?"

Lu Wanwan showed a faint joy: "Sure enough, as you said, after Jiang Yan heard about Zong Qi's occupation and the cause of his illness, instead of being angry, he said he would respect Zhou Mo's decision."

"That's right." Li Jingchen nodded and said, "Young people can better understand young people's thoughts, not to mention that Jiang Yan and Zhou Mo are twins, so they can empathize with them."

"Li Jingchen, you are amazing. You have won me an ally so easily. Why didn't I expect that when I was in the mayor's mansion?" Lu Wanwan said adoringly.

Li Jingchen was greatly benefited by her praise, but it was not enough: "I helped you, so why don't I give you a reward?"

Lu Wanwan met his suggestive phoenix eyes, blushed slightly, leaned over and kissed his handsome face.

Li Jingchen hugged her aggressively, buried his face in her neck, and refused to let her leave: "Wanwan, I hope to spend a lifetime with you."