Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1373 They are heroes and cherish heroes

Lu Wanwan was very happy that Jiang Man could realize this: "Then I'll go back first."

"Wait." Jiang Man suddenly stopped her and asked hesitantly, "About his tumor..."

"Li Jingchen will help." Lu Wanwan said concisely.

Jiang Man suddenly felt ashamed, but her daughter's boyfriend asked Li Jingchen to help.

Jiang Man hesitated and said, "Actually, with me and your godfather, we can also arrange a hospital for cadres for him."

After pondering for a while, Lu Wanwan said, "Godmother, Zong Qi's position is not low. If he asks, the research institution will definitely arrange the best medical environment for him, but he still wants to shine in his position, so he just He decided to do the surgery to remove the tumor without telling everyone, if you and godfather help him arrange the hospital where the cadres go to see a doctor, not to mention whether the news will leak to Sister Mo's ears, it will be very difficult to do this secret work alone."

Jiang Man had to admit that Lu Wanwan's words made sense.

After all, there are many old acquaintances in the hospital where the cadres seek medical treatment. If they ask what disease Zong Qi has, Jiang Man really doesn't know how to answer.

Taking advantage of Jiang Man's calmness now, Lu Wanwan said: "Godmother, if you want to help Zong Qi, in fact, as long as you don't arrange a blind date for Sister Mo, he will be very grateful to you if he knows."

"But I have already promised Mrs. Rong."

Speaking of this, Jiang Man felt a little regretful. She shouldn't just be angry with Lu Wanwan and rashly agree to Madam Rong to take Mo'er to meet Madam Rong's nephew.

She didn't even figure out the details of the other party.

What if there is really a problem?

"Tell me, I wish I hadn't told Mrs. Rong to die just now." Jiang Man has seen all kinds of turmoil, but she has never been calm enough when it comes to children.

Lu Wanwan also felt that it was not good to repent suddenly. After all, women with such status as Jiang Man and Mrs. Rong said what they said would be a nail in the mouth. If they repented temporarily, they would probably offend others. Dad's official career is not good.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan said: "Don't worry, how about this, let's all check to see if there is any problem with Mrs. Rong's nephew's character and education, and if so, you still have something to do with Mrs. Rong room."

Jiang Man obviously still has concerns: "But, if I check Madam Rong's nephew, then I won't believe Madam Rong's character."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "It's okay, if Madam Rong asks at that time, you can just push the question on me. Madam Rong saw that I took a picture of her nephew just now, you As long as you tell her, she will believe it."

Hearing this, Jiang Man showed a conflicted expression: "Wan Wan..."

Lu Wanwan knew that Jiang Man didn't know how to treat her now, so she said, "I really have to go back, Li Jingchen is still waiting for me at home."

Jiang Man nodded and said, "Alright, then you should be careful on the road."

"Well, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan walked out of the mayor's mansion, opened the door, and got in the car.

"Go back to Li's house."



Li house.

"That's how things are. Now that the godmother is in a hurry to go to the doctor, when I went to find her with Zong Qi's medical report, she actually agreed to the secretary's wife to let Sister Mo go on a blind date with her nephew!"

After Lu Wanwan got home, she immediately found Li Jingchen and told him clearly what happened today.

After pondering for a moment, Li Jingchen said, "Not necessarily."

While looking for a water glass, Lu Wanwan asked, "Not necessarily what? Please explain clearly."

Li Jingchen picked up Zong Qi's medical report, and said in a deep voice, "Imagine, once Zong Qi dies, there will be a gap in Zhou Mo's emotional world. What Jiang Man did was to find a man to fill in the gap." period, so that Zhou Mo can forget about Zong Qi as soon as possible."

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened suddenly, why didn't she think about this level!

"It was only later that Jiang Yan's words touched her and made her feel a little guilty towards Zong Qi, but it's hard to say how long this feeling of guilt will last and whether it can overcome her love for her daughter " Li Jingchen continued to analyze.

Lu Wanwan said slowly: "Yes, with the character of a godmother, how could she fight unprepared? I naively thought that she might accept Zong Qi..."

Li Jingchen laughed at her innocence: "Do you think it's possible?"

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and said, "At present, it seems that it is indeed impossible."

Li Jingchen then said: "The only thing that can stop Jiang Man now is that the secretary's wife's nephew really has a problem, otherwise, once the love for her daughter overcomes the guilt for Zong Qi, Jiang Man will still force Zhou Man Mo went on a blind date."

Lu Wanwan affirmed: "But Sister Mo will never agree!"

Li Jingchen said: "Zhou Mo will not agree, what if Zong Qi finds out about this? His condition cannot withstand such a stimulus."

Lu Wanwan's complexion changed, she hugged Li Jingchen's arm, and said, "Li Jingchen, help me to the end, and investigate the details of Mrs. Rong's nephew!"

Li Jingchen helped Zongqi because he liked Zongqi's ability.

You must know that many intelligent robots in Deepwater Harbor were developed by Zong Qi's research institute.

Not long ago, Li Jingchen was still in Jinxiu Jiangnan and finished a business deal with Zong Qi. It would be a loss for the deep-water harbor if such a talent could not continue to shine.

However, now that Lu Wanwan asked him to investigate the details of the secretary's wife's nephew, Li Jingchen felt it was unnecessary because——

"There is no nephew of Mrs. Rong, and there will be nephews of Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Sun in the future... You shouldn't have said in front of Jiang Man that you are responsible for any problems, and you will be the one to take the blame."

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth wide: "Godmother wouldn't just sell me out like this, would she?"

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you say this to her yourself? Let her push all the problems on you in front of Mrs. Rong. If you don't know, you will think you are some kind of hero, and you will yell when you see the injustice." .”

Lu Wanwan said angrily, "Well, I shouldn't have said that."

Li Jingchen thought for a while and said, "Call Jiang Yan now and tell him the truth about Zhou Mo and Zong Qi."

Lu Wanwan asked: "What are you telling Brother Jiang Yan?"

Li Jingchen said: "Win comrades, didn't you say that some of Jiang Yan's ideas are very similar to Zong Qi? Maybe they will be heroes and cherish heroes. In this way, Jiang Man will arrange a blind date for Zhou Mo. Yan will definitely intervene, for people of Jiang Man's age and status, she basically has no weaknesses, but she will still listen to and think about what Jiang Yan says."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's eyes lit up: "You're right! If it wasn't for what brother Jiang Yan said to godmother after he came back, her impression of Zong Qi would not have changed!"

"En." Li Jingchen nodded.