Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1364 Jealousy Between Men

"Eat, eat, eat."

"Eat immediately."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Yu noticed: "Hey, Jingchen, why don't you eat it yourself?"

"I'll wait for her." Li Jingchen looked at Lu Wanwan.

Wei Yu glanced at the supper with only half a bowl left, and his eyelids twitched: "You are so scheming, you don't want to eat, but let us eat!"

Ye Fei then condemned: "That's right! When Tongtong and the others see each other later, they will definitely scold me and Old Wei for stealing food!"

When Ye Fei spoke, it happened that Lin Yan and Fang Tong had a truce. Hearing this, the two girls immediately turned their heads and asked dangerously, "Who stole the food?"

"He!" Ye Fei and Wei Yu pointed at each other.

Fang Tong's pretty face turned cold, and she glared at Ye Fei and said, "Okay, I guessed it a long time ago, you let me eat more every day, but you spend yourself in the fitness room exercising, just to prepare for stealing food!"

Lin Yan said with the tone of someone who came here: "These men show their true colors when they get together, showing off to each other who has more women."

Wei Yu quickly said: "Yan'er, you have misunderstood, what we mean by stealing is not what we mean!"

"what does that mean?"

"Tongtong, we're talking about supper! It's all Jingchen's fault. He didn't eat it himself, but let us eat it. Doesn't it seem that we don't care about you!"

Fang Tong's fluffy words immediately attracted Ye Fei's incoherent explanation, which is also a great spectacle.

At this time, Li Jingchen brought a bowl of supper to Lu Wanwan's hand: "Wanwan, remember to eat supper when you watch a play."

Lu Wanwan took it and said "Mmm".

The moment her hand took the bowl, Li Jingchen heaved a sigh of relief, Wan Wan forgave him?

While stirring the supper gently with a spoon, Lu Wanwan asked lightly, "Li Jingchen, why don't you steal it?"

"With you, if I still steal food, am I still human?" Li Jingchen said with a pun.

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and smiled, obviously pleased.

Poor Wei Yu and Ye Fei, who were treated as negative examples and whipped mercilessly.



With a "snap", Ye Fei gently put down the empty bowl and said, "Jingchen, it's getting late, we should go back, you and your siblings can also rest earlier."

Li Jingchen looked at the time subconsciously, it was early in the morning, it was really "early".

However, thanks to their arrival, Wanwan's attention could be diverted.

Seeing Fang Tong leaning on the sofa and yawning, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking, "Tong Tong, do you want to stay with Sister Yan tonight?"

Anyway, Li's house is very big, two guest rooms are more than enough.

"I think so, I'm afraid Ye Fei disagrees." Fang Tong said.

Lin Yan said: "I won't, I have to go back to supervise Niannian, otherwise she will have to play computer games all night."

"Okay then." Although Lu Wanwan felt regretful, Lin Yan and Fang Tong are both married people now, so it is natural to put family first.


The gate of the compound.

Fang Tong was busy putting on a hat and a mask so as not to be followed by the annoying paparazzi.

Lin Yan stood outside Wei Yu's car and said to Lu Wanwan, "Okay, we're leaving, you should go to bed earlier."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Okay, sister Yan, be careful on the road."

Before Lin Yan got into the car, he didn't forget to hold Lu Wanwan's hand, and secretly said: "I'm not joking when I said I want to marry you, you should think about it again, ah."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help feeling helpless.

Lin Yan got into the car.

At this time, Fang Tong, who had put on his hat and mask, came over to give Lu Wanwan a hug, and before parting, he whispered in her ear: "Wanwan, it's agreed, if I give birth to a daughter, you must Leave An An to me as my son-in-law, I am optimistic about him!"

"..." Lu Wanwan was really convinced. Neither Lin Yan nor Fang Tong gave up trying to pry her son away?

After watching the two sporty sports cars drive away, Li Jingchen whispered to Lu Wanwan: "Let's go in, Wanwan."

Lu Wanwan hooked the hair around Gou's ear with her little finger, and asked, "What do you think of the two in-laws, Wei Yu and Ye Fei?"

Li Jingchen frowned and said, "It's not very good."

"Oh?" Lu Wanwan was a little surprised: "They are your friends for many years..."

Li Jingchen said coldly: "So what, they don't want my son or daughter to call them father."

"..." Lu Wanwan thought it was because of the jealousy among men.


A few days later, city y.

"Daddy, where are we going?"

Early in the morning, An An, who was gently woken up from the bed by Fu Shuo and dressed neatly under Xia Zhi's skillful hands, asked Fu Shuo who was dressed in a formal suit.

After Fu Shuo adjusted the assist device on his lower waist, he raised his head and chest and said, "Tell Daddy first, is Daddy handsome?"

An An took a serious look at Fu Shuo. Although he was thinner, he was more suitable to be a clothes hanger: "Handsome! Daddy is the most handsome!"

Fu Shuo chuckled, he had a handsome face, but with this smile, even time seemed to be softened by him and slowed down.

Even Xia Zhi who was at the side lowered her head, not daring to look any further.

An An couldn't help sighing, how did Mommy not fall in love with Daddy after all these years?

But immediately, Li Jingchen's face appeared in An An's mind.

An An has to admit that Li Jingchen is "the second most handsome man in the world", second only to his father, so Mommy will never forget him.

In a daze, Fu Shuo stretched out his hand and rubbed An An's head: "Today, Daddy wants to take you out for a stroll, so that you won't be bored at home all day."

An An replied, "I'm not bored at all."

It's just that it's a little... uncomfortable.

Every morning in Li's house, he would go to Li Jingchen to learn tennis.

And practice pen writing.

I don't know if his skills will become rusty when he goes back?

At that time, Li Jingchen can "torture" him again, right?


Fu Shuojun's face froze slightly: "An'an, why are you sighing? Are you unwilling?"

"Ah?" An An came back to her senses, only to realize that she was thinking about it, and even sighed, and quickly made amends: "No! Of course I would!"

Seeing his panicked eyes, Fu Shuo pondered slightly, and said, "Well, that's good."

After An An scratched her head, she said, "Daddy, I want to go to the Town God's Temple Square for breakfast, can I?"

Fu Shuo asked, "City God Temple Square?"

An An nodded, her eyes sparkling: "Yes, I remember Mommy said that I was often sick when I was born, so you should go to the Temple of the City God and find an eminent monk to ask for a peace talisman for me!"

At that time, Fu Shuo also had the idea of ​​metaphysics, and went to ask for the safety talisman, but the result: "The safety talisman is useless, and the hospital cured you."

An An continued: "But Mommy also said that there are many shops opened by old residents of City Y around the Town God's Temple, and the things they make are authentic!"

Fu Shuo nodded: "That's true. Okay, Dad will take you to the Town God's Temple Square and have a real breakfast."