Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1363 If ​​you don't pay attention, you will be bitten off

"Eldest young master, eldest young mistress, the midnight snack is here."

As the night darkened, the maids came to Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan with the supper they had just prepared.

"Let's put it here." Li Jingchen pointed to the coffee table and said to Wei Yu and the others: "Whatever you want to eat, take it yourself."

Wei Yu looked at Xiaoye in front of him, rubbed his hands together, and said, "Yo, there's still Xiaoye, I thought you wanted us to get out of here quickly."

Li Jingchen glanced at him sideways: "Can't even eat to stop your mouth?"

Ye Fei casually picked up a bowl, intending to send it to Fang Tong, but unexpectedly heard that they had started to make baby kisses.

"Tongtong, it's time for supper."

Fang Tong waved his hands and said impatiently, "Oh, don't bother me, I'm busy!"

Ye Fei couldn't help sighing: "Woman, your name is 'Quanbian'."

"Okay, let's eat by ourselves, don't the three pregnant women want to lose weight?" Wei Yu said half-jokingly, half-seriously.

Li Jingchen said "Yes", and then glanced at Lu Wanwan, only to see that she had chatted crazy with Lin Yan and Fang Tong, and didn't even share a corner of her eyes with him.

At this time, Lin Yan was staring at Lu Wanwan's stomach, with a tone that was sure to win: "Wanwan, An'an and Niannian are cultivating their relationship at school every day. It will be a matter of time before they get together. If we are born again It's a man and a woman, we can have a kiss, what do you think?"

"Why? I want it, I want it too!" Fang Tong was also greedy for An'an's appearance, but Lin Yan made a default decision directly, and suddenly seemed anxious.

You know, the child born by Li Jingchen and Wanwan is more aura than the child actors she saw when she was filming, so she certainly doesn't want to miss it easily.

Lu Wanwan glanced at Lin Yan and Fang Tong each, Lin Yan needless to say, she remembered that Fang Tong had a pure white face when she first debuted, and now as she got older, she gradually grew into an elegant and majestic girl. With the main face, coupled with Ye Fei's polite appearance, the child they gave birth to must be temperamental.

As for Wei Yu and Lin Yan, their children...

Lu Wanwan thought of Wei Nian, that little girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, even if it is An An, it is not easy to hold her.

Lin Yan smiled and said: "How about this, Tongtong, don't say Miss Yan is stingy, An An and my family Nian Nian, childhood sweethearts, no one can do without each other, so don't think about being An An's mother-in-law, but, Sister Yan won't rob you of Wanwan's next child."

Fang Tong was very moved at first, but then he thought about it: "That's not right! Sister Yan, if Wan Wan and I both give birth to boys, can I still make them right?"

Lin Yan didn't take it seriously: "Why not? Now that society has changed, isn't there a saying that 'same sex is true love'? You are in the entertainment industry, so you should see more than us."

Fang Tong said angrily: "Sister Yan, you are standing and talking without back pain!"

Lu Wanwan reconciled from the side: "Sister Yan, Tongtong, of course it would be great to marry you, but as far as I know, the relationship between An An and Nian Nian is just an ordinary friendship, and there is Li Xiuqi among them. "

Hearing this, Fang Tong suddenly became happy.

"Li Xiuqi?" Lin Yan frowned, and said a little depressed: "He can't do it!"

Fang Tong asked: "Why not? Li Xiuqi is also a child of the Li family~ and he has known Wei Nian for a longer time, so they are the real childhood sweethearts, right?"

Lin Yan pursed her lips and said, "Li Xiuqi is a sick child, he can't even take care of himself, let alone my family Niannian."

It's not that she looks down on Li Xiuqi, but that Li Xiuqi's health is not up to par. Those who suffer from a mild illness in three days and serious illnesses in five days, whoever suffers from it will be unlucky.

Lu Wanwan said at the right time: "I think the fate between the children should be determined by themselves, and we should not get involved."

Fang Tong nodded, "That's right! Wanwan, don't rush to marry An An, just wait for me."

Lin Yan narrowed her eyes: "Fang Tong, you also fell in love with An An?"

Fang Tong met Lin Yan's gaze, straightened his chest, and argued hard: "Yes, I've fallen in love with An An! That's why I must give birth to a girl!"

Lu Wanwan seemed to hear the "crackling" sound of the two people's eyes, wondering when did her son become so popular?

Wei Yu pricked up his ears, and after listening to their conversation, he turned around and laughed at Ye Fei: "Lao Ye, did you hear that? Fang Tong wants to give birth to a girl for Li Huai'an, can you bear it?"

Ye Fei put down the spoon and said calmly: "What can't be tolerated? Our family is different from yours, and we don't like patriarchy."

"It's my mother who is patriarchal, not me!" Wei Yu said angrily, and continued: "And, that's not what I mean!"

Ye Fei asked: "What is that?"

Wei Yudao: "In Fang Tong's heart, Li Huai'an's existence seems to be more important than you? In order to accept him as her son-in-law, she even competed with Yan'er, and even determined to have a girl. Has she asked you?"

Under Wei Yu's teasing eyes, Ye Fei analyzed: "Li Huai'an's child is both good in character and learning, intelligent and brave. Will your daughter be able to receive the bomb box and stay still, waiting for the bomb disposal experts to come to help?"

The sarcasm on Wei Yu's face disappeared, replaced by deep thought: "No, I suspect that Nian Nian was so frightened that he threw away the bomb box after holding on for less than a second."

The price of throwing away the bomb box is, of course, death.

Ye Fei said solemnly: "That's right, and it's not just a child who died, but also the child's mother, neighbors up and down, left and right,

Tongtong also admired Li Huai'an after hearing about this incident. He has enough wisdom and courage, which is rare for a six-year-old child. Don't you think that Li Huai'an is an improved version of Jingchen ? "

Wei Yu glanced at Li Jingchen: "Improved version?"

Ye Fei said: "Yes, although Jing Chen is outstanding among his peers, he has a bad personality, bad temper, and easily offends others.

But An An can make people feel close and loving to him, and even subconsciously feel that he is just a little puppy waiting to be fed, and then wants to help him and protect him,

As everyone knows, Li Huaian eats meat!If you don't pay attention, you will be bitten. "

Wei Yu was thoughtful: "You mean, Li Huai'an looks harmless and is easier to win people's hearts than Jing Chen?"

"Yeah." Ye Fei nodded, "I think it's thanks to the education of Wan Wan and Fu Shuo that we can teach a child like An An."

Hearing this, Wei Yu looked nervously at Li Jingchen, wondering if he heard it?

Feeling their gaze, Li Jingchen turned his eyes and asked quietly: "What are you talking about? You can't even take care of supper."