Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1365 I left the chapter, what do you do

"Sir, let me take you and the young master to the Town God's Temple Square." Xia Zhi said from the side.

"Okay." Fu Shuo had no objection.

After the three of them packed up, they were ready to go out.

As a result, he was stopped before he even left the door.

The voice of the visitor had a cold quality: "Young master, where are you going?"

An An looked at the tall and burly mercenary in front of her, almost forgot about it, and immediately said, "Uh, uncle mercenary, Daddy and sister Xia, I want to go outside to play today, is that okay?"

The mercenary frowned and said, "It's dangerous outside, young master, it's better not to go out."

"Aren't you guys protecting me?" An An said softly, tilting her head.

"Having said that, the outside world is no better than at home, and accidents may happen at any time, so it's better not to take any risks, is that okay, young master?"

An An looked at Fu Shuo worriedly: "Daddy, why don't we..."

An An hesitated, only to hear Fu Shuo say, "Give Daddy some time."

An An asked strangely, "Daddy, what are you going to do?"

Fu Shuo looked at the mercenary in front of him. After several days of observation, he found that this mercenary seemed to be the leader of these people, so he asked, "Can we talk alone?"


The two walked a little further before Fu Shuo asked, "Is An An going back soon?"

The mercenary looked at him in surprise, and then said "hmm".

Fu Shuo said in a discussing tone: "So, let me take him out to play today, okay? Just treat it as a father and create the last good memory for the child."

The mercenary looked at him, and suddenly said: "I can promise you, but Young Master Li has told me that if any accident happens, we will immediately cover the young master to leave, and don't worry about anything else, Mr. Fu, you understand this mean?"

After a strange look flashed across Fu Shuo's eyes, he said, "That is to say, in the event of an accident, you will only save An'an, and I will die if I die?"

The mercenary nodded: "That's right, we are hired by Young Master Li, and we are only responsible for protecting his son. Besides, we are not obliged to save other people. Once an accident occurs, with Mr. Fu's body, he can run as fast as he can." move?"

This sentence seems to be a mockery, but also kind of advice. After all, the life of a mercenary is also a life. They are willing to work hard for An An because An An is the son of their employer, and Fu Shuo is nothing to them. he?nonexistent.

Fu Shuo was inspired to fight, and said, "If you don't try it, how do you know I can't run?"

"Well, since Boss Fu is already mentally prepared, let's go."

After the mercenary finished speaking, he walked towards the off-road vehicle he bought.

"Get in the car? There is a mission, let's go too!"

The other mercenaries scattered throughout the villa immediately rushed over to assemble after seeing this scene through the binoculars.

Seeing this scene, An An asked in surprise, "Daddy, have you convinced the mercenary uncle?"

Fu Shuo put away his solemn expression, turned around and said, "Yes."

"How did Daddy do it? An An also wants to learn!"

Fu Shuo wrote lightly: "There is nothing to learn."

He just made it all clear.

These mercenaries are confident in protecting An An, but they don't want to lose their lives for him. He just needs to tell them that he doesn't need their protection, and they will have no objections.

"Daddy is so powerful, nothing can trouble you!" An An looked at Fu Shuo adoringly.

Fu Shuo rubbed his little head, and said softly, "Get in the car."

"Yeah!" An An turned around and subconsciously walked towards Fu Shuo's car.

As a result, the window of the off-road vehicle was lowered, and the cold voice came again: "Little master, get in my car."

An An stood on her tiptoes, gently pawing the window of the off-road vehicle, and begged, "Uncle, I want to take Daddy and Sister Xia's car, can I?"

The mercenary said with a firm heart: "Young master, for your safety, we must guard you every step of the way, and it is already an exception to agree to let you go out."

An An frowned unhappily, if she was separated from Daddy the whole time, what would it be called "hanging out together"?

Seeing this, the mercenary simply said, "This is also for the good of Mr. Fu."

An An was taken aback.

"If there are bad guys coming towards you, what do you think will happen to Fu who is in the same car as you?"

The words of the mercenary, like a bell, hit An An's heart hard, making him wake up instantly and said: "Daddy, sister Xia, I think we should sit separately, anyway, the final destination is Same, that's fine!"

Just as Fu Shuo felt unwilling, he saw An An's worried eyes in an instant. At this moment, he compromised because he couldn't let a child worry about him.

"Okay." Fu Shuo agreed in a hoarse voice.

"Yeah!" An An got into the car with confidence.

He didn't seem to be worried that he would encounter an accident at all, but as long as Fu Shuo was well.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, the result was the same. After Fu Shuo got into the car, Xia Zhi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't help being surprised and said, "Sir, you actually managed to convince the people sent by Young Master Li to let the little one go." Master, will you go out to play with us?"

Fu Shuo said without expression: "Because I have reached a consensus with them. If there is an accident, they only need to protect An'an and leave me alone."

Xia Zhi's eyebrows twitched, and she asked a little timidly, "Is that including me?"

Fu Shuo glanced at her, and asked meaningfully: "It's only natural, are you from Li Jingchen?"

"Of course not, but I belong to the young mistress. If something happens, they should help me, right?"

Xia Zhi considers herself to be an ordinary person. Although she has justice and kindness in her heart, she has only one life after all, and has no special self-help skills.

So, she was right to think so.

But Fu Shuo's heart was full of evil fire, why did one or two rely on Li Jingchen's strength so much?

Forget about An An, after all, he has a blood relationship with Li Jingchen, and has cultivated a relationship with Li Jingchen for a while, but what about Xia Zhi?

The number of times she met Li Jingchen can be counted on one hand!Actually counting on Li Jingchen's people to save her life at a critical moment?

"If you really think it's safe there, just go sit there. It's better to call Wanwan again and ask her to say something nice for you in front of Li Jingchen. Maybe Li Jingchen will hire you directly for the sake of your doglegs." You are going to be the housekeeper of the Li residence."

Afterwards, it became more and more wrong.

Xia Zhi could hear his yin and yang aura, just like in the ward.

She only thought that Fu Shuo fell ill again, and said without thinking, "Sir, if I go to be the housekeeper in Li's house, what will you do?"