Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1362 So She Has Another Face

After pondering for a moment, Ye Fei said, "Unless...the person behind it is very powerful, or knows S City very well!"

After hearing this, Wei Yu's heart skipped a beat: "Jingchen, do you want me and Lao Ye to check for you?"

Li Jingchen said: "No, I already have a suspect, and I've put down the bait, and I'm just waiting to see if he takes the bait. If he doesn't take the bait, it means I suspect the wrong person, or... ...he hides too deeply."

Wei Yu was confused: "Who is it? Do we know this person?"

Li Jingchen looked at him and Ye Fei, and said in a deep voice: "For your safety, the less you know, the better."

"Okay, we won't ask any more, we will help you when you need it." Out of years of tacit understanding, Ye Fei said.

Li Jingchen raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Thank you."


at the same time.

Fang Tong was rubbing his belly, and said to Lu Wanwan nervously, "Wanwan, I'm so scared."

Lu Wanwan asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Fang Tong murmured: "...I'm afraid of having a baby."

Lu Wanwan was surprised and said: "Aren't you still pregnant with Wia before? It almost frightened Ye Fei."

Thinking of his crazy behavior, Fang Tong stuck out the tip of his tongue and said: "These days, I watched my stomach grow little by little, and only then did I realize that there is a fragile little life that is closely connected with me. Now let me hang on to Wia again, I will definitely not dare."

Lu Wanwan nodded, expressing her understanding.

Fang Tong then asked: "Wanwan, you and Sister Yan are both having second babies, but I am still the first. I want to ask you, did it hurt when you gave birth?"

Lu Wanwan didn't need to recall, but she clearly remembered that she had a dystocia at that time, and it hurt to death.

But seeing Fang Tong's anxious look, Lu Wanwan was thinking about whether to tell the truth, so she heard Lin Yan say——

"What's the matter, just treat it as a fart, or not?"

Fang Tong's Liuye eyebrows frowned, then loosened, and said: "Sister Yan, your analogy is too vulgar! But I like it, if it's as simple as farting, then I can do it now!"

"..." The corner of Lu Wanwan's mouth twitched, the two beautiful faces in front of her eyes were enough to talk about shit and fart!

Fang Tong never forgot to teach Lu Wanwan: "Wanwan, what do you think?"

"Well, just treat it as a fart..." Lu Wanwan was assimilated.

The three looked at each other and laughed together.

This beautiful scene of trembling flowers and branches fell into the eyes of the three of Li Jingchen,

Unconsciously, Ye Fei also showed a smile: "Looking at them, how does it feel?"

Wei Yu smiled, with a look of contentment: "Not bad, they have been in love for many years just like us."

Ye Fei recalled: "I remember, when Tongtong was abroad, she once defended her siblings. This kind of friendship is really incomparable."

Wei Yu also had a lot of emotion: "In order to prevent me from getting revenge on Wanwan, Yan'er once stood by the window while pregnant, threatening me to jump off, that's why their relationship has always been so strong."

Li Jingchen said slowly: "But Wanwan also dealt with a wealthy businessman who wanted to rule her out for Fang Tong, and also begged me for Lin Yan's help to leave Wei Yu, why now it's in your mouth, but it seems that only Fang Tong and Lin Yan unilaterally paid for Wanwan?"

Ye Fei and Wei Yu had to admit that the good relationship between these three women was all because of Lu Wanwan.

If it wasn't for Lu Wanwan, Lin Yan and Fang Tong wouldn't have known each other at all.

In the end, Ye Fei concluded: "How should I put it, siblings are like a screw, working between the few of us, and nothing will work if it is missing."

Lu Wanwan faintly heard the word "brother and sister", and couldn't help turning her eyes, and asked, "What are you talking about me again?"

Ye Fei showed her a sincere smile: "Brothers and sisters, don't worry, we didn't speak ill of you."

"You dare!" Lu Wanwan held Fang Tong's shoulder with her left hand and Lin Yan's arm with her right hand, and said triumphantly, "I'll let Sister Yan and Tong Tong help me vent my anger."

Over the years, Wei Yu and Ye Fei have seen Lu Wanwan's seriousness, stubbornness, coldness, hatred, and justice. They thought they knew this woman well enough, but it was only at this moment that they realized that Lu Wanwan still had another face...

"Jingchen, why do I feel that my younger siblings seem to have become more lively?"

"Yeah, she wasn't like this before..."

"Have you been drinking?"

Facing the low-pitched inquiries of two friends, Li Jingchen's eyes hurt, and he said in a slightly hoarse voice: "No, this is what Wanwan should be like." It's just that he accidentally lost it.


On the other side, Lin Yan's gaze was on Wan Wan's hand holding her arm, and he condensed slightly: "Wan Wan, I didn't notice just now, the ring on your left hand is..."

"What ring? Let me see!" Fang Tong grabbed Lu Wanwan's left hand, only to see a diamond ring shining in her finger.

"Oh my god, Li Jingchen, you proposed to Wan Wan?!" Fang Tong was so surprised that he called him by his first name.

"What's even more surprising, isn't Wanwan agreeing?" Lin Yan pointed straight to the point.

Lu Wanwan, who was stared at by everyone, calmly replied, "It's not a marriage proposal."

After Wei Yu paused, he asked aggressively, "Then you wear it on your middle finger?"

Lu Wanwan emphasized: "Really, this is a gift from him to celebrate my promotion."

Ye Fei pointed to Li Jingchen's left hand, and said: "But Jingchen also wears a diamond ring, which is the same style as yours. You can't fool me, I run a jewelry store."

Back then, Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan's first wedding ring was bought from Ye Fei.

Unfortunately, the result was not satisfactory.

This time, Li Jingchen deliberately didn't go to Ye Fei's jewelry store to buy a diamond ring, just to get a good omen.

Wei Yu earnestly and persuasively said: "I said, brother and sister, you can't go back on what you say and give up on what you say."

Ye Fei nodded and said: "Yes, after accepting Jing Chen's ring, he will consider you his wife for the rest of his life!"

Lu Wanwan always felt that Wei Yu and Ye Fei seemed to have the same tone, she bit her lower lip, a little embarrassed to refuse them, and finally insisted: "It's not so easy for me to agree to his marriage proposal."

Lu Wanwan's eyes fluttered, her beauty was unbelievably beautiful.

Li Jingchen rolled his Adam's apple, and said almost subconsciously: "Yes, that's just a promotion gift for you. When I'm ready, I'll propose to you again."


Wei Yu and Ye Fei looked at him bitterly.

They said that on purpose just now, just to create pressure for Lu Wanwan to admit that the diamond ring is a wedding ring. As a result, Jing Chen's words made their efforts all in vain in an instant.

However, Lin Yan and Fang Tong, who are women, understand Lu Wanwan's feelings very well.

Only when Wan Wan is serious will she ask Li Jingchen for a marriage proposal ceremony.