Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1359 I Just Hope You Can Calm Down


Li Jingchen, who was in a meeting, his phone vibrated.

He didn't pay attention at first, and waited until after the meeting to take out his cell phone, only to find out that it was a text message from Lu Wanwan.

[Thank you for the photos and videos sent by the Propaganda Department, I will thank you when I go back, you can eat whatever you want. ]

"Go back and thank me again? Can you eat whatever you want?"

Li Jingchen rubbed the phone screen, smiling a little confusingly.

That night.

Lu Wanwan personally cooks a delicious meal for Li Jingchen.

She supported her chin with one hand, poured two glasses of red wine with the other hand, moved one glass to Li Jingchen's face, and said under his deep gaze, "We're at home tonight, let's indulge?"

"Okay." Li Jingchen's appetite was whetted by Lu Wanwan's text message for a day. After picking up the red wine, his eyes were still fixed on Lu Wanwan's pretty face, as if what he was drinking was not red wine , but like Lu Wanwan...

Feeling the strange atmosphere, the maids retreated tacitly.

After returning home, Li Jingchen took off his black coat, revealing the light brown vest inside. Inside the vest was a white shirt, and the corners of the white shirt were neatly tucked into the belt, looking slim and abstinent. In addition, he kept staring at her with a slight smile, which inexplicably made Lu Wanwan blush.

She quickly picked up her wine glass and took a sip in disguise.

As a result, I drank it too quickly, and instead choked and coughed.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen put down his wine glass, came to her side, and raised his hand to pat her on the back.

"Drink slowly, no one will rob you."

After coughing, Lu Wanwan glanced at him.

At this glance, Li Jingchen just saw the thin blush on her face, obviously she is already a mother, but her skin is still as smooth and tender as an egg that has been peeled off its shell, coupled with that faint blush , making her look like a peach, Li Jingchen inexplicably wanted to take a bite.

At some point, Li Jingchen patted her hand on the back, fell to her waist, and gently controlled it.

"Li Jingchen..."

Lu Wanwan wanted to tell him that she was fine, but as soon as she said the words, his red lips were caressed by his thumb.

The atmosphere became more ambiguous.

Li Jingchen smiled at her and said, "You have wine stains on your lips."

"Oh." Lu Wanwan remembered how she was coughing just now, and took out a facial tissue with some embarrassment, and wanted to wipe her mouth, but Li Jingchen grabbed her wrist, bowed his head and cleaned it up for her himself...

Lu Wanwan looked at his magnified handsome face, and a question mark slowly appeared in her mind.

Aren't they... ready to eat?Why did Li Jingchen press her down to kiss her?

And when the kiss got deeper and deeper, Lu Wanwan couldn't help turning her apricot eyes around, hoping that someone would stop her, but unexpectedly found that the maids were all gone!

isn't it?

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to bite Li Jingchen's thin lips hard.

The pain made Li Jingchen back a little, but only a little.

Lu Wanwan met his staring gaze, wondering what happened to him tonight?

"Are you still eating?"

"Aren't I just eating?" Li Jingchen said, pecking her face again.

Lu Wanwan curled her lips: "What you eat is different from what I prepared for you."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, and his voice was hopelessly sexy: "I thought that as long as it was on this table, you prepared it for me."

After Lu Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, she glanced at her position.

Probably for the sake of convenience, Li Jingchen absurdly carried her from the dining chair to the dining table. In this way, the height of the two was shortened, and it was more convenient for Li Jingchen.

So, now that she is on the table, she is a dish for Li Jingchen?

"Oh, nothing to say? Then I'll start."

Li Jingchen gently pinched her small chin, turned his head, and wanted to kiss her again.

Lu Wanwan immediately grabbed his silver-gray tie and pulled it up vigorously.

A sense of suffocation came, and Li Jingchen had to stop and glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes: "Wanwan, you can't do this."

Lu Wanwan took advantage of the gap where he loosened his tie, slid down from the dining table, and sat back in her original seat: "I just hope you can calm down."

"Calm down?" Li Jingchen said in an honest tone: "From the moment you texted me, I was looking forward to the 'thank you' from you, and you said it, I can eat whatever I want .”

He bit hard on the word "eat".

Lu Wanwan looked at him, no wonder he was so weird, it was because of the text message in the morning.

But she didn't send any ambiguous messages, so she thanked her normally.

What is he expecting?

Lu Wanwan went from being puzzled, to understanding, to speechless.

"My thank you is very simple. I just cook a dinner to reward you. Don't think about it. Besides, you didn't reply to my text message all day. Tell me what you want to eat. Of course, I can only play by myself."

Li Jingchen said regretfully, "But I've lost my mind."

"Then wake up quickly, I'm pregnant!" Lu Wanwan said loudly.

Hearing this, the maids hiding in the dark immediately woke up from the mode of listening to the corner.

"That's right, the youngest mistress is pregnant, how can we let her fight with the young master?"

"That's right, the eldest young mistress seems to be in a hurry, let's hurry up and save her!"

"But, what if the young master blames us..." There was also a timid maid who hesitated.

"What are you afraid of! The eldest young mistress will protect us!"

The maids came out in a hurry, mustered up their courage, and called out: "Master!"

Li Jingchen raised his eyelids, with a forbearing expression on his face: "What's the matter?"

"This soup is cold, I'll warm it up for you."

"The fish looked like it was undercooked. I re-oiled it."

"Young master, your wine is almost finished, let me help you refill!"

The maids deliberately came in to find something to do, which made Li Jingchen have no chance, and got in close contact with Lu Wanwan.

Seeing Li Jingchen wanting to have an attack, but suffering for no reason, Lu Wanwan bit the rim of her cup, trying to hold back her laughter.

Under the interruption of the maids who were not afraid of death, Li Jingchen held down the corners of his eyebrows that kept jumping, and said: "Wanwan, I'll take a bath first, and then come down to eat."

Lu Wanwan lowered her eyes and nodded: "Well, good."

After Li Jingchen went upstairs, Lu Wanwan finally couldn't help laughing.

Let him "bully" her, isn't it himself who suffers?

After Lu Wanwan finished laughing, she said to the maids around her, "You guys are doing a great job. I will give you red envelopes during the Chinese New Year."

The maids immediately said, "Thank you, young mistress!"


When Li Jingchen reappeared, he had completely calmed down.

He had to stay calm, after all the maids were watching him vigilantly.

Sometimes, he wondered who they belonged to.