Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1360 What are you doing here at night?

Lu Wanwan looked at the maids on both sides, and confidently asked, "Are you okay?"

Li Jingchen scolded "little fox" in his heart, picked up his chopsticks, and said meaningfully: "I'll let you go today, but I will settle this account with you sooner or later."

[And, only with her alone! ]

Lu Wanwan understood this sentence from his eyes, and her heart beat faster.

Forget it, there are still several months anyway!

Lu Wanwan took a sip of wine with the idea of ​​salted fish, suppressing her shock.


After dinner, Lu Wanwan went back to her room to take a shower.

Li Jingchen glanced at the maids who were clearing the table, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't call you in the future, so you are not allowed to show up, do you hear me?"

The maids said "yes" in their mouths, but what they thought in their hearts was "dare to do it next time".

At this moment, Li Jingchen's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone, slid over the answer button, and asked in a rough voice, "What's the matter?"

Wei Yu's joking voice came from the other end: "Hey, so angry? Is it dissatisfaction with desire, or dissatisfaction with desire?"

Wei Yu is purely whether the pot is not open or lifted, Li Jingchen immediately said coldly: "If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up."

"Don't, I want to ask if you are free? Come out and get together."

Li Jingchen said with a cold face: "No time."

Wei Yu couldn't help complaining: "I found that since your siblings returned to you, you have almost become an otaku, and even your good brothers have disappeared."

"Recently, Wanwan's mother and son were targeted by someone. I stay with them at home. Is there a problem?"

"No problem, then I'll find Lao Ye."

Wei Yu happily ended the call.

Li Jingchen crossed his arms, recalled his recent life, and found that it was indeed two points and one line.

Li's Group, Li's House.

For some business invitations, he ordered his subordinates to attend.

Even Wei Yu and Ye Fei seemed to have been forgotten by him.

Would they be mad at him?Think he's not brother enough?

This question disappeared in an instant when Lu Wanwan took a shower and came to him with a scent.

Not enough brothers, not enough brothers, he is willing to indulge in beauty!

Li Jingchen picked up the remote control, but his eyes glanced at Lu Wanwan's calves under her nightgown. Because of her pregnancy, her calves were not as slender as before, but a little rounder.

"Like two radishes."

"What radish?"

Hearing his muttering, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but look at him, only to see Li Jingchen's gaze fall on her calf.

"Okay." Lu Wanwan was annoyed for a moment, and even felt a little wronged: "You think I'm fat, don't you?"

"No!" Li Jingchen quickly denied, "I mean, your calves are so cute."

Lu Wanwan obviously didn't believe it: "It's a radish, but still cute? You men are all the same. When you put a child in a woman's belly, you can say all kinds of sweet words. When the woman is pregnant and gives birth, her body is deformed and she hates it again!"

"Wanwan, I didn't mean that...!"

Before Li Jingchen finished speaking, Lu Wanwan threw a pillow at him, hitting his handsome face.

When he took down the pillow, Lu Wanwan had already taken the elevator upstairs.

Li Jingchen sighed, he really didn't mean to be fat late!

The second floor.

"Knock knock knock."

Li Jingchen knocked on the door.

The door didn't open.

Li Jingchen unscrews the doorknob.

The door is locked.

Li Jingchen coaxed: "Wanwan, you open the door, and I'll explain to you."

While speaking, he waved and asked the passing maid to get him the key.

In the end, the maid said: "Young master, you forgot that the keys to the house are in your room."

"..." Well, do you want him to lay a bed outside tonight?

Just then, the downstairs doorbell rang.

"Who's here?" Li Jingchen narrowed his phoenix eyes, and waved for the maid to go down and open the door.

After a while, the maid came in with Wei Yu, Lin Yan, Ye Fei, and Fang Tong.

The four of them talked and laughed, just as casually as entering their own home.

Li Jingchen didn't expect that after Wei Yu hung up his phone, he turned around and ran to his house, and it was still at this time!

He went downstairs quickly and asked, "It's late at night, what are you doing here?"

Wei Yu put his arms around Lin Yan's waist, still in that unrestrained manner: "Come and see you, didn't you say that you have to protect your siblings at night, so you can't go out? I'll take Yan'er and go find Lao Ye and Fang Tong have come to see you together."

Ye Fei directly stretched out his hand and punched Li Jingchen in the chest: "I said you haven't come out to get together with us for a long time, and now we take the initiative to come to your door, why don't you welcome it at all!"

As a popular female star, Fang Tong was busy taking off her hat and mask at this time, revealing a bright and radiant face, and muttered: "It's killing me!"

Lin Yan looked around and asked with concern, "Where are Wan Wan and An An?"

"An An went to City Y." Li Jingchen said.

"Y City?!" The four people in front of them were all shocked.

"What did An An go to City Y for?" Wei Yu asked.

"Isn't that Fu Shuo's territory?" Ye Fei also asked.

Li Jingchen said: "Don't make a fuss, I just fulfilled the divorce agreement with him in Wanwan and sent An An to visit him."

Wei Yu gasped and said: "Then you are not afraid, An An will go and never return?"

"No, I have my own arrangements." Li Jingchen finished speaking lightly, and said to them: "Since you're here, let's all sit down."

But Lin Yan was always concerned: "Li Jingchen, you haven't said where Wanwan is yet?"

"In the room every night, rest." Li Jingchen paused unnaturally.

It is said that the family ugliness should not be publicized, and besides, he finally got it back Wanwan, and he has not shown his affection in front of Wei Yu and the others, so it is not okay to let them watch a joke.

Fang Tong showed concern: "What's wrong with Wan Wan? Are you feeling unwell?"

Li Jingchen doesn't have the habit of cursing his beloved woman: "Ever since she got pregnant, she's used to going to bed early."

Fang Tong breathed a sigh of relief: "It's too early, it's only 9 o'clock, I'll call her down."

Li Jingchen crossed his long legs and said solemnly: "Aren't you afraid of getting up late at night?"

Fang Tong paused, not because of Li Jingchen's words, but because of the people behind Li Jingchen.

Lin Yan narrowed her beautiful eyes, and asked with great interest, "Oh? What's it like to wake up late at night? Let's hear it."

Different from Fang Tong and Lin Yan's reactions, Wei Yu and Ye Fei were winking, but they heard Li Jingchen say, "I will beat people."

Wei Yu/Ye Fei: "..."

Brother, stop talking!

Lin Yan curled up her red lips, with a half-smile: "Wanwan is so gentle, can she beat someone?"

"Well, when the kitten is in a hurry, it will scratch people, let alone people."

When he said this, Li Jingchen's eyes were extremely gentle and doting, but it's a pity that the people behind him couldn't see it.

Lin Yan looked at Li Jingchen, and suddenly chuckled.

The next second, a voice that implied anger sounded from behind him——

"I'm angry about getting up, why don't I know it myself?"