Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1358 Being by his side is a kind of trouble

"I like it." At some point, Lu Wanwan put down the knife and fork, and said with a gentle smile at Li Jingchen: "I like this sense of ritual, no matter how many years it is."

"That's good."

Li Jingchen still remembered that Li Qingling said that what women care about is not whether the gifts that men give them are expensive or not, but whether the time and place of giving the gifts suit their wishes.

If it suits their wishes, it is a ring woven out of straw, and they will accept it with pleasure.

After quietly eating a candlelight dinner that was undisturbed, Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen's handsome face through the burning candlestick.

"Li Jingchen, I suddenly discovered..."

Li Jingchen asked, "What did you find?"

"Occasionally, there are days when An An is not present, and that's fine."

Although this is not plausible, it is what Lu Wanwan wants to say to Li Jingchen at this moment.

After Li Jingchen was surprised, a lot of sweetness grew in his heart, and he even asked: "How about letting An An stay in Y City for a few more days?"

Lu Wanwan thought about it and said, "Okay."

But Li Jingchen frowned suddenly: "Wait, you didn't mean to coax me on purpose in order to let An An stay with Fu Shuo for a few days?"

Lu Wanwan puffed her face: "Li Jingchen, did anyone tell you that your suspicion is really serious? You suggested it first, but now you're suspicious of me?"

Li Jingchen thought about it too, and couldn't help chuckling: "I just didn't expect that there would be a day when you would find that kid annoying."

Lu Wanwan corrected seriously: "Please note, I don't think An An is annoying, but because you are too insignificant in front of An An, and I just want to stay with you for a few more days."

Li Jingchen smiled in his starry eyes: "Okay, then it's settled."


If An An knew that because of Lu Wanwan's casual remark, she got the permission to stay in City Y for a few more days, she would be stunned.

Seeing that An An was in a daze after finishing the call, Fu Shuo couldn't help forcing a smile and said, "Is your mom urging you to go back?"

He knew that An An could only stay with him for three days.

Once three days arrive, even if An An doesn't leave, the group of mercenaries outside will probably take him away by force.

Today is already the second day, but Fu Shuo felt like two hours had passed, so short that it made him feel sad.

An An came back to her senses and said in surprise, "Daddy, Mommy just told me on the phone that I can stay here for a few more days!"

Fu Shuo was stunned: "How many days?"

An An nodded in a trance: "Well, a few days."

Fu Shuo asked, "How many days?"

"I don't know, they seem to have not decided when to let me go back."

"..." Fu Shuo frowned, thinking when did Wanwan become so sloppy?

"I know!" An An suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and said excitedly: "Mummy must be worried about Daddy, and she's too embarrassed to speak out, so she wants me to stay with Daddy for a few more days instead of her!"

Fu Shuo couldn't restrain his smile and asked, "Really?"

An An affirmed: "Well, Mommy must have been begging Li Jingchen for a long time! That guy said when I got on the plane, if I don't go back after three days, I will let the mercenary uncle knock me out and bring me go back."

"Wanwan..." Fu Shuo was moved, he never thought that Wanwan would confront Li Jingchen like this for him!

At this moment, both Fu Shuo and An An sketched a tall and majestic image of Lu Wanwan in their minds.

As everyone knows, Lu Wanwan just wanted to spend a few more days with Li Jingchen, so she made this decision of "Hello, I, Hello, everyone".

As for An An's safety, Fu Shuo promised that no one would be able to take An An away unless he died!

"Daddy!" These words instantly moved An An into tears and hugged Fu Shuo together.

Meanwhile, outside the villa.

A mercenary who was on guard received a call from Li Jingchen.

"Young Master Li, tell me."

Li Jingchen asked: "These two days, what's going on with An'an?"

"Except that Fu Shuo's parents came to see him once today, there is nothing else."

Li Jingchen's voice was slightly cold: "Then how did Fu Shuo deal with it?"

"He didn't even let his parents in."

Li Jingchen said: "He is acquainted."

"But I just heard through the monitor that the young master will stay here for a few more days? Is it true?"

On the first day when An An was sent here, the accompanying mercenaries installed several monitors in Fu Shuo's place, so that they could be used to monitor what was going on here.

Li Jingchen said: "I said it, but if there is any danger, you immediately escort An'an back, and don't worry about the rest."



s city.

After Li Jingchen gave his instructions, he ended the call.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Lu Wanwan standing behind him with a smile on his face, looking at him.

Li Jingchen stepped forward and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Thank you for considering An'an's safety."

In fact, just after the phone call with An'an, Lu Wanwan regretted it.

Just because An An stays in City Y for a few more days, his risk factor will increase day by day. No matter how long Li Jingchen's hand is, it is impossible to reach City Y immediately.

Just when she was about to repent, she turned around and heard what Li Jingchen told the mercenaries.

At that moment, Lu Wanwan slowly relaxed.

Li Jingchen said: "What you are worried about is also what I am worried about."

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, but he will not make jokes about his son's life.

Li Jingchen said immediately: "However, if An'an is safe and sound, it can be said that the man behind the bomb box is here for you or me."

Lu Wanwan asked: "So, it's a good thing to keep An'an away from us?"

"In a short period of time, it can be said so, but in the long run, I should still protect An An, because the two elders of the Fu family have long been unable to tolerate An An, and their presence will only add to the chaos for Fu Shuo, and he can't protect An An at all. "

Li Jingchen's words are very realistic.

Fu Shuo can't take care of himself now, it is a kind of comfort to keep An An by his side for a few days, but it will be a trouble if he keeps An An by his side forever.


The next day, Yaobo Company.

Lu Wanwan just came to the office, and when she turned on the computer, she saw an extra "unread mail" in her mailbox.

She clicked on it, and found that it was a folder, and the sender was - "Li's Group Propaganda Department"?

Li's Group's official account, why send her an email?

With doubts, Lu Wanwan downloaded the folder to her computer, and then clicked to open it, and found that it was densely packed with photos and videos, all of which looked like deep-water harbors.

Lu Wanwan suddenly realized, and sent the folder backhand to Luo Ye, then called the company's photography team to cancel the next shooting task, and finally edited a text message and sent it to Li Jingchen.

Get it!