Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1354 That is definitely not a welcome expression

However, the phone call last night made Luo Ye a little worried. He broke the "balance" with Lu Wanwan and attracted revenge from Lu Wanwan's fiancé.

It's fine to say that he's guilty, after all, he did have such thoughts about Lu Wanwan, and Lu Wanwan's fiancé is rich and powerful, so it couldn't be easier to get rid of him, a rookie who just came out of society.

That's why Luo Ye decided to chase him out and ask.

"Anything else?"


Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Well, from today onwards, you will be in charge of leading the team and designing the 3D model of the deep-water harbor. As for the shooting rights of the deep-water harbor, I have already obtained it, and I will send the panorama to you soon In the mailbox, on the screen, you must restore it [-]%."

Luo Ye was shocked: "Wait a minute, manager, you got the filming rights so quickly?!"

Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed, and she replied: "Well, Deepwater Harbor is not a secret base in the first place, and it's not difficult to get the right to shoot. However, Deepwater Harbor is huge, and I'm going to hire the company's professional photography team next. Come with me."

As soon as he heard that Lu Wanwan was going out, Luo Ye stopped pestering her with questions.


y city.

In the recovery room.

"Come on, Daddy, I'll time you!"

A childish voice sounded beside Fu Shuo.

I saw Fu Shuo was sitting on a fitness equipment like a bicycle, holding the handrails with both hands, and stepping on the pedals with both feet, as if he was ready to start.

An An stood next to him wearing a stopwatch, and after pressing the timing button, said: "Start!"

Fu Shuo immediately stepped on it, and no matter how he stepped on it, the fitness equipment was firmly locked on the floor and would not move around.

The purpose of "cycling" is naturally to practice leg strength and waist strength.

An An looked at the time on the stopwatch, walked in circles, and did not forget to encourage him: "It's been 2 minutes. Once Daddy finishes warming up, he can speed up~"

Because he was afraid of muscle strain, Fu Shuo stepped very slowly at first, which was just a warm-up.

"Okay." With An An's reminder, Fu Shuo tightened his grip on the handlebars, leaned his upper body forward, and began to exert strength.

Every time Fu Shuo bent his legs, his calf muscles tensed up, making him look very powerful.

And this is something he didn't have before.

Chu Mo was right, if he didn't exercise all the time and only wanted to live by injections of "special drugs" and "waist aids", his legs would be useless sooner or later.

However, too much exercise will also affect his waist injury. How to master a balance is what Fu Shuo needs to do now.

And just as An An was accompanying Fu Shuo for rehabilitation, the doorbell of the villa suddenly rang.

Xia Zhi, who was cleaning, suddenly paused and said "no" in her heart.

Mr. lives in this villa, only a few people know, because Mr. does not want to make public, lest there will be turmoil in the company.

And among these very few people, the second elder of the Fu family is included.

Every week, the elders of the Fu family would come to see Fu Shuo, but the time was uncertain, so she didn't specifically mention this to An An.

It must be them who are ringing the doorbell now!

After Xia Zhi regained her senses, she went to open the door as usual.

The door opened, and outside the courtyard, there were indeed two elders of the Fu family standing there.

She stepped forward and called politely: "Master, old lady."

Fu's mother didn't talk nonsense, and said through the iron fence: "Open the door."

Xia Zhi thought about the fact that Fu's mother had forced An An to jump off the stairs, and she immediately became alert: "I'm sorry, it's not convenient for you today sir."

Fu's mother frowned, and asked: "Why is it inconvenient?"

Xia Zhi didn't want to betray An An's whereabouts, so she said, "Mister hasn't got up yet, so..."

Mother Fu interrupted nonchalantly: "What am I supposed to do? Shuo'er hasn't got up yet, so we went in and waited for him to get up and open the door."

But Xia Zhi had no intention of opening the door.

Seeing Xia Zhi standing there dumbfounded, Fu's mother immediately said in surprise: "Xia, I asked you to open the door, are you deaf?"

If Shuo'er hadn't insisted on Xia Zhi being the housekeeper, Mother Fu would have dealt with her long ago!

This woman surnamed Xia was left by Lu Wanwan's side with Fu Shuo, so that Shuo'er would never forget her, right?

Therefore, in the eyes of Fu's mother, Xia Zhi is a little vixen, just as restless and kind as Lu Wanwan!Not to mention, Xia Zhi once rescued Li Huai'an in front of her!

If Li Huai'an hadn't been rescued by Xia Zhi, the Fu family still had means to check and balance Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan, and her son wouldn't lose everything!

At this time, Father Fu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said in a deep voice: "Xia Zhi, I order you to either open the door, or tell us the truth about what happened to Shuo'er. If you dare to hide it from us, I promise to let you know." You have no place to die!"

Xia Zhi looked at them and said calmly: "Sir is doing well now, please don't worry about your elders."

"Seeing is believing, hearing is believing. Shuo'er is only living with you now. We don't know anything about his specific situation. If you don't let us in to see him, how can we be sure that he is doing well?"

Father Fu is more observant than his wife. In the past, Xia Zhi would invite them in, but today, she was uncharacteristically blocking the door and not letting them in. This made him wonder if something happened to his son.

Mother Fu looked at Xia Zhi resentfully, and said, "That's right, Shuo'er is our son, not your property! We should judge whether he is doing well or not!"

Regarding this, Xia Zhi responded freely: "Okay, the truth is, Mr. doesn't want to see you now, are you satisfied?"

Hearing this, Mother Fu almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "You're lying! How could Shuo'er not want to see us!"

Xia Zhi half-truthfully said: "I lied? If it wasn't for dissatisfaction with you two elders, why would you move to live in a villa outside?

Besides, this address is not told to you by your husband, but by your own investigation.

Before, I sympathized with you two elders who put in so much effort to see their son, so I invited you to sit in the house, but you can't fail to see how depressed your husband looks every time he sees you, right? "

Xia Zhi could tell that it was definitely not a welcoming expression, but a sense of distance after restraint.

And behind all of this, it's all because of the young mistress and the young master.

The fact that the second elder of the Fu family locked the young lady in the room for three days and three nights, and the fact that Fu's mother forced the young master to jump out of the window, all offended Mr. Ni Lin!

Also, after the young mistress returned to S city with the young master, she was dismissed from the branch by Fu Xing, and Fu Xing secretly took photos of entering and leaving Li's house. All of these things made the husband full of opinions on them.