Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1355 If you have the ability, just hide in it for the rest of your life

When Xia Zhi said this, she was no longer afraid of offending the elders of the Fu family.

Fu's mother suddenly grabbed the railing in front of her, and said with a livid face: "Xia, do these words mean Shuo'er, or you?

If it's what you mean, then you're trying to sow discord between us and Shuo'er. Is this what you, a housekeeper, should do?Are you not afraid that we will dismiss you on behalf of Shuo'er? "

Xia Zhi blinked lightly. To be honest, in her capacity, she is not worthy of talking to them like this. However, she is the young mistress's person first, her husband's second, and the Fu family's housekeeper.

Therefore, in order to protect the young master, she would not hesitate to offend the elders of the Fu family, after all, this was not the first time.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi said: "You can't fire me."

Fu's mother sneered: "Hmph, arrogance! Even if we can't fire you in front of Shuo'er, we can also secretly dispose of you! If you are capable, you will hide in it for the rest of your life!"

Is this threatening her?

Xia Zhixiu frowned, and then let go again: "After the young mistress left, no one understands Mr.'s physical condition better than me, and no one can comfort him when his temper is out of control. If you two want to deal with me, Then I'm afraid you have to prepare for your madness!"

The faces of the two elders of the Fu family froze, and there was indescribable resentment in their hearts!

Lu Wanwan is really vicious, after leaving, she will place a pawn beside Shuo'er, to hold Shuo'er tightly!

In this way, as soon as they touched Lu Wanwan, Xia Zhi would tell Shuo'er immediately, and they would not dare to act rashly when Shuo'er lost his temper.

Not only that, they couldn't even move Xia Zhi now, because Shuo'er couldn't do without her care!

Fu's mother said that she couldn't talk to Xia Zhi, so she could only say: "Husband, stop talking nonsense with her, let's find the unlocker and open this broken door!"

Father Fu took a look at Xia Zhi. Although she thought she took good care of Shuo'er, she was not Shuo'er's, so it was better to find a way to go in and see the situation.

Thinking about this, he said: "Okay, you can call, just call the nearest fire brigade, they have the task of unlocking people."

Xia Zhi couldn't just let them break in like this. When Fu's mother was on the phone, her eyes rolled and she suddenly asked loudly, "Are you going to break into a private house?"

Fu's mother was afraid that the fireman on the other end of the phone would misunderstand, so she hurriedly retorted loudly: "It's only natural for us to enter our son's house, unlike you, an outsider, who really occupies the magpie's nest!"

"Without the owner's permission, you are trespassing on private houses!"

Xia Zhi's resolute voice reached the firefighters' ears through Fu's mother's microphone, immediately confusing them.

"Auntie, is your son trapped at home, or do you want to break into someone's house?"

"I..." Mother Fu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Of course my son is trapped at home, comrade!"

"Then you parents, don't you have an entry key?"

Fu's mother blurted out: "He won't give it!"

"Why didn't he give it?"

Fu's mother said impatiently: "That's not the point! The point is that we can't get in now, and we can't see our son. We are very worried about his situation, afraid that he will be killed by bad guys! So, please hurry up and call the police, we are... ..."

Just when Fu's mother was about to report the address, a peaceful voice suddenly sounded beside Xia Zhi: "What are you doing?"

Fu's mother hurriedly looked at him, and exclaimed overjoyed: "Suo'er!"

While sizing Fu Shuo up, Father Fu asked with concern, "Suo'er, are you alright?"

"Dad, Mom, what can I do?" Fu Shuo finished speaking calmly, and looked at the mobile phone next to Fu's mother's ear.

Seeing him coming out, Mother Fu immediately said to the firefighters: "Comrade, it's all right, my son has come out to pick us up!"

The firefighter said: "Ok Auntie, it's good that there is nothing wrong, and I trouble you to find out the situation later, and then call us."

"Understood, I'm sorry." Fu's mother finished talking awkwardly and ended the call.

Seeing Fu Shuo looking at him inexplicably, Fu's mother tried to divert the source of the conflict, pointing at Xia Zhi and said, "Son, it's all to blame for this woman, if she hadn't stopped me and your father from entering, Mom wouldn't have Call the police!"

Xia Zhi will not sit still: "Sir, I told the master and the old lady that it is inconvenient for you to see them now, they insisted on breaking in, and even called the fire brigade to ask them to pick the lock, to see if you are It's not that I can't get out of bed because of my abuse."

When Fu Shuo heard this, he immediately said to the two elders of the Fu family: "Dad, Mom, Xia Zhi is very good at taking care of others. With her here, you don't have to worry about anything happening to me."

Seeing that his whole heart was on Xia Zhi, Fu's mother twitched her mouth and asked, "Since she didn't do anything wrong, why didn't she open the door for me and your father?"

"Because I don't like to be disturbed when I'm exercising, Xia Zhi is just following my orders."

Just now, accompanied by An An, Fu Shuo was seriously doing rehabilitation.

However, Xia Zhi's sentence "You guys are going to break into a private house" made Fu Shuo stop, and immediately went to close the curtains, so as not to be seen by his parents.

If his parents see An An appearing in City Y, the consequences will be disastrous!

Wan Wan sent An An here alone out of trust. He must not let An An fall into the hands of his parents!

So, when his mother complained to him, saying that Xia Zhi stopped them from the door, instead of being angry with Xia Zhi, Fu Shuo gave Xia Zhi an appreciative look.

Father Fu took a step forward, and asked sadly, "Can't even us?"

Fu Shuo said lightly, "Well, I don't want to be seen as too tired to stand up. If there is nothing else, you can go back first."


In the world, which parent will be turned away by the child when they come to see their child?

With red eyes, Fu's mother asked choked up, "Suo'er, the one who failed you is Lu Wanwan, why did you do this to us?"

It's good that they didn't mention Lu Wanwan, but when they mentioned her, Fu Shuo couldn't help but said: "Dad, Mom, how many times do you want me to tell you?

Wan Wan and I divorced peacefully, and An An also voluntarily chose to leave with her, but the way you guys are relentless and targeting Wan Wan everywhere makes me very embarrassed! "

After a pause, Fu Shuo suddenly asked: "Besides, since you are here, let me ask you, were you responsible for the explosion in Jiuxi Tiandi?"

Qi Qi, the second elder of the Fu family, was taken aback: "What world?"

Fu Shuo stared at them firmly, not missing any change in their expressions: "Jiuxi Tiandi."

"From city y?"

Fu Shuo narrowed his eyes: "You really don't know?"

"what happened?"

The two elders of the Fu family all had a questioning tone of "do we need to know?"