Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1353 Are They So Realistic

The people in the department looked at Luo Ye happily and said, "Okay, Luo Ye! Your idea has been adopted again!"

Although President Mu adopted Luo Ye's idea, they were not jealous at all. Firstly, because Luo Ye was talented, and secondly, since Luo Ye's idea was adopted, President Mu would not chase after them for ideas. !It also saves them trouble.

Luo Ye smiled and said modestly: "It's thanks to the manager who helped me win in front of President Mu."

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said, "No, I didn't do anything, I just sent your creative ideas to Mr. Mu."

"Then manager, what's the bad news?" Luo Ye hugged the back of the chair in front of him and asked impatiently.

Luo Ye was overjoyed that Mu always passed his idea, and no matter what bad news came next, he could bear it.

Lu Wanwan said: "The bad news is that Mr. Mu feels that designing a 3D model of a deep-water harbor is not enough, and he wants our department to draw a landmark building that can represent the great innovation and layout of S City, which means that we have to stay at home for the New Year Overtime."

The people in the department let out a wail: "Ah, I'm damn...!"

"My tickets to go back to my hometown are all booked, and my old mother is still waiting for me to go home! I don't want to go back with work!"

"By the way, I'm going on a blind date for the new year. If it succeeds, the next thing is to date, open a house and have a baby. I'm afraid I don't have so much time to spend on work."

"I want to travel abroad during the Chinese New Year, relax my mind, and if I continue, I will be bald..."

Although there are some reasons, it sounds like running the train, but one thing is true, that is, they all want to have a good New Year and don't want to work overtime! ! !

Even Luo Ye, who came up with the idea, felt like he ate flies. Why should his department still work during the Chinese New Year?

At this moment, Luo Ye even regretted proposing to draw a 3D model of the deep-water harbor. This undoubtedly gave Mr. Mu an inspiration, and he suddenly raised the height of the advertisement to the point where it could affect the major changes in S City!

But if it can be drawn, it is equivalent to using a new computer to invite buyers to watch a documentary about S City. This is another very meaningful thing, and the effect is much better than simply inviting traffic stars to shoot new computer advertisements up.

Lu Wanwan waited for them to finish complaining before continuing, "But Mr. Mu said that during the Chinese New Year, everyone's salary is eight times higher than usual."

Hearing this, the complaints suddenly stopped and became unbelievable: "Eight, eight times?!"

"Well, that's right, eight times." Lu Wanwan repeated.

Xiao Jing said: "I remember that according to the "Labor Law", if you still work on statutory holidays, the boss must pay no less than 3% of the salary as remuneration, and pay the full amount, that is, pay [-] times the salary."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up: "But President Mu wants to pay us eight times our wages? Isn't this more than stipulated in the Labor Law?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Mr. Mu felt that Chinese New Year is more important than other holidays, so he made this decision. By the way, Mr. Mu did not make rigid rules.

He said, if you are willing to do it during the Chinese New Year, just write it down here, and when you start work next year, you will receive eight times the salary. 'outsourcing'. "

"How can this be done!" Someone complained, full of righteous indignation: "Our planning department is to advise the leaders and solve problems. How can we entrust such an important plan to an outside company to design?"

Everyone changed their tone one after another——

"Manager, please tell President Mu that we can do it!"

"Eight times the salary, I don't have to go back to my hometown!"

The corner of Lu Wanwan's mouth twitched: " it so realistic?"

"Manager, you don't know. On the first day I went back to my hometown, my mother was smiling. On the seventh day after I went back, my mother asked my mother to sell the batch. I might as well stay in S City and work hard and send more money back to my hometown." .”

Lu Wanwan looked at the next one: "What about you? Aren't you going on a blind date during Chinese New Year?"

"Hey, how can blind dates make money? Besides, I'm still young and have no savings. If I get married and have children so soon, my wife and children will suffer with me in the future. Why don't you work harder and save some money for your wife?" .”

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she looked at the next one: "You..."

"Let's be bald if you are bald! As long as you earn enough money, are you afraid you won't be able to get hair transplants?"

"……"All right.

"Since everyone agrees, I will register your names and send it to Mr. Mu?"

Everyone said: "Okay, no problem!"

Lu Wanwan immediately said: "Then you guys continue to work, I'm leaving."

"Goodbye manager!"

While everyone was talking, Luo Ye suddenly straightened up and followed Lu Wanwan out of the office together.


"Huh?" Lu Wanwan turned around and saw Luo Ye trotting towards her.

After Luo Ye stood still, he grinned his cute little canine teeth and said, "Manager, thank you for helping me speak well in front of President Mu."

Lu Wanwan said: "Luo Ye, I've already said that, as soon as President Mu heard your idea, he applauded it, and it has nothing to do with me."

At most, she fought for the rights and interests of the people who worked overtime during the Chinese New Year. As a result, Mr. Mu was also generous, and the salary was ten times higher than usual, even Lu Wanwan wanted to sign up.

Seeing that Luo Ye still seemed to have something to say, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking, "That's not what you want to tell me, is it?"

"Ah..." Luo Ye was stunned, and then asked, "Manager, brother-in-law didn't blame me for harassing you last night, did he?"

When this matter was mentioned, both of them felt a little uncomfortable. Luo Ye heard some ambiguous voices through the receiver last night, thinking with his toes, he also knew that Lu Wanwan was performing "Live Erotic Palace".

Thinking of Li Jingchen's small actions last night, Lu Wanwan said a little embarrassedly: "No, I told him, you are my colleague, and you are looking for me to discuss work matters."

Luo Ye breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. I didn't expect that my brother-in-law would overhear me calling you for the first time in a long time. It would be bad if he mistook me for always harassing you. "

Luo Ye is a smart person. Although he, like Xiao Jing, also developed a heart of admiration for Lu Wanwan, but on the night of the celebration, he ran into the man who came to pick her up at the hotel entrance, and gave up this idea.

Because he knew that even if he spent his whole life, he would not be able to reach the height of that man.

So, he gave up.

But Luo Ye didn't feel ashamed, on the contrary, he was glad that he didn't fall into too deep.

In the days that followed, Luo Ye respected Lu Wanwan as a beautiful leader.

He chooses to appreciate Lu Wanwan from a distance, so he is much more relaxed than Xiaojing.