Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1352 I Don't Do This Kind of Dirty Deal

Lu Wanwan's face froze, yes, if Mr. Mu passed the plan Luo Ye just mentioned tomorrow, he would definitely send her to obtain the filming rights of the deep-water harbor.

Although there are a lot of photos of Deepwater Harbor on the Internet, they are still not as good as those taken from the scene. Moreover, it is unrealistic to take a few shots of a giant like Deepwater Harbor just by sneaking a few shots. What they need is a whole. That is panorama.

So, instead of scolding Li Jingchen, she has to please him now?

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan lowered her tone and turned her head to ask: "If I say that we need to get the filming rights of the deep-water harbor, do you agree?"

"Oh?" Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Let's hear it."

As soon as Lu Wanwan heard that there was something interesting, she repeated Luo Ye's thoughts.

Li Jingchen said: "This Luo Ye wants to use the recent reform of state-owned enterprises in Deepwater Harbor to blow the clarion call for Yaobo to sell domestic products. At that time, there will definitely be a group of patriots who will buy Yaobo's new computers no matter what. ,right?"

As expected of him, he figured it out right away.

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked, "Is that okay?"

Li Jingchen said, "No."

Lu Wanwan dropped her shoulders in frustration.

After Li Jingchen smiled quickly, he said, "But you can convince me."

"Convince you?" Lu Wanwan asked.

"Yes, persuade me in a woman's way."

Li Jingchen's phoenix eyes seemed to have two small hooks, invisible to Lu Wanwan's heart.

Lu Wanwan's face was slightly hot: "How can there be such a thing?"

"do not have it?"

"Of course not. I won't do such a dirty deal." Lu Wanwan said, taking a few steps away from him.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen said meaningfully: "You have to think about it. If others want to make a deal with me, I won't give them a chance."

After biting her lower lip, Lu Wanwan insisted on the principle: "Forget it, I'll ask the people in the department to think again, just... um!"

Before she finished speaking, she was pulled back by Li Jingchen's big hand and fell into his arms.

"I really can't help you."

Above his head, Li Jingchen's helpless voice sounded.

He lowered his head and told the truth: "If the quality and performance of the new computer are up to standard, I can agree. After all, the showroom of Yaobo Company can now be regarded as a banner of Deepwater Harbor.

Moreover, I have recently purchased a large amount of shares in Yaobo Company, the more it earns, the more I share. "

Lu Wanwan was overjoyed: "You... agree?"

Li Jingchen was even more helpless, he wanted to get some "benefits" from Wanwan before agreeing, but Wanwan would rather abide by the principle, so he could only tell the truth.

"Note, the premise of my agreement is..."

"The quality is qualified and the performance is good, I know that." Lu Wanwan smiled and analyzed: "Our new laptop is mainly for office use. If we can draw a 3D model of the deep-water harbor, it is enough to prove the performance of the computer. up,

After all, the clearer the drawn picture, the more details, the richer the dynamic characters and various scenes, the larger the file needs to be saved, and the more hard disk it will take up. This is not easy to do. "

Don't forget, Deepwater Harbor is not just 10 floors, nor 30 floors, 50 floors...

The shops covered in it are not 100, nor 500, 1000...

It receives more than 10000 customers every day...

Let them all "live" vividly in the 3D model of the deep-water harbor, and be able to walk and move. To make an inappropriate analogy, it is like an online game server suddenly flooded with 10000 players, and the game screen will change instantly. Card, even the player will be stuck to the point of being disconnected.

Conversely, if the 3D dynamic model can run smoothly, it can prove that Yaobo's new computer has passed the test.


The next day, Yaobo Company.

Early in the morning, Lu Wanwan personally sent the proposal sent by Luo Ye to Mr. Mu.

After seeing it, Mr. Mu crossed his hands on the desk and said nothing.

While observing his expression, Lu Wanwan asked, "Mr. Mu, is there a problem with the schedule?"

"No." Mr. Mu said.

"That is?"

In Mr. Mu's tone, there was a bit of probing meaning: "You said, this is really what Luo Ye thought?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Well, yes."

After pondering for a while, President Mu suddenly patted the desk and said, "This kid, why is he such a genius!"

Lu Wanwan frowned slightly, and asked, "Mr. Mu agrees?"

Mr. Mu laughed loudly, and said: "Not only agree, but I also want to praise this kid severely!"

Things went so smoothly, Lu Wanwan also showed a faint smile: "That's good, just now I was worried that drawing a 3D model of the deep-water harbor would consume a lot of our time, and I'm afraid that you may disagree with Mr. Mu."

Mr. Mu waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Time is the only criterion for testing the truth, just so we can let consumers see how the performance of our new notebook is, and will it be used when doing 3D modeling? If it gets stuck, the picture will not be clear, this is a good thing!"

Lu Wanwan said: "It's just that in this way, the entire planning department will focus on this new notebook and design an advertisement for it. If other new products come out, we may be powerless."

Mr. Mu said: "You don't have to worry about it. The Chinese New Year is almost here. During this period, all departments have started to relax, and new products will have to wait until next year."

After all, he didn't want to mess around, mess around, and smash his own brand.

Lu Wanwan nodded, and said, "I'm relieved when Mr. Mu said that. Then I'll go back and convey Mr. Mu's meaning?"

"Wait." Mr. Mu said.

Lu Wanwan stopped in her tracks.

Mr. Mu picked up the plan that Lu Wanwan sent, and said, "I want to add more content to it."

Lu Wanwan said: "Mr. Mu, tell me, I will remember."

Mr. Mu rubbed his chin, and said enthusiastically: "In addition to the deep water harbor, I also want to draw a representative landmark building of S city. Anything is fine, but it must be representative! It is best to be the same as the deep water harbor. Innovation, big layout!"


planning department.

Lu Wanwan pushed the door open and entered, and said to everyone: "Everyone stop for a moment, I have two things to announce."

Seeing that Lu Wanwan came in person, everyone must have heard about the plan, so they immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

After Lu Wanwan's eyes paused on Luo Ye, she said, "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Yu Luo Ye said, "Manager, tell us the good news first, it will make us happy."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan then said, "I'll show Luo Ye's plan to President Mu, and he is very satisfied."