Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1351 Why did you make trouble just now?

Li house.

After Lu Wanwan returned home, after eating and taking a shower, she suddenly received a call from Luo Ye.

It should be for the plan.

Lu Wanwan didn't delay, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, slid the answer button, and said "Hello".

Luo Ye's voice came immediately: "Manager, are you free now?"

"I'm free." Lu Wanwan was wrapping her wet hair with a towel, and she didn't bother to wipe it after hearing this: "What do you want?"

"It's the plan. I have a few ideas and I want to discuss them with you."

"Okay, tell me." Lu Wanwan put one arm around her chest, supporting the hand holding the phone, her tone was gentle.

There was the sound of paper flipping over there, it should be that Luo Ye took notes on the plan.

Luo Ye said: "The first one is that we use the 3D design software in the computer to draw a model of Deepwater Harbor, and then go to Deepwater Harbor to take pictures, but this requires the manager to negotiate with Deepwater Harbor to obtain the right to shoot."

Lu Wanwan asked, "What's the selling point of this idea?"

Luo Ye said: "Manager, think about it, since our computer is mainly for office use, then 3D design software is one of the office software, right?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Well, yes."

Luo Ye asked again: "Think about it again, where are the ultimate dreams of all the wage earners in City S?"

Lu Wanwan said: "You don't mean to say...the Li Group?"

Li's Group is second to none in terms of brand effect and salary.

"Bingo!" Luo Ye snapped his fingers and said, "However, we have no direct business relationship with Li's Group, so it is difficult to obtain the right to shoot, so I settled for the next best thing and chose City S The second dream of wage earners, deep-water harbor!"

Lu Wanwan asked: "The shooting location, you chose a deep-water harbor, and then what? What does this have to do with your 3D design?"

Luo Ye said: "Manager, think about it, I use the 3D software in the computer to draw the exterior and interior of the deep-water harbor, and then fill it with various virtual characters and various scenes, so that everyone who sees this advertisement People who are here have a feeling of being there, isn’t this the purpose of introducing the performance of our computer?”

Lu Wanwan found out that Luo Ye really had an idea. The Deep Water Harbor is a must-go place for almost every person in City S, and he is not familiar with it.

However, a new problem emerged: "It's just that the deep-water harbor has many floors, complicated facilities, and many high-tech inventions. It seems very difficult for you to use a computer to draw the entire deep-water harbor into a 3D model. Luo Ye, can we Can you do it?"

"Of course I can't do it." After a meal, Luo Ye said: "But gather the strength of the entire department, and everyone will divide the work and cooperate, it will be fine."

Lu Wanwan said: "However, Mr. Mu is very impatient. It's almost Chinese New Year, so I'm afraid we won't be given too much time."

Luo Ye said: "Manager, I know that this is a time-consuming and labor-intensive idea, so I called to discuss it with you, but what do you think of Deepwater Harbor? It is said to be a place of pilgrimage for S City and even the whole country. It is not an exaggeration to say that the deep-water harbor has fired the first shot of "supporting state-owned enterprises", which is exactly the time that people want. If at this time, our new product advertisements can be linked to it, then we will not worry about sales. Measured, what do you say, manager?"

Lu Wanwan pondered for a while, and said: "You are right, how about this, you give me a specific time, I can go to discuss with President Mu tomorrow."

Luo Ye cheered up: "That's great. Even if the people in the department don't stop, it will take half a month to complete the drawing. It would be the best if the manager can get it."

Just when Lu Wanwan was listening intently, something lightly touched the tip of her ear from behind.

Her body trembled, and in the next second, a pair of big hands rescued her wet hair from the towel. She was about to touch it back, but she heard a voice from behind: "Don't move."

Lu Wanwan didn't move.

Li Jingchen stood behind her and wiped her wet hair with a towel.

It's just that his thin lips are not honest at all.

Sometimes kissing her side face, sometimes kissing her side neck, a series of passionate kisses rolled down in front of Lu Wanwan's body, making her gasp subconsciously.

Luo Ye heard something was wrong, and couldn't help asking: "Manager, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan raised her hand impolitely, pressed the handsome face on her shoulder, and said, "Uh, it's nothing, you continue talking."

"Then I'll continue with the second plan. I'm afraid you won't agree, so I've made several preparations..."

"……it is good."

Lu Wanwan tried her best to concentrate, but she couldn't help being disturbed by someone around her.

She was so teased that she couldn't help it, so she couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Li Jingchen: "If you want to wipe your hair, do it well, don't mess with me."

Li Jingchen took advantage of this opportunity, clamped her chin, and kissed her.

When the lips touched, an ambiguous sound was made.

"Manager?" Luo Ye's voice paused, as if he could hear something was wrong: "You, are you busy?"

Lu Wanwan blushed.

"Yes." Li Jingchen left Lu Wanwan's red lips and answered instead.

Lu Wanwan only focused on panting and did not speak for a while.

"Ah... yes, it's brother-in-law?" Luo Ye was at a loss for two seconds, then calmed down and said, "Brother-in-law, I've finished my business, so I won't disturb your rest, by the way, congratulations on your engagement, goodbye... ..."

Li Jingchen narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, it seemed that the young man opposite was not Xiaojing.

Because he had a brief contact with Xiaojing, Xiaojing was taciturn, unable to say such smooth words in front of him.

Lu Wanwan turned around and said to Luo Ye, "Luo Ye, I'm sorry, I let you watch a joke."

"No, no!" Luo Ye hurriedly said, "That's it for now, see you again, manager."

"Well, goodbye." After Lu Wanwan responded, she ended the call.

After that, I wanted to turn around and settle accounts with Li Jingchen.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen held down the back of her neck to prevent her from turning around: "The hair hasn't been dried yet."

"..." Lu Wanwan was like a cat caught by fate's neck, she could only stare at the front, and asked angrily, "Li Jingchen, why did you make trouble just now?"

"I just want to wipe your hair for fear that you will catch a cold."

Li Jingchen pinched the back of Lu Wanwan's neck with one hand, and was still wiping her hair with the other hand, looking like he had nothing else to do.

Lu Wanwan rolled her eyes and said, "Stop pretending, you come here, don't you just want to hear who I'm talking on the phone with? Wiping your hair is just your excuse."

Li Jingchen's eyes flashed, and he changed the subject decisively: "I seem to have heard the deep-water harbor just now. Is there anything I can do for you?"