Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1350 Experience the Feelings of Normal People

y city.

In the villa, after Xia Zhi put down the grilled fish, she shouted to the big and small in the living room: "Sir, young master, dinner is ready!"

After a while, An An dragged Fu Shuo's big hand to the dining table.

Looking at the five dishes and one soup exuding a tempting aroma, An An moved her index finger: "Wow, are these all made by sister Xia?"

Xia Zhi stood in the kitchen, while unbuttoning her apron, she poked her head out and said, "Yes, I made them all myself, but they are all home-cooked dishes. I hope the young master doesn't dislike them."

"Don't dislike it!" An An said immediately.

"Come and sit down too, and eat with us." Fu Shuo said.

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Xia Zhi was not surprised, and even picked up another pair of bowls and chopsticks that had been prepared in the kitchen, and sat down between the father and son.

Fu Shuo said with some dissatisfaction, "Sit over and order, preventing me from serving An'an."

Xia Zhi said: "I cook today's dishes, I am the host, sir, let me sit in the middle."

"You..." Fu Shuo was about to say that Xia Zhi had no eyesight, so An An said, "Daddy, Sister Xia wants to take care of the two of us conveniently, so let her sit in the middle."

Xia Zhi, who was distracted, was not annoyed, but smiled at An An.

Fu Shuo always felt underestimated, so he couldn't help emphasizing: "Don't look at Daddy like this, Daddy can still take good care of you."

"I know, but I don't want Daddy to be tired."

Last night, seeing Fu Shuo's ups and downs in order to serve him food, An An felt uncomfortable.

"Okay, hurry up and try my latest grilled fish!"

As Xia Zhi finished speaking, a piece of grilled fish appeared in Fu Shuo's and An An's bowls, still steaming.

An An picked up the chopsticks, took a bite, and said with bright eyes: "Sister Xia, this grilled fish smells so good!"


"Well, you and Daddy should eat quickly." An An couldn't wait to share the food with them.

Seeing this, Fu Shuo stopped worrying about the seat and picked up the chopsticks to taste.

"Cough cough..."

Just one mouthful made Fu Shuo cough.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you choked on a fishbone?" Xia Zhi asked nervously.

That's not right, the fish she used tonight had very few small spines except for a few big bones.

Because of coughing, Fu Shuo's fair and handsome face turned a little red, and he said in embarrassment: "It's too spicy, water..."

"Ah? Oh!" Xia Zhi quickly poured him a glass of water.

After Fu Shuo finished drinking the water, he recovered and asked, "How much seasoning did you put in the grilled fish?"

"Uh, I put pepper, pepper, chili..."

Xia Zhi counted them in detail.

After hearing this, Fu Shuo's face turned dark: "Put so many peppers, do you want to burn me to death?"

Xia Zhi pouted: "If you don't put chili, is it still called grilled fish? Look how delicious the young master's food is."

Fu Shuo looked at An'an, and saw that An'an's little mouth was red from the hot pepper, but he still couldn't stop eating.

Seeing Fu Shuo looking at him, An An stopped her chopsticks in embarrassment, and asked, "Daddy, weren't you good at eating spicy food before?"

Fu Shuo sighed: "That was before."

Since the car accident, he has been following the doctor's advice and eating light food. Gradually, he has never eaten spicy food.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I only cared about seasoning and didn't take your body into consideration."

If Xia Zhi ignorantly talked back, Fu Shuo would be angry instead, so she apologized very tactfully.

"It's okay, in fact, it's good to make an exception once in a while."

In this way, he can at least appreciate what it's like to be a normal person.

As Fu Shuo said, he picked up the chopsticks and picked up the grilled fish again.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi and An An looked at each other, both hesitating whether to stop them.

But watching Fu Shuo eating and coughing at the beginning, but then eating and laughing at the same time, neither Xia Zhi nor An An tried to stop him.

After dinner——

An An touched her round belly, burped, and said to Xia Zhi who was cleaning the table: "Sister Xia, let me help you wash the dishes."

"No need, young master."

An An thought she was being polite, so she said, "Yes, don't underestimate me, I can wash dishes."

Xia Zhi said: "I really don't need it, there is a dishwasher at home."


Seeing An An's expression of "a hero is useless", Xia Zhi couldn't help laughing: "Young master, I heard from my young mistress that you rented a house with her? You even took out the garbage, right? "

"Yes, I can take out the trash!" An An said proudly.

"Pfft." Xia Zhi laughed even louder: "Then young master, help me take out the trash and throw it away, okay?"

"Okay." An An said, walking towards the kitchen, and after a while, she came out with a bag of garbage.

Seeing that there was no burden on his face, Xia Zhi was relieved, but at the same time admired Lu Wanwan for being willing to educate An An like this.

If it's her, she really doesn't know if she, who is used to living a good life, can take her precious son to rent a house outside and live a life where she has to do everything by herself?

Fu Shuo, who went upstairs to wipe his face, saw the way An An went out with the trash. He couldn't help but came to the kitchen and asked Xia Zhi, "You actually asked An An to take out the trash?"

Xia Zhi was putting the dirty bowls and chopsticks into the dishwasher. Hearing this, she turned her head and said, "Sir, it was the young master himself who requested to help me with things."

Fu Shuo frowned: "He's only six years old! He shouldn't be doing these things."

That's right, this is the correct way for parents to open up.

That's why Xia Zhi admired Lu Wanwan's way of education even more.

"Maybe you don't know, sir? The young master has done this kind of thing many times."

Fu Shuo said without thinking, "Impossible."

Xia Zhi understood that Fu Shuo didn't know anything, and said patiently: "Really, when the young mistress took the young master to rent a house in Jiuxi Tiandi, the young master learned to help."

"Jiuxi Tiandi?" After a pause, Fu Shuo said in a deep voice, "But Fu Xing said that Wan Wan and An An were renting a house not long before they were picked up by Li Jingchen."

Xia Zhi said: "Sir, I think that if it hadn't been for the sudden explosion of Jiuxi Tiandi, the young mistress would have persisted instead of going back to Li's house with Young Master Li."

When it came to the explosion, Fu Shuo's heart tightened: "Tell me, who is going to kill Wanwan and An'an?"

Xia Zhi recalled, and said, "I don't know, Young Mistress didn't say anything."

Fu Shuo had a terrible guess in his heart. Although he didn't want to believe it, who else would want to put it to death?

"Could it be Fu..." Jia.

Before finishing the last word, a voice came from far and near: "Sister Xia, I've finished taking out the trash! Huh, Daddy? What are you talking about?"

Fu Shuo paused, and returned to his original expression: "It's nothing, let's watch TV."