Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1349 Actually, He Didn't Sorry For Her

After Fan Hai left, Lu Wanwan asked, "Luo Ye, did you hurt your hand?"

Luo Ye flexibly twisted his wrist, and said with a smile: "No, I entangled Fan Hai temporarily because I knew that I caused him to leave early that day and was criticized by President Mu, and he would definitely trouble me. of."

"..." Although Lu Wanwan was speechless, between Fan Hai and Luo Ye, she naturally favored Luo Ye, so when Fan Hai moved an office chair in, she chose to hide it.

After Fan Hai sat down, he said angrily, "It's time to start."

"En." After Lu Wanwan nodded, she said to everyone: "The information has been sent to you. This new product is a laptop. It is mainly for office use. It has a light and thin appearance and is suitable for taking outside. Mr. Mu The requirement is to highlight its functionality, do you have any good ideas?"

During Fan Hai's departure, Luo Ye had already come up with a plan. When he heard Lu Wanwan's question, he immediately raised his hand and said, "Manager, I have an idea."

Lu Wanwan said, "Say it."

Luo Ye said: "This laptop is mainly for office use, so we can completely assume the role of the user and design the advertisement first."

Everyone thought: "Substitute us into the role of users?"

Luo Ye said: "Yes, we are all working parties, facing the computer every day, we are one of the groups with the most say."

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Then let's all talk about what you usually use your laptop for, right? It's good to have a reference."

Everyone said one hundred and fifty——

"Me, just make the form and go online."

"What about you? Tell me something no one else has said."

"Uh, then I play games?"

"What about you?"

Everyone said what they said, and I said what they said, but Luo Ye crossed his chest and frowned, looking dissatisfied.

At this time, a voice sounded: "Doing 3D design, how about this?"

"3D design? This is fine!" Luo Ye turned the design pen, looking eager to try.

Lu Wanwan looked at him: "Luo Ye, you have an idea so soon?"

The corner of Luo Ye's mouth curled up, with the high-spirited self-confidence of a young man: "Well, manager, you can leave it to me. I will send the plan to you tomorrow morning... No, I will send it to your office in person!"

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll work hard for you tonight. If you have any questions, we will contact you at any time."

Lu Wanwan still remembered that the last advertisement design was done by Luo Ye, so she was not too surprised to hear his words at this time.

"Let's end the meeting." Lu Wanwan continued.

"Yeah! The meeting is over!" After everyone cheered, they began to pack their things.

"What? This, this is the end of the meeting?" Fan Hai glanced at the time, and the meeting was less than half an hour away!

Lu Wanwan gave him a strange look: "Yes, the meeting is over, can't we adjourn the meeting?"

Fan Hai almost shouted: "It seems that you haven't asked me what I mean!"

Oh yes, Fan Hai didn't say anything, Lu Wanwan forgot: "Then what does the leader mean?"

"I don't think Luo Ye's idea is good, we have to think again!"

As soon as Fan Hai said this, everyone paused.

They knew that Fan Hai was deliberately blocking Luo Ye because he was upset.

Lu Wanwan stepped forward and said, "Leader, whether Luo Ye's idea is feasible or not, we have to wait for him to come up with a plan, right?"

Fan Haidao: "No, we need to discuss a few more plans. Mr. Mu doesn't have that much time. Wait until we come up with a plan for him to review."

It's not that Fan Hai's words are unreasonable, it's just that Mr. Mu just made a request one second, and the planning department will come up with a plan the next second, which is really too impatient.

Lu Wanwan asked Luo Ye and the others to end the meeting, because she wanted them to think about it after they went home, and not to rush to make a decision.

But now Fan Hai is using the banner of Mr. Mu to waste everyone's time here, so Lu Wanwan asked, "I wonder if the leader has any good ideas?"

Fan Hai said coolly: "If I have to think of everything myself, what do I need them to do?"

Lu Wanwan asked bluntly: "In other words, the leader doesn't have any good ideas anymore?"

Fan Hai sneered in his heart: "Manager Lu, don't talk about me, what about you? What's your opinion?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I think the same as Luo Ye."

"Oh?" Fan Hai said in a strange manner, "Are you planning to copy the ideas of your subordinates?"

Lu Wanwan said frankly: "Wrong, it's not copying, it's acceptance. Luo Ye will hand over the plan to me tomorrow. If I think it's good, I will naturally tell Mr. Mu that the designer is Luo Ye. Is this okay, leader?"

Fan Hai was speechless for a moment.

"That's right, the manager is not Liu Chun, so he can't do such a thing as plagiarism." Others said.

Lu Wanwan immediately said: "However, don't expect Luo Ye to do it alone, let me go home and develop my brain, you know?"

"Understood, manager."

"Well, go back."

After Lu Wanwan finished explaining in a few words, she let them go.

Only Fan Hai, who was ignored by everyone the whole time, was so angry!

The young people in the department appreciated Lu Wanwan's straightforwardness.

In the past, every time Fan Hai had a meeting, he had to wait for a long time to come, and after he came, he would speak in an official tone for a long time, which made them sleepy before he started talking about business.

Let’s just talk about business, Fan Hai also likes to interrupt, obviously it’s their idea, but in the end it’s his idea that he superimposes it, and he calls it “the finishing touch”.

Now it's all right, Liu Chun, who loves to prostitute their ideas for free, has rolled away smoothly, and Fan Hai, who loves to interfere with their ideas, has Lu Wanwan's check and balance, and they are getting more and more motivated!


on the way back.

Lu Wanwan's eyes blurred for a moment as she looked at the scene that kept retreating around her.

She didn't know what would happen to them if she sent An An to see Fu Shuo.

Maybe after An An comes back, she will release strong hostility towards Li Jingchen again, or she may be obsessed with destroying the relationship between her and Li Jingchen, but she still prefers to believe that the kindness in Fu Shuo's heart will not let him speak out in front of An An. bad language.

This kind of belief made Lu Wanwan more determined during today's call.

Thinking about it, Lu Wanwan smiled lightly.

Sitting beside her, Bai Fei looked at her profile looking out of the window through the colorful street lights, and was a little curious: "Miss Lu, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I think of happy things."

A beauty's smiles and frowns are always particularly eye-catching, not to mention that Bai Fei is still an old critic, so he would ask: "What's the matter?"

Lu Wanwan didn't speak anymore.

She just remembered that no matter how Fu Xing destroyed her, the tacit understanding between her and Fu Shuo would never change.

She also remembered Fu Shuo's "I'm sorry" today...

In fact, he didn't feel sorry for her.

Even though, during the time when he got into a car accident, she really had a hard time, but she was happy with it...