Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1348 They will listen to you now

At this time, An An was sitting in the living room, eating the fruit on the tea table, and she didn't look like she had a stomachache at all.

"Ahem." Fu Shuo coughed lightly behind him.

An An paused for a moment, turned around, and said awkwardly, "Daddy, have you finished the phone call?"

"Well, return the phone to you." Fu Shuo did not expose him, simply handed over the phone, and explained: "I saw your phone ringing for a long time, so I answered it for you."

An An suppressed a smile and said, "Daddy doesn't need to explain, I understand."

Fu Shuo sat beside him: "What do you know?"

"Daddy saw Mommy's call just now. He must want to answer it, right? I'll let you answer it next time. Just say that I'm doing something else and just leave the phone with you."

Fu Shuo said with a helpless smile, "This kind of thing can never happen again, it will make your mommy doubt it."

"If you doubt it, just doubt it, as long as Daddy is happy." An An blinked at him.

After Fu Shuo was silent, he rubbed An An's little head.

"Actually, Daddy didn't want to pick it up at first."


"It's timid to be close to the hometown, do you understand?"

An An shook her head: "I don't understand."

Fu Shuo said, "Forget it, you're still young, you still don't understand many things."


s city.

Not long after Lu Wanwan put down her phone, she received instructions from President Mu to ask their planning department to prepare a new product launch event.

As we all know, the replacement of electronic products is fast, and the models that were popular in the first two months may become obsolete in two months.

Not long ago, Yaobo officially announced a mobile phone with a sense of technology, and then it will prepare for the launch of another electronic product.

This also means that the planning department is a department that can never be idle.

"I see, Mr. Mu, I will hold a departmental meeting with Fan Hai to discuss a suitable plan."

"Okay, Manager Lu, you guys should come up with a plan as soon as possible and show it to me."

"Okay, Mr. Mu."

"How about this, you arrange for the department to hold the meeting after get off work today, and it's best to show me the initial plan tomorrow."

"...Okay." After putting down the microphone, Lu Wanwan rubbed her cheeks.

Due to the recent investigation of Liu Yihui, the planning department is now directly under the jurisdiction of Mr. Mu. Lu Wanwan needs to communicate with Mr. Mu for many tasks, and Mr. Mu has a hot-tempered personality, so many tasks require the word "fast".

As a result, the pressure on the planning department is not insignificant.

Looking back, seeing Fan Haizheng with Erlang's feet up, drinking wolfberry tea, Lu Wanwan said: "Leader, after get off work today, we need to stay for a meeting."

"What kind of meeting?" Fan Hai stared at the computer and said without moving, "Can't you just have a meeting with the people in the department? They will listen to you now."

Lu Wanwan emphasized: "President Mu asked the two of us to take the lead in the meeting."

"Oh, that's fine." Fan Hai curled his lips and said, "Anyway, as soon as I set it up, I'll stand by your side and listen to what you have to say."

Lu Wanwan didn't like him: "It's up to you, but when Mr. Mu asks, I will tell the truth."

Fan Hai's complexion changed, and he said, "I said Manager Lu, and I didn't say I wouldn't participate, so why are you holding on to me? Besides, you just called for more than half an hour, and I didn't say anything about you... ..."

Lu Wanwan said: "The half hour is my rest time. In fact, I have finished all the work this morning."

Fan Hai said coolly: "That won't work either. Didn't you hear what Mr. Mu said? If you don't have a job, you have to take the initiative to find a job. The job will never be finished."

That's why Lu Wanwan was stupid, she finished her work non-stop, and for the rest of the time, she could only find new things to do, unlike Fan Hai, who took his time and just muddled through it day by day.

This is also why he can't understand Lu Wanwan.

Isn't she efficient at work?Then he would push all the work to her, and it would be best if she was exhausted to death!

"It turns out that the leader also knows this truth."

Lu Wanwan said with a fresh face: "I thought you would only drink wolfberries every day, watch the stock market, and then decide whether to work or not."

Fan Hai put down his legs in shock: "What did you say?"

Lu Wanwan said with a half smile but not a smile: "Isn't it? When the stock market is rising, you are lazy and look like you are ready to retire. When the stock market is falling, you are desperately trying to work more, for fear of losing money." After work, stock trading is your main business? Tell me, if Mr. Mu knew, would he invite you home? After all, stocks can be traded at home."

"..." After hearing this, Fan Hai silently closed the stock trading page on the computer, and said firmly: "I am concerned about the company's stock price recently, so don't spit on me!"

Lu Wanwan said: "Really? Then do you want me to ask someone to call up your browsing history?"

Fan Hai choked, and began to clear the browser cache again.

After Lu Wanwan smiled as if she was watching a joke, she continued to work.


After get off work, Lu Wanwan came to the department in person.

Xiaojing has notified everyone and asked them to stay for the meeting.

Fan Hai followed Lu Wanwan. He was obviously the old leader of the department, but he didn't receive warm hospitality.

Instead, as soon as Lu Wanwan came, some people moved chairs, some poured water, and some people came over to ask her, is she used to the new office?

After Lu Wanwan took her seat, she took the water and said to everyone: "Thank you, don't be too busy, go and sit down, we will finish the meeting as soon as possible, so that everyone can go home early."

"Okay." After everyone responded, they all returned to their seats and sat down.

Lu Wanwan immediately passed the information that President Mu sent to her to Xiaojing: "Xiaojing, send the information to everyone, let them take a look at our new products first, and see if they have any ideas."

"Okay." After Xiaojing took the information, he sent it out.

Fan Hai stood alone in embarrassment: "Hey, what about me?"

Luo Ye said: "I'm sorry, leader, there are only so many chairs in our office, why don't you go back to the office and get one? We'll wait for you while we read the materials."

As soon as Fan Hai saw Luo Ye, he became angry. This little bastard almost hit him last time, which made him overly frightened. He had to go home early, so he would be criticized by President Mu the next day. Now let him Going back to the office to move a chair, I simply ignored him!

"You, yes, just you, go and bring me a chair!" Fan Hai pointed at Luo Ye and gave orders.

Luo Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Leader, my hand is sprained and I can't move it."

"You lied to a ghost!"

"Really." Luo Ye raised his right hand and saw a bandage wrapped around his wrist.

Fan Hai was dumbfounded. As a humane company, if he forced an injured employee to move a chair for him in front of so many people, he would probably be scolded by President Mu again if the news spread.

As a last resort, Fan Hai could only turn around shamelessly and move a chair for himself.