Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1347 Wantonly hurting and trampling on her sincerity

y city.

Wanwan asked him how he was doing?

Standing in front of the window, Fu Shuo looked at the snowflakes all over the sky, and thought to himself, how could a life without you be considered a good one?

"I'm doing fine, how about you?"

He squeezed the phone tightly and squeezed out the words with all his strength.

"I'm fine too." Lu Wanwan said.

Fu Shuo looked at the face reflected in the window, and was in a daze for a moment, as if he was next to him every night, communicating with him: "I heard that you are working in a new company now? Can you tell me about it?"

Lu Wanwan's soft voice came: "Well, I'm working as a manager in a medium-sized company now. The atmosphere here is good, and I like it very much."

Fu Shuo was talking to her almost instinctively, just like he did in the past six years: "That's good, forcing you to resign was done by my father and my sister, not by me."

Lu Wanwan understood: "I know, didn't you still lose your temper with them because of this matter, didn't you stop treating them? Chu Mo also cooperated with you."

"I..." Fu Shuo asked with some embarrassment, "So you know everything?"

"Well, I know, I know everything." Lu Wanwan said.

Fu Shuo's heart warmed. It turned out that they were all the same. They cared about each other without knowing each other.

"Unfortunately, I'm no longer the president of Fu's branch, so I can't keep you here."

Fu Shuo's voice was a little heavy.

He didn't want to leave Fu's branch late at all.

Because it means that there will be less and less connection between them.

"It's okay Fu Shuo, I have found a new job now, and it's good for me to leave, otherwise I will be embarrassed if I bump into your sister in the company."

"Wanwan..." Fu Shuo found that she was still the same as before, no matter what burdens life threw at her, she would silently shoulder them and digest them, never complaining about anything.

Lu Wanwan immediately asked: "By the way, Fu Shuo, I heard that you have started rehabilitation?"

After the conversation just now, Fu Shuo was no longer surprised how she knew: "Yes."

"Then you have to pay attention to the balance between work and rest. Don't practice too hard all at once, which is not conducive to the recovery of the injury."

"I know."

"Also, you need to ask the nurse to massage your legs more, which can promote blood circulation."

"I will."

"By the way, you need to eat more nutritious things before you can exercise with strength."

"I know."

Fu Shuo lowered his eyes and said sadly.

Lu Wanwan asked, "Fu Shuo, what's wrong with you?"

Fu Shuo's thin lips moved slightly, and he remembered the days when she was by his side every night, she was so careful and tolerant, and during that time, it was precisely during that time that he was the most sick, most decadent, and most tempered. When rushing.

He kept suspecting that Wan Wan wanted to abandon him and run away with Li Jingchen, and even teased her time and time again, challenging her patience time and time again, seeing how she stayed by his side to serve him even though she was clearly injured, it was sick. satisfied.

Fu Shuo knew what he was relying on.

He relied on being An An's savior, that's why he could wantonly hurt and trample on Wanwan's sincerity.

Thinking about it now, he was really disgusting at the time.

The words he said and the things he did, although they tied Wanwan to his side, pushed her heart farther and farther away.

Before the divorce, he didn't make a good impression on her.

Now that they're divorced, he'll never get another chance to behave.

Thinking of this, Fu Shuo became more depressed.

After a long time, he said: "Wanwan, if I say that I am not as unreasonable as before, would you believe me?"

"I believe it." Lu Wanwan said.

"I believe in you, Fu Shuo." Lu Wanwan repeated again.

Inexplicably, Fu Shuo's eye sockets became moist.

"Sorry for the late night."

And the late sorry finally came out of his mouth.


s city.

Lu Wanwan, who heard the word "I'm sorry", had a sore nose, and couldn't hide her emotion: "You didn't apologize to me."

Fu Shuo said affirmatively, "I do. Since the divorce, I haven't contacted you. One is that I don't want to, and the other is that I don't dare. I don't want to hear the good news of your reunion with Li Jingchen, and I don't dare to disturb you again , because after I had a car accident, I really treated you badly."

When Lu Wanwan recalled those days, it was really not easy, but Fu Shuo's letting go in the end made her feel that everything was worth it.

"What I didn't expect was that you were still willing to send An'an to me after experiencing so much unhappiness."

Lu Wanwan said: "An'an is also your son, this will never change at any time."

"Wanwan, I'm very happy, you can say that."


y city.

At this time, Fu Shuo was sitting against the wall, and the auxiliary device at his waist was connected to the plug and was charging.

The two chatted like friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time, without complaints or hatred, on the contrary, there was only concern and greetings for each other.

The reason is that they all know each other and are secretly paying attention to each other in their own way.

"Daddy, I'm back!"

Just then, a little man walked into the recovery room.

It's Ann.

Taking advantage of Fu Shuo's waist assist device needing to be charged, he went to the bathroom. Unexpectedly, when he came back, he saw Fu Shuo talking on the phone.

An An immediately noticed: "Huh? Isn't this my phone?"

"Oh, I..." Fu Shuo felt uncomfortable for a moment, and then said to him, "I'm talking to your mommy."

Hearing this, An An's small mouth grew unconsciously.

God!Daddy is actually talking to Mommy! ! !

An An's gaze moved back and forth between Fu Shuo's face and his own phone, until Fu Shuo handed him the phone and said, "Let's chat."

Seeing Fu Shuo's reluctance, An An said, "Well, Daddy, tell Mommy that my stomach hurts and I want to go to the toilet!"

"Didn't you just go up?"

"It hurts again, oops, I can't do it!" An An clutched her stomach and ran away.

After leaving Fu Shuo dumbfounded, he picked up the phone again and said, "Wan Wan, An An said he had a stomachache, so I asked you to wait a little longer."

After Lu Wanwan smiled, said: "I heard, let him go."

No one knew that what An An said was a lie, but they all agreed not to expose him.

I just didn't expect that it would take more than half an hour for An An to go.

Lu Wanwan was still at work, so there was no way she could delay it for such a long time. She had to ask Fu Shuo to tell An An, remember to call her back, and then ended the call.

Fu Shuo slowly put down the phone, his heart was very full.

But he knew that it wouldn't be long before this sense of satisfaction would be gradually emptied by time, turning into an empty shell again.

After sighing lightly, Fu Shuo unplugged the charger at his waist, and the auxiliary device started to work again. He stood up and left the rehabilitation room to find An An.