Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1346 He Wants To Poach My Corner

Li Jingchen held the water glass, walked around the end of the bed, and said, "It's so late, I was wrong, don't be angry."

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips and said, "You still don't believe me?"

Li Jingchen said quickly, "I believe it!"

"Then you still ask that kind of question!" Lu Wanwan said, staring at him.

Li Jingchen held her hand and coaxed her softly: "I won't ask any more questions from now on. Isn't it because you can't sleep suddenly tonight and let me think wildly?"

Lu Wanwan suddenly said: "Actually, you are right, I did think of Fu Shuo."

Li Jingchen's handsome face froze for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and thought, he knew it!Wanwan must be thinking about that crippled Fu Shuo, thinking that he can't sleep!

Clinker, Lu Wanwan's next words extinguished his anger: "Before An'an got on the plane today, he secretly asked me if I want to go to City Y with him."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen's breath turned cold: "I let him visit Fu Shuo, but he wants to poach my corner?"

Lu Wanwan said: "But I didn't agree."

Li Jingchen's stern expression eased slightly, but he was still a little dissatisfied: "It's good to refuse, that kid is restless and kind, and always wants to make you and Fu Shuo reunite!"

Lu Wanwan lowered her head, glanced at the diamond ring on her left hand, and said, "This is impossible, but even as an ex-wife, as a friend, I should visit Fu Shuo, let alone Fu Shuo is the benefactor of me and An An ,

But in the end, I didn't agree to An An, and went to City Y with him. Do you know how much psychological torture I have to endure?Li Jingchen, if you still doubt my old love for Fu Shuo, then it's up to you. "

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan brushed away Li Jingchen's hand holding her, turned sideways, and lay down with his back facing him.

After a long time, her waist was gently embraced, and she fell into a familiar embrace again.

"It's hard for you, Wanwan." Then, she heard Li Jingchen say: "After the real culprit who sent the bomb box to An'an is caught, I will take you to see him personally."

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan finally fell asleep with peace of mind: "Yes."

She found that Li Jingchen's understanding and support for her seemed more important than what she owed Fu Shuo.


The next day, city y.

An An got up early in the morning.

But nothing can be done.

During these days, he used to come together, so he went to the top floor to find Li Jingchen to play tennis, or to practice writing with a pen, but now he didn't bring a tennis racket or a copybook, it's really...boring.

However, An An was full of motivation when she thought of accompanying Fu Shuo on the reconstruction work today.

After getting up, brushing her teeth and washing her face, An An came to Fu Shuo's room and knocked on the door.

A moment later, the door opened.

It was a male nurse who opened the door. Seeing An An, he said kindly, "Master, we meet again."

An An quickly remembered: "Ah... I remember you, after my dad's car accident, you have been taking care of him in the hospital."

"Yes, I didn't expect the young master to remember." The male nurse said, "You came to see Mr., right?"

Seeing An An nodded, the male nurse continued: "Then please wait a moment, young master, sir is changing clothes."

An An said, "Can I go in and help?"

"This... I'll go in and ask first."

The male nurse didn't dare to make up his mind, so he went back to ask Fu Shuo.

At this time, Fu Shuo was wearing pants with the assistance of another male nurse. His movements were not elegant, even clumsy and ugly. Hearing that An An wanted to come in to help, Fu Shuo subconsciously said, "Tell An An, I'll be fine soon." Let him not come in."

"Yes." The male nurse was not surprised. The more the husband cared about that person, the less he wanted to embarrass himself in front of that person.

After hearing that Fu Shuo didn't let her go in to help, An An said, "Well, I just don't go in."

The male nurse was afraid that An An would be sad, so he couldn't help comforting him, "Don't think too much, young master."

An An got Xia Zhi's explanation last night, and suddenly said: "It's okay, actually I don't know what to do to help Daddy, it would be bad to add chaos."

"Young master is so good."

While speaking, I only heard a sound from the room: "An'an?"

An An immediately responded: "Daddy!"

After a while, Fu Shuo came out neatly dressed wearing a waist assist device: "Why do you get up so early?"

An An said to him obediently: "Didn't we agree last night? I want to accompany Daddy to do reconstruction."

After Fu Shuo was stunned for a moment, he said, "Just because of this, you got up so early?"

"Because I want to see Daddy sooner."

After Fu Shuo was moved, he said "Yes", and said, "Let's go, Daddy will take you to have breakfast first."

"it is good!"


After breakfast, Fu Shuo said to Xia Zhi: "I'll give you a vacation this morning, you can go wherever you want."

"Holiday?" Xia Zhi asked in surprise.


"Don't you need me, sir?"

Fu Shuo said: "An'an will accompany me to do the reconstruction."

"Is that so?" Xia Zhi nodded and said, "That's just right, I can go out and buy some more food, and cook something delicious for the young master when I come back."

"Well, take my car and don't squeeze the bus." Fu Shuo said.

"Understood, then I'll go first, see you young master." Xia Zhi said.

"Goodbye, sister Xia." After An An waved her little hand, she looked at Fu Shuo thoughtfully.

I always feel that the relationship between Daddy and Sister a bit delicate.

It's like the husband nagging her to be safe before the wife goes out.

At this time, Fu Shuo asked: "What's the matter? Did the breakfast not suit your appetite?"

"No, Daddy." An An took a bite of the fried egg and asked, "Usually, does sister Xia drive Daddy's car when she goes out?"

"No." Fu Shuo said, "I'm afraid that she buys too much food and squeezes the bus, and the food will be crushed."

"Oh." An An scratched her head, it seemed that she had seen too much love between Li Jingchen and Mummy in Li Zhai, and even watched Daddy and Sister Xia became ambiguous.


At 10:[-] in the morning, Yaobo Company, City S.

During the break, Lu Wanwan picked up the phone and looked at it. Seeing that there were no missed calls on it, she couldn't help muttering "Little heartless" in her heart.

Today is the second day, and An An didn't call her.

Because she missed her son, Lu Wanwan didn't care too much for a while, so she called An An directly.

I don't know how long it took before the phone was connected.

"An'an!" As soon as Lu Wanwan said the words, she heard a low panting.

Different from the immature way of speaking of children, it has the thickness of adults.

Lu Wanwan suddenly realized something, and asked softly, "Are you Fu Shuo?"

The gasp seemed to grow heavier.

After a while, Lu Wanwan heard the other party say in a low voice: "'s me."

After Lu Wanwan confirmed, she raised a smiling face, "Fu Shuo, are you okay?"