Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1345 No fantasy about other men

Sister Xia said, he has no objection that Li Jingchen is with Mommy?

An An was stunned for a long time, until the hot tea in the cup was a little cold, and then said: "I...have I betrayed Daddy?"

Xia Zhi didn't hear clearly: "What?"

An An asked with a pale face: "Sister Xia, tell me, if I really don't object to Li Jingchen being with my mommy anymore, will it mean betraying Daddy?"

Xia Zhi said: "Young master, you think too much, this is a matter between adults, it has nothing to do with you."

An An anxiously said: "But I once swore secretly that there is only one father of mine, and that is Fu Shuo! I also tried my best to prevent Li Jingchen from being with my mommy, but it was useless! They are like magnets, holding each other tightly I can't destroy their relationship at all..."

Xia Zhi analyzed: "That means that the young mistress has fallen in love with President Li again."

"Yeah, I can feel it too."

When Mommy and Li Jingchen are together, the intimacy that no one else sees makes even An An feel that she has become a transparent person sometimes.

Xia Zhi explained to him, "Since that's the case, why does the young master want to destroy it? The young mistress finally found her own happiness."

"But in this case, what should Daddy do?" The question came back again.

Although a little cruel, Xia Zhi still said: "There are many things in this world, and there is no way to be perfect. Now I can only wait for the husband to come out on his own."

"But, it's not fair to Daddy."

"Emotional matters are difficult to describe in a fair way. Could it be that, if I love you, you must love me? Young master, think about it, even if you succeed in destroying it, the young mistress will return to Mr. Is it? Not necessarily?"

An An thought for a while, and said, "Yes."

Xia Zhi concluded: "So, I suggest that the young master should let nature take its course. Maybe God has other arrangements for Mr.?"

An An tilted her head: "Other arrangements?"

After Xia Zhi took a sip of the tea, she said with a slight smile, "Well, I think the husband has suffered so much, if God doesn't give him the best arrangement, that would be the real injustice."

An An was affected by Xia Zhi's words, and her uneasy mood gradually calmed down: "Thank you, sister Xia."

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "You have thanked me many times today, and besides, I didn't do anything."

But An An said very seriously: "Mummy said, without you accompanying my dad, he would be even more lonely, so I want to thank you all the more."

Looking at An An's serious face, Xia Zhi suddenly leaned over and tapped the tip of his nose: "I just fulfilled my promise to the young mistress, it's not as great as you said."

"What are you doing?"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

Xia Zhi and An An looked back, only to see Fu Shuo going and coming back, looking at them.

And Xia Zhi was leaning forward at this time, her posture was a bit charming, her fingertips were still on the tip of An An's nose, and she didn't have time to retract them.

After Xia Zhi said "uh", she quickly withdrew her hand, sat back in her seat and said, "Sir, I definitely have no intention of molesting the young master."

"..." Ann.

"..." Fu Shuo.

Xia Zhi was afraid that Fu Shuo might misunderstand: "Really, I swear."

Fu Shuo looked at her: "Did I say anything?"

Xia Zhi murmured in a low voice: "It's not like you used to always say that I seduced you..."

Fu Shuo Qingjun's face seemed to be cracked: "What are you complaining about?"

Xia Zhi saw that An An was present, so she said consciously: "It's nothing, I said that the master has finally come down, if he doesn't come down, I will go up to find you."

An An said, "Daddy, are you feeling better?"

Fu Shuo looked at him with some embarrassment, and said, "An'an, Daddy lost his temper just now..."

An An shook her head and said, "It's okay, I said something that Daddy didn't like to hear first, and I won't say it anymore."

Fu Shuo's dark eyebrows showed a trace of loneliness. It's not that he doesn't like to hear, on the contrary, he is eager to hear more information about Wanwan, but the premise is that it has nothing to do with Li Jingchen.

After a long time, his thin lips moved slightly, and he said with great difficulty: "Okay."


Late at night, S City.

Lu Wanwan was being embraced by Li Jingchen, feeling sleepy.

But after a while, she was still awake.

By the moonlight, she took a sneaky look at Li Jingchen, and seeing that he was already asleep, she secretly removed his hand on her waist, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Inside the kitchenette.

Lu Wanwan poured a glass of water, and just after taking two sips, a strong male body came up from behind. After being startled, Lu Wanwan quickly calmed down.

She only heard the voice of the other party falling from her head: "Are you thinking about An'an? Or are you thinking about that man?"

Lu Wanwan turned around, looked at Li Jingchen and asked, "When did you wake up?"

Li Jingchen said dissatisfiedly: "You keep tossing and turning, how do you let me sleep? Tell me, what are you thinking!"

Lu Wanwan raised her hand to help him smooth some messy hair, and said, "I'm thirsty, so I got up to drink water, and you have to worry about that?"

Li Jingchen stared at the water glass and said, "Do you think I will believe it? Why don't you get up to drink water at this time?"

Lu Wanwan said helplessly: "Li Jingchen, can you stop messing around?"

Moreover, even if she thought about Fu Shuo, it was out of worry, and there was no affair between men and women.

And this morning, after she rejected An An, An An's disappointed expression also made Lu Wanwan a little uncomfortable.

In terms of emotion and reason, she should visit Fu Shuo.

However, she was afraid, afraid that Fu Shuo hadn't forgotten her, and even more afraid that her visit would cause unexpected complications and turn a good visit into a farce.

"Hmph." After Li Jingchen snorted coldly, he locked Lu Wanwan into his arms, and said, "You are not allowed to think about other men, but you must think about me!"

Lu Wanwan looked up at him: "Yes, I'm lying next to you, how can I dream about other men?"

Li Jingchen said: "Same bed, different dreams, do you understand?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "Don't make me laugh, I won't sleep with a man I don't love."

Li Jingchen blurted out: "Never had a relationship with Fu Shuo?"

As soon as Li Jingchen spoke, Lu Wanwan stepped on the back of his foot.

"Li Jingchen, if you ask that again, I'm going to get angry!"

As Lu Wanwan said, she broke free from his embrace, put down the water glass, turned around and left.

Li Jingchen, who realized his slip of the tongue, quickly picked up the water glass, chased after him and said, "Wanwan, I was wrong, didn't you say that I was thirsty? Drink some water."

"I'm not thirsty now, take it!" Lu Wanwan said with a blank expression.

After all, it is enough to make people feel uncomfortable if this kind of questioning falls on anyone's head.

Li Jingchen touched his nose and followed her all the way back to the room. When he saw her throwing off the quilt, he wanted to sleep and didn't give him any reaction.