Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1344 You just sympathize with him, right?

Fu Shuo replied: "Generally, Daddy starts rebuilding at 7 o'clock and ends at 10 o'clock."

An An was surprised: "So long?!"

Fu Shuo said: "Well, although my waist has not recovered, my legs must be exercised, otherwise the muscles will shrink, so even if my waist is cured in the future, I will not be able to walk like before. "

These are Chu Mo's original words. Although they don't sound good, every sentence is on point.

Every time Fu Shuo got angry, as long as he calmed down and thought about it, he would find that Chu Mo was right.

An An said distressedly: "That's why Daddy is working so hard?"

"Well, Daddy doesn't want to be a useless person forever." When Fu Shuo said this, his tone was already very calm.

Apparently, he has accepted all the misfortune of the car accident and tried to conquer it.

"Daddy..." An An hugged Fu Shuo silently, sniffed uncomfortably, and said, "From tomorrow onwards, I will accompany you."

"Okay." Fu Shuo took the opportunity to measure An An's height, and asked happily, "An An, have you grown taller?"

An An looked up: "Daddy found out?"

Fu Shuo measured An An's height with his hand, and found that it had reached his chest, so he couldn't help laughing, "It's grown taller."

An An said: "They all drink milk."

Fu Shuo asked, "Your mommy prepared it for you?"

An An subconsciously said: "Sometimes it's Mommy, and sometimes it's the servant of Li Zhai."

Fu Shuo was taken aback.

If Fu Xing hadn't told him in the morning that the mother and son had returned to Li's house in Wanwan, he would definitely not be able to accept this reality.

Although he can't accept it now, at least he won't lose control on the spot.

"How are you doing in Li's house? Did Li Jingchen bully you?"

Fu Shuo found himself despicable, and Li Jingchen treated Wanwan's mother and child badly, so maybe he still has a chance?

However, An An remained silent and told Fu Shuo the answer.

Fu Shuo laughed miserably: "Why, he treats you well, you don't even want to say a bad word?"

An An's complexion changed slightly: "Daddy..."

Fu Shuo stared into An An's eyes, and asked masochistically, "Tell me, how far has Li Jingchen and your mommy progressed? Have they decided to remarry?!"

He remembered the photos that Fu Xing had sent some time ago. When Wanwan went in and out of Li's house openly, he tried his best to convince himself that Wanwan must have some difficulties.

Looking at it now, even An An, who hated Li Jingchen the most, seemed to have been subdued. This made Fu Shuo start to wonder whether Wan Wan's mother and son had no place for him anymore!

An An didn't expect that Fu Shuo's questioning would come so suddenly. Was it because he mentioned the Li family, which stimulated Daddy?

But, didn't Daddy already know about this?

At this time, Xia Zhi brought a set of exquisite tea sets, and said: "Sir, young master, you have eaten a lot of meat and meat just now, drink a cup of tea, go get bored."

An An quickly gestured: "Sister Xia, Daddy..."

Xia Zhi looked at Fu Shuo, saw that his brows were tightly frowned and his face was irritable, and she couldn't help asking: "Sir, what's wrong with you? Do you have a backache?"

These days, Xia Zhi's voice has always played a soothing and calming role.

Fu Shuo tried his best to break free from this strange and depressed mood, with a tired expression on his face: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, you can sit with An An for a while, and I'll go to the room to wash my face."

Xia Zhi nodded: "Okay."

When Fu Shuo got up, An An wanted to stand up too, but Xia Zhi stopped her.

An An could only watch Fu Shuo leave slowly, feeling guilty in her heart.

While pouring tea, Xia Zhi asked, "Little Master, are you alright?"

"Sister Xia, I said the wrong thing and made daddy angry."

"What did you say?"

"I mentioned Li's house just now, and Daddy asked me, is Li Jingchen treating me and Mommy well? I didn't want to lie to Daddy, and I didn't want to say bad things about Li Jingchen, so I didn't say anything, but Daddy got angry, and still Ask me if Mommy is going to remarry Li Jingchen!"

After Xia Zhi finished listening, she put the poured hot tea into An An's small hands, and then said: "Young master, the fact that you ask this question means that he hasn't forgotten your young mistress."

Holding the hot tea, An An murmured with drooping eyes, "I finally understand what Mommy said at the airport."

Mommy said she wanted to see Daddy, but now was not the time.

This morning, he was still a little unconvinced and asked, when will it count?

Mommy said, unless one day Daddy no longer has feelings for her.

Combined with Daddy's sudden anger just now, An An realized that it was right for Mommy not to come.

Xia Zhi looked at his wrinkled brows, and comforted him: "Young master, don't worry, sir will be down in a while."

An An asked anxiously: "Sister Xia, do you think it would be better for me not to mention Mommy?"

Xia Zhi nodded: "Maybe."

"Then I won't mention it."

Xia Zhi thought about it for a while, and said: "But in fact, even if you don't mention it, the husband can't help but ask. He is like this. He wants to care about the young mistress, but he is afraid of being hurt.

The funniest thing is that every time I finished talking with the young mistress, he would look at me helplessly, as if waiting for me to take the initiative to tell him about the young mistress,

If I don't say it, he will be angry, as if I owe him hundreds of millions. "

An An asked: "Isn't Sister Xia working hard?"

Xia Zhi said: "It was very hard at first, but it's much better now, because I have a way to deal with it."

An An asked curiously: "What way?"

Xia Zhi said: "As soon as my husband loses his temper with me, I'll say, I'm the young mistress who stayed here to take care of him. Is he going to let down the young mistress' wishes? Of course he can't bear it, and his anger will soon dissipate." .”

An An couldn't help but praised: "Sister Xia has a way!"

Xia Zhi said modestly: "I am also in the honor of my young mistress."

An An smiled, and suddenly couldn't laugh anymore: "But, Mommy and Li Jingchen's relationship is getting better and better, and Daddy may not have a chance..."

Xia Zhi touched An An's head: "Little Master, what about you?"


Xia Zhi asked softly: "Well, do you want young mistress to be with President Li?"

An An struggled: "I... hope my mommy can be happy, but I feel so pitiful for my daddy."

Xia Zhi understood: "You are the child brought up by your husband and young mistress, you want them all to be happy, right?"

An An nodded vigorously: "That's right!"

Xia Zhi said: "But in fact, you don't object to Young Mistress and Boss Li being together anymore, you just sympathize with Mr., right?"

Otherwise, An An would have had a strong resistance to her first question just now.