Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1343 Walk upright in front of her

An An said piously: "Daddy, Mommy said that her divorce agreement with you includes our right to visit each other. I can come to see you as long as I want. She doesn't want to go back on her word, so Li Jingchen can only agree. "

But Wanwan didn't want to show up...

Fu Shuo didn't want to show a sad expression, but when he dreamed back at midnight, when he was lonely, he wished that the person by his side would be Wanwan...

For the sake of An An's safety, Fu Shuo changed his mind, and said to the mercenaries in front of him, "I see, you can stay, as long as you don't disturb our father-son reunion."

The mercenaries nodded and said, "No problem, we won't bother you now."

An An politely said to them: "Uncles, you have worked hard today."

"That's what we should do."

After finishing speaking, they retreated silently, scattered around the villa, and started the guard mode.

An An then raised her head and asked Fu Shuo, "Daddy, have you had dinner yet?"

Fu Shuo said softly: "Not yet, Daddy is waiting for you."

An An couldn't help laughing and said, "Then let's go eat quickly."

"Okay." Fu Shuo nodded.

In the villa, there used to be only him, Xia Zhi and two male nurses, but now An An was added, which made Fu Shuo feel the warmth he hadn't felt for a long time.

When An An's small hand took his big hand, Fu Shuo even went into a daze.

is this real?

He asked himself in his heart.

Standing behind her, Xia Zhi looked at the back of An An taking Fu Shuo down the stairs, feeling a little like crying for no reason.

Although the husband seldom mentioned the young mistress and the young master after they left, he often stood in front of the window, looking at the trajectory of the plane in the sky. Xia Zhi knew that it was the direction to S city.

The husband has never forgotten the young mistress and the others, but due to physical reasons, he is unable to see his beloved woman and child.

The more she saw such things, the more Xia Zhi felt sorry for Fu Shuo. Ever since the young mistress and the young master left, all that was left to her husband was a wounded body and endless thoughts.

With sympathy and getting along day after day, Xia Zhi no longer had the initial estrangement from Fu Shuo, and now the two can be said to be increasingly harmonious.

At the dining table, Fu Shuo said, "Xia Zhi, you and An An may not have seen each other for a long time, why don't you sit down and eat with us."

Xia Zhi said in surprise, "Sir, this is against the rules."

She usually eats by herself after serving Fu Shuo for dinner.

An An also said: "Sister Xia, Daddy has already said so, so don't be restrained."

Xia Zhi thought for a while and said, "Okay then, I'll get another pair of bowls and chopsticks."

Fu Shuo nodded: "En."

After Xia Zhi took the chopsticks, she gently sat down beside Fu Shuo. Like in the past, after picking up the food for Fu Shuo who couldn't get up, she didn't forget to pick up the dishes for An An.

"Thank you sister Xia." After An An opened her mouth to eat, she gave a thumbs up and said, "Oh! It's delicious! Did sister Xia make these herself?"

Xia Zhi said: "It's not me, the nurse at home did it."

An An swallowed the food in her mouth, and said, "That's right, Sister Xia went to pick me up just now, so I don't have time to do it."

Xia Zhi said softly: "Young master, if you want to eat, I will make it for you tomorrow."

An An nodded like a pounding garlic: "Okay, okay!"

Fu Shuo always looked at him gently, and on the way, he would bring some food to An An, which An An used to like to eat, but Fu Shuo was not sure if the child still liked it now.

It wasn't until An An ate it whole that Fu Shuo showed a smile.

"Sir, you finally laughed." Xia Zhi said with emotion from the side.

An An paused, and asked, "Why, doesn't Daddy seldom smile?"

Xia Zhi glanced at Fu Shuo, and boldly asked, "If I tell the truth, won't you punish me, sir?"

An An guarantees: "With me here, Daddy will not punish you."

Fu Shuo said in a deep voice, "Xia Zhi, don't say what you shouldn't."

"Okay." Xia Zhi shrugged at An'an with a helpless expression.

An An puffed her face, put down her chopsticks on purpose, and said, "Dad, it's true, you used to share everything with me, but now you have a little secret with me!"

Fu Shuo put vegetables in his bowl, and said dotingly, "Daddy has no secrets to you, but he thinks of you occasionally, and he doesn't know if you are doing well, so his mood will be affected."

Only Xia Zhi knew that the "occasionally" that Fu Shuo said was actually "often".

An An's nose was sour, and she couldn't help lowering her head and said, "Daddy, I'm sorry, I just came to visit you now."

How lonely is Daddy's life these days when he's not here?

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dignified, Xia Zhi hurriedly warmed up the scene: "Sir, young master, it took so long for you two to meet each other, you should be happy, come, come, let's eat."

"Well, eat!" An An cheered up again, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating.

Just like sister Xia said, today is a reunion day, he should be happy in front of Daddy, and he can't let Daddy worry about him anymore!

"it is good."

The way An An ate, it looked very delicious, which inadvertently inspired Fu Shuo to eat an extra bowl of rice than usual.


After eating, An An held Fu Shuo's hand, sat down in the living room, and asked impatiently, "Daddy, does your waist still hurt?"

"It's much better." It's simple to say, but there are still many recovery operations waiting for Fu Shuo.

This also allowed him to recuperate honestly, and even the affairs of the branch company could only be handed over to Fu Xing for the time being.

An An asked again: "Daddy, you have moved here now, Uncle Chu's side..."

Fu Shuo said: "Chu Mo was not a doctor in Y City Hospital. I moved out of the hospital, so he can go around to consult people. However, he will come here regularly and give me special medicine injections. You don't have to." Worry."

I have to admit that Chu Mo is indeed a rare medical genius. If Chu Mo hadn't been invited to him at Wan Wan, he would have to lie on the hospital bed and die.

"Well, that's good." An An said sincerely: "I really want Daddy to get better soon!"

Fu Shuo said from the bottom of his heart, "Daddy wants to too."

An An asked curiously: "When you get better, what is the first thing Daddy wants to do?"

After Fu Shuo looked at An An for a while, he asked, "Do you really want me to tell you?"

"Yeah, daddy said it!" An An leaned against Fu Shuo, looking at him full of dependence.

Fu Shuo said in a hoarse voice, "Daddy wants to walk upright in front of your mommy and let her know that I'm fine."

An An clenched her small fists and said excitedly, "I believe Daddy will do it!"

With An An's encouragement, Fu Shuo also became more confident: "Well, Daddy will definitely do it!"

"By the way, what time does Daddy usually start rebuilding? I'll accompany you." An An said positively.