Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1342 Bring the danger to him

An An looked back and asked, "Sister Xia, Daddy lives here now?"

Xia Zhi said to him gently: "Well, sir, I don't want to stay in the hospital for too long, and I don't want to go back to Fu's house, so I simply bought this villa and used it to recuperate my body."

An An nodded and said, "Has Sister Xia been with my dad all the time? From the hospital to here?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi said softly, "I will never forget what you and the young mistress ordered."

An An said seriously: "Sister Xia, you are so kind. When I grow up, I will definitely repay you well!"

Xia Zhi couldn't help smiling and said: "Okay, sister Xia remembers, let's get out of the car."

After An An got off the car, Xia Zhi stretched out her hand to him, and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll take you in. Sir, I don't know how happy I am to know you're coming this morning."

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, An An is no stranger to Xia Zhi. After holding Xia Zhi's big hand, An An walked into the villa expectantly.

But as soon as he entered, An An felt that although there was everything in the villa, it gave people a very empty feeling. He looked at it and asked suddenly: "Are there no servants here?"

"I'm just that?" Xia Zhi looked down at him.

"Sister Xia is in my heart, not a servant."

Hearing this, Xia Zhi smiled and patted his head, and then said: "Here, only my husband and two male nurses live here. He doesn't like outsiders to disturb him."

While talking, Xia Zhi held An An's hand and walked towards the stairs.

"Oh, that's right." Xia Zhi heard the uniform footsteps behind her, resolute like a soldier, and suddenly turned her head and said: "Several, my husband doesn't like outsiders to disturb you, can you stay in the living room for yourself?"

After Xia Zhi finished speaking, she fell into a pair of eagle-like eyes: "Before we ensure the safety of the villa, please forgive us for not being able to leave the young master for half a step."

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Xia Zhi pursed her lips nervously, before saying, "I'm sure, it's safe here."

The mercenary looked around and said, "That will have to wait until we confirm it. This is our responsibility."

Xia Zhi frowned, feeling offended.

An An was afraid that they would quarrel, so she hurriedly said: "Sister Xia, these uncles are all sent by Li Jingchen to protect me. I have already mentioned it to Daddy on the phone, so you can let them go upstairs."

Whether it's sister Xia or the mercenary, they are the ones who take care of An An, so he doesn't want to offend either of them.

"Okay, for the sake of the young master."

Only then did Xia Zhi let go and let the mercenaries follow upstairs.

"Mr. lives in this room. When you called, he was about to take a bath. It should be finished by now."

"Sister Xia, I'm here to knock on the door!" An An couldn't wait to finish speaking, and knocked "dong dong dong".

After a while, the door opened, revealing a slender figure.

The man just stood there, looking at him gently.

His face still looks the same as before, gentle and handsome, and his thin body before has been brought back a bit, but on his waist, there is still that obtrusive "waist assist device"!

An An's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he choked up and called out, "Daddy...Daddy."

"An'an." Fu Shuo's pupils trembled slightly, but he is an adult and knows how to hide his emotions better. After his eyes stopped on An'an, he fell on those abrupt mercenaries. With them staring at him, he There is no way to talk to An An properly.

In particular, these people were sent by Li Jingchen, and they knew what they were going to do!

Thinking of this, Fu Shuo walked out of the room and said expressionlessly, "Xia Zhi, take these people outside to settle down."

"Yes." Xia Zhi knew it would happen.

She continued: "Several, please."

Clinker, but the mercenaries said: "Excuse me, wherever the young master is, we will be there."

Fu Shuo's eyes turned cold: "An'an is my son, I will take good care of him personally."

The mercenaries glanced at the auxiliary device on his waist and said, "Mr. Fu, you are inconvenient. Let us take care of the young master."

Fu Shuo said coldly, "Are you taking care of An An? Or are you monitoring me?"

"What are we spying on you for?"

"I'm afraid I have to ask Li Jingchen."

"Young Master Li only asked us to protect his son, and didn't say anything else."

Fu Shuo's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Xia Zhi, call the police."

"Daddy!" An An said anxiously: "Don't call the police, uncle mercenaries are good people!"

Fu Shuo froze and looked at him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mercenaries said: "Boss Fu, we are just like you, we are all thinking of the young master, you don't like being disturbed, we can retreat outside, but we will not go far, please allow us Settle down in the courtyard of the villa."

Xia Zhi reminded: "It's snowing now, it's very cold in the yard."

The mercenaries didn't care: "It doesn't matter, we have been in any environment."

Xia Zhi couldn't help sighing: "Why don't you believe that my husband can take good care of the young master?"

The mercenaries said: "It's not that we don't believe it, but what happened to the young master makes us dare not take it lightly."

Hearing this, Fu Shuo looked at An An thoughtfully: "An An, what exactly are you trying to tell me on the phone?"

"It's like this daddy, after Mommy and I returned to City S, Mommy took me out to rent a house to live in, and one day..."

An An recalled the day when he was tied to a bomb box. At the end of the conversation, he said: "Since that day, Li Jingchen has been sending people to protect me and Mommy."

"Tell me, you and Wanwan were almost bombed..." Fu Shuo couldn't continue with the word "death" at the end. As for Xia Zhi, her face turned pale with fright.

"Well, I'm afraid I'll never see Daddy again!"

Thinking of the narrow escape and looking at Fu Shuo standing in front of him now, An An couldn't help sobbing.

Fu Shuo bent down in confusion, looked at An An carefully, and said hoarsely, "Don't cry, Daddy is here..."

"Hmm!" An An hugged Fu Shuo's thigh, and said pitifully, "So Daddy, don't chase these mercenary uncles away, okay? I can't help but want to come to you, but I don't want to take the danger away And bring it to you, you let them stay and protect us!"

A trace of sadness welled up in Fu Shuo's heart. What else can he do for An'an now?

He can't do anything.

On the contrary, An An had to take the risk and come here to visit him from all the way.

"Why is Li Jingchen willing to agree?"

Before that, Fu Shuo had guessed Li Jingchen's intentions, thinking that Li Jingchen agreed to send An'an here to curry favor with Lu Wanwan.

But now, Fu Shuo was confused.

Li Jingchen is willing to sacrifice his life to accompany An An to dismantle the bomb, which shows that Li Jingchen also loves this child.

That being the case, Li Jingchen should protect An An, instead of letting An An come to Y City to meet him!