Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1341 If you dare to beat him, I will beat you

An An took out her mobile phone, turned it on, and muttered, "I overslept and haven't contacted my daddy yet."

The purser patiently said: "Then you call your daddy first to see if he picks up. If he doesn't pick up, my sister will arrange a car to take you to find your daddy."

"Okay, thank you sister."

While speaking, An An's cell phone was also turned on.

Originally, he wanted to call Fu Shuo directly, but a scene of Mommy and Li Jingchen standing under the plane and watching him off suddenly appeared in his mind.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to call Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen to report their safety first, and then call Daddy.


At the same time, City S.

Li Jingchen had already put down his cell phone, and said to Lu Wanwan, "An'an has arrived at the airport in City Y."

Lu Wanwan put down her chopsticks and said, "Really?"

Li Jingchen said: "Well, the mercenary who followed him just sent me a message."

"This way we can rest assured." Lu Wanwan had been worried all day, and now she could finally eat with peace of mind: "Let's eat, An An must be busy contacting Fu Shuo right now, and I'm afraid she won't call me until very late. "

As a result, as soon as Lu Wanwan finished speaking, the cell phone in her pocket rang.

She picked it up and looked at it, and said unexpectedly, "It's An An!"

Although Li Jingchen didn't say anything, his eyes were slightly urging, as if he was telling Lu Wanwan to pick him up quickly.

After sliding the answer button, Lu Wanwan glanced at Li Jingchen, pressed the speaker button again, and said, "An'an, have you arrived in City Y?"

The next second, An An's voice came out clearly from the phone: "Well, Mommy, I've arrived in City Y, and I fell asleep on the plane just now, and it was the purser who woke me up, as soon as I woke up I just called you, am I good?"

"Our An'an is the best!" Lu Wanwan said excitedly.

After all, she thought just now that An An would forget about her as soon as she arrived in Y city, and just focus on looking for Fu Shuo.

Because she was afraid that An'an would think too much, before sending An'an on the plane, Lu Wanwan did not specifically explain who to contact first when she got off the plane. Unexpectedly, An'an's first call was to report her safety.

Lu Wanwan said comfortingly: "City Y is much colder than City S. Take out the down jacket that Mommy put in your suitcase and put it on, you know?"

"Well, I see, thank you, Mommy." After An An responded, she said, "Mommy, I'm about to get off the plane, so I won't tell you for now."

"it is good."


Seeing that An An seemed to have something to say, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, baby?"

An An faltered and said: "That... Mommy tell him for me."

"Him?" Lu Wanwan subconsciously looked at Li Jingchen.

"Well, he lent me the plane. Now that the plane has landed safely, I should tell him that the plane is safe."


The plane is safe, what the hell reason!

An An didn't know that Lu Wanwan had released his voice to the public, and continued to play shamelessly: "Well, the snacks and drinks provided on the plane are all delicious, and the attitude of the flight attendants is also very enthusiastic, I want to give them a Praise, Mommy remember to tell him for me."

Lu Wanwan could hardly hold back her laughter, and said, "Why don't you tell him yourself, baby?"

"No need for Mommy, I don't have anything to say to him!" An An said in a hurry, and said, "By the way, there is one thing I want to tell Mommy secretly."

"What's the matter? Can no one else listen to it?" When Lu Wanwan was thinking about whether to turn off the speaker, An An had already continued talking——

"That is, every time he goes abroad, he brings Uncle Zhou Yang and the company's top management..."

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment when the phone was suddenly taken away by a big hand, followed by a deep male voice: "Fu Huai'an, did you ask the stewardess about me?"

"!!!" After An An gasped in shock, she hung up the call abruptly.

Hearing the sound of "beep beep" on the opposite side, Lu Wanwan thumped Li Jingchen's arm angrily, and said, "You scared him!"

Li Jingchen said with floating lips: "I just asked him a question. As for being so frightened? I think he is obviously guilty. "

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have released it to you!" Lu Wanwan gave him a blank look, and snatched the phone back.

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes and said, "This kid asked the stewardess about me, is he trying to speak ill of me in front of you?"

Lu Wanwan knows An An best: "I don't think so. An An just wanted to tell me that you are very honest. When you go abroad, you are surrounded by men. If this is also a bad word, then there is no good word."

After hearing this, Li Jingchen felt that it made sense, so he didn't pursue it further.

"Hey, I don't know if An An is so frightened by you, would she dare to call me?" Lu Wanwan said sadly.

After all, when Li Jingchen spoke suddenly just now, An An must know that she shared the content of the call with Li Jingchen.

"If that kid dares not to call you, see if I won't beat him up." Li Jingchen said with a grimace.

Lu Wanwan glanced at him sideways and said, "If you dare to beat An An, I will beat you."

"..." Li Jingchen.


Y City Airport.

After An An left the airport, the temperature on her face still didn't drop.

What did he say to Mommy on the phone just now? !

The point is, it seems that Li Jingchen has heard it all...

At this time, the mercenary beside him reminded: "Young master, shouldn't it be time for you to call Mr. Fu?"

An An suddenly recovered, and then contacted Fu Shuo.

After a while, I heard a gentle voice from the opposite side: "An'an."

An An calmed down for a while, and said, "Daddy, I'm at the airport in City Y! Can you get someone to pick me up?"

Fu Shuoyou had some hope: "You came alone?"

An An looked back at the large army behind him, and said, "No, there are still eight mercenary uncles following me."

"Mercenary?" Fu Shuo said inexplicably, "Is Li Jingchen afraid that I will force you to stay here?"

An An subconsciously defended Li Jingchen: "It's not Daddy, I was in danger before, so he sent mercenaries to protect me."

Fu Shuo's voice trembled: "Dangerous? Tell Daddy, what happened?"

A gust of cold wind hit, and after An An sneezed, she said softly, "Daddy, let's talk about the details when we meet. I'm leaving the airport now. It's so cold outside."

Fu Shuo immediately said: "Okay, Daddy will send someone to pick you up right away, you go to the airport and wait there, don't blow the air in a daze, if you catch a cold, your mommy will be so worried that she won't be able to sleep all night."

As soon as the words came out, An An and Fu Shuo fell silent.

Because they all know that they can never go back to the past.


after an hour.

In front of a certain villa in the city center.

Xia Zhi, who was in charge of driving, turned her eyes and smiled at An An who was sitting behind: "Young master, we are home, we can get out of the car."