Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1340 This is to punish him to death

Liu Yihui was afraid of being kicked out, so he didn't dare to go in casually.

After waiting for a while, the person he wanted to meet came out of the Li Group.

Liu Yihui immediately grabbed the other's hand as if seeing a relative, "Old Xu, you're down!"

The man called "Old Xu" showed a distressed face and said, "Yihui, let's go out and talk about something."

"Old Xu, I have to trouble you to help me this time! Help me and talk to President Li..."

"I know what you want to do, let's go out and talk."

Old Gu Sheng dragged Liu Yihui down the stairs, out of the monitoring range of the security personnel, and said, "Yihui, last time you asked to see President Li, didn't I already introduce you? This time you What do you want to see President Li for?"

"I... I was investigated and prosecuted by the company! Now the villain surnamed Mu has temporarily suspended my position, and he is still asking the disciplinary inspection committee to continue investigating me! He is going to punish me to death! "

Liu Yihui shouted louder and louder: "Now only Boss Li can save me! Only he can save me!!!"

Old Xu said earnestly: "Yihui, you have been investigated and dealt with, which means that you have problems yourself. What can President Li do for you?"

Liu Yihui hesitated, and said: "But, when I came to see President Li last time, he said...he will help me!"

Old Xu said: "I was not there at the time, so I have no way of knowing what President Li told you."

"You mean, I made up nonsense and lied to you?"

Liu Yihui's eyes were not clear, even a little cloudy: "Okay, since that's the case, you go with me to see President Li, and I'll ask him face to face, and let him tell you what he said that day!"

Old Xu was so annoyed by his nonsense, he couldn't care less about affection for a moment: "Are you crazy! Who is Mr. Li? How can we see you as soon as we see you? Besides, you are from Yaobo Company, you yourself It has nothing to do with our Li Group!"

Liu Yihui opened his eyes wide: "Old Xu, haven't we been friends for many years?"

"Just because we are friends, I am willing to come down to see you today, otherwise I would have let the security kick you out!"

As Lao Xu said, his anger also came up: "Do you know that because of your affairs, I will be implicated at any time? I don't know how regretful I am now, and introduced you to President Li!

In the end, you are a discipline violator who used public funds to eat and drink. President Li hates this kind of high-level people the most. If you also investigate me... Forget it!Stop talking, Liu Yihui, hurry up, I can't help you with this matter. "

But Liu Yihui said stubbornly: "I won't see President Li today, so I won't leave!"

Old Xu sighed: "Liu Yihui, why do you think Mr. Li can help you? All these shitty things you have done all these years are all nailed down!"

Liu Yihui said: "Because the kid surnamed Mu admires Li Jingchen the most in his life, as long as Li Jingchen makes a phone call, that kid will definitely not continue to check on me, so I might be able to go back to the company..."

Seeing that he has not repented until now, Lao Xu shook his head and said, "Then you just wait here, don't blame me for not reminding you, there is more than one gate to the company, you are lucky if you can wait."

Liu Yihui waited for one day.

But Li Jingchen never showed up, and Liu Yihui didn't dare to force his way in. In the end, hypoglycemia occurred, and he collapsed by the fountain, and was sent to the hospital by the call of Li's Snow Sweeper.



knock knock --

After hearing the knock on the door, Lu Wanwan took off the earrings and put them on the dressing table, then got up and went to open the door.

A maid stood outside the door and said, "Young Mistress, it's time to eat."

"Okay, I'll call An An..."

"Have you forgotten, young mistress? The young master has already gone to City Y this morning."

Lu Wanwan paused, and then said: "...I really forgot."

The maid reminded: "The young master is already waiting for you downstairs."

"Okay, I'll go down right away." Lu Wanwan said, walking downstairs.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Li Jingchen looked up and saw that Lu Wanwan was the only one coming down, and he was not used to it for a while.

He still remembered that every day after he and Wanwan got off work, a small figure would run over and ask, "Are you back?"

Although Lu Wanwan was always the only one watching from that small figure, but after a long time, Li Jingchen got used to greeting him like this.

The feeling that a child was eagerly looking forward to their return made Li Jingchen no longer want to stay in the company and work overtime.

After all, the office is cold, and only the prickly pear that Wanwan gave him is with him. How can it compare to An An's freshness?

"What are you thinking about?"

At some point, Lu Wanwan came to him and asked with some dissatisfaction, "I called you so many times, but you didn't hear me?"

Li Jingchen subconsciously said: "I'm thinking about An'an and Xuyang. If they are here, the house must be very lively."

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows and said, "Now you know how to be honest? It's a pity that they are not here, otherwise they would be very happy to hear what you said."

After a moment of silence, Li Jingchen said, "It's okay, they will come back."

Lu Wanwan smiled and nodded: "Yeah, so let's go eat quickly, An'an will contact us when he arrives in City Y."


At this time, on the plane.

"Little friend, City Y is here."

A beautiful hand gently pushed An An awake, and An An seemed to hear "Ah, this child is so cute!" in a daze...

"Purser, can I touch him? Just one!"...

"Not even once!" and the like.

"Mom..." Realizing that these were unfamiliar voices, An An woke up quickly, and the "Mommy" also disappeared in her throat.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw several beautiful stewardesses surrounding him in the front seat and the back seat, all looking ready to move.

"Little friend, how old are you this year? How could you go out so far alone? Aren't your parents worried?"

Probably because the plane landed safely, the flight attendants became more relaxed and lively.

After An An regained her composure, she replied, "Hello, sisters, I will be 7 years old after the Chinese New Year. I came to City Y to find my daddy. My mommy has to go to work, so I don't have time to come with me."

The stewardess who asked the question covered her mouth and said with a wry smile, "Ah, he called me 'sister'! He's so cute!"

An An smiled back: "The sisters are also very beautiful."

The hearts of several stewardesses were inexplicably thumped by him. It's really evil. They actually saw "Sugan" in a 7-year-old boy. Will they still have it when they grow up?

"Okay, don't surround him, be careful to scare him."

It was the chief purser who served An'an all the way who spoke, and then several stewardesses stepped aside.

The purser then said to An An: "Little friend, is there someone here to pick you up?"