Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1339 Seeing her unhappy, and unable to kill her

After Lu Wanwan walked into the elevator, she said to Xiao Shan who was standing outside at a loss, "Come in, don't be dumbfounded."

"Manager..." After Xiao Shan walked in with difficulty, she begged for mercy: "I actually envy you, I envy you who have been divorced and had children, but you are still so good with the opposite sex.

I, I am so envious, that's why I subconsciously observe you, hoping to learn something from you. "

When the elevator door closed slowly, Lu Wanwan said aloud, "Xiao Shan, you were so jealous of Liu Chun too, right?"

Xiao Shan froze, and murmured: "Liu Chun has a good background, and has a father who is the vice president. When she is by her side, no one else can see me."

Lu Wanwan looked at her and asked, "Others can't see you? Did someone tell you this, or did you imagine it?"

Xiao Shan bit her lip and said, "I... can feel it."

Lu Wanwan said slowly: "So, you simply became Liu Chun's follower. You hope that when Liu Chun is in a good mood, he can open his mouth to let the young men in the department see you?"

After a look of disdain flashed across Xiao Shan's eyes, she gave a soft "hmm".

Lu Wanwan didn't miss the change in her eyes. I'm afraid Xiao Shan's scheming is deeper than she imagined. Although Liu Chun is beautiful, she is used to being arrogant and domineering, and her popularity in the planning department is not very good. Xiao Shan and Liu Chun When Chun is together, it is inevitable to be bullied by Liu Chun, but it will arouse the sympathy of male colleagues, thus sympathizing with her and loathing Liu Chun.

"Now that Liu Chun is gone, you're targeting me again? Right Xiao Shan?"

At this time, Xiao Shan had calmed down a little, and she returned to her hypocritical and obedient look: "For an outstanding woman like you, everyone would want to pay more attention to her eyes."

Lu Wanwan's eyes turned cold: "You don't pay attention to my work, but only pay attention to my private life, and spread it in the department wantonly. Xiao Shan, just after Liu Chun left, you want to replace her and become someone like her?"

"No manager! I never thought about it that way!" Xiao Shan hurriedly said.

Lu Wanwan found out that Xiao Shan is really hypocritical and inferior. It is actually very difficult to communicate with such a person, because the other party does not have a positive and optimistic heart, and all she sees are negative things. She is scarier than Liu Chun .

"Xiao Shan, I once told you in front of Liu Chun that I recognized your ability to work. As long as you work hard, you will have a promising future. Do you remember?"

Xiao Shan said, "I remember."

Because of Lu Wanwan's words that day, she was scolded miserably by Liu Chun.

Lu Wanwan nodded, and continued: "I advise you to focus on your career. Compared with love and gossip, career will never betray you. A woman must first learn to love herself before others will love you. This is all I can say Whether you want to accept it or not is up to you."


The elevator has arrived.

Lu Wanwan reminded: "You are here."

After a moment of silence, Xiao Shan suddenly asked, "Manager, will you avenge yourself publicly?"

"No." After a pause, Lu Wanwan continued, "However, I'll leave it at that. If there is a problem with your work, I will definitely punish you severely."

Xiao Shan smiled bitterly: "I will work hard, manager."

Otherwise, what greeted her would be Lu Wanwan's justifiable revenge, right?

After finishing speaking, she walked out dejectedly.

Lu Wanwan shook her head. For a person with low self-esteem like Xiao Shan, even if she talks to Xiao Shan well, she will think the worst, and maybe think that she has some hidden tricks. It is better to simply "threat" Xiao Shan. Let her be afraid, and she will not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Looking back, Lu Wanwan pressed the door close button of the elevator.

The elevator continued to go up until she and Fan Hai's office floor.

As soon as Lu Wanwan entered, before saying hello, Fan Hai put down the wolfberry tea in his hand and chattered endlessly, "Hey, Manager Lu, why are you here so 'early' today? Did you ask for leave? But it doesn't matter if you didn't ask for leave. Now we are at the same level, and the superior has just been sanctioned by President Mu, and now the entire company, except for President Mu, no one can control you."

Ever since Fan Hai was called by President Mu to criticize and educate Lu Wanwan because he didn't do his best to help Lu Wanwan arrange the office space, his attitude towards Lu Wanwan has been so indifferent. It is rare to see her late today, and he is even more excited almost didn't dance.

Lu Wanwan said with a smile that was not a smile: "Leader, I already called to ask for leave this morning, but I forgot to call you to report. After all, as you said, we are at the same level now. Are you I haven't adapted to my new identity yet, so that's why I have such a big resentment?"

Seeing that Lu Wanwan is not polite at all now, the corner of Fan Hai's mouth twitched, and he said, "I don't dare to do that. Is it because you didn't come and all the work is on my side?"

As Fan Hai said, he pointed to his desk, on which there were several folders.

Lu Wanwan took the initiative to walk over and asked, "Which ones are mine?"

Fan Hai picked up the thermos again, and said, "Manager Lu is very capable, so you can take them all."

Lu Wanwan said: "That's not okay, the office belongs to the two of us, so we should share the work equally, unless..."

Fan Hai had a hunch that it was not a good word, but he still wanted to hear it: "Unless what?"

"Unless the leader moves away one day and the office becomes mine alone, then the work will naturally be mine." Lu Wanwan chuckled.

Looking at the irritating smile on her face, Fan Hai said with itchy teeth, "Is Manager Lu cursing me?"

"No, I'm wishing the leader an early promotion." Lu Wanwan said.

Fan Hai couldn't find any loopholes in Lu Wanwan's words, so he could only push the three documents over and said, "These three are for you, and one of them is the invitation letter sent to you by Deep Water Harbor."

Lu Wanwan was taken aback: "Invitation letter?"

"Well, aren't you a signboard of Deepwater Harbor now? They invite you to show your face and accept the worship of other domestic businesses. Congratulations. Maybe in the evening, you can have dinner with your boyfriend." Fan The sea is neither yin nor yang.

"That's it..." Lu Wanwan picked up the three documents and said in her own body, "I'll go after I finish today's work, who told me that my boyfriend is the boss of Deepwater Harbor?" .”

Fan Hai choked, and cursed "Shameless" in his heart!

What Lu Wanwan wants is shamelessness.

Has she experienced little infighting in the workplace?

Since Fan Hai likes to emphasize so much that she is the celebrity in front of President Mu and Li Jingchen's girlfriend, then she will put them on the bright side and talk about it every day to see if Fan Hai or she is disgusting in the end.

Either Liu Yihui or Fan Hai.

Lu Wanwan likes the way these people are upset when they see her, and they can't kill her anymore.


As for Liu Yihui, he was standing at the gate of Li's Group in desperation at this time, being watched with vigilant eyes by the security personnel.