Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1338 His feelings for her are really not fake

"Ah?" An An was surprised: "Did that colleague of my sister deliberately splash Uncle Li's coffee?"

The stewardess recalled: "We still don't know the answer to this, but one thing is certain, that is, Boss Li doesn't like women approaching him, so he would rather kill by mistake than let her go.

When he usually goes abroad, Mr. Li either brings his secretary or the company's top management, all of whom are men. "

An An couldn't help muttering: "It turns out that his feelings for Mommy are really not fake."

The stewardess didn't hear clearly: "Little friend, what are you talking about?"

An An whispered: "It's nothing, is there any more sister? I still want to hear about Uncle Li."


Before leaving the airport, Li Jingchen asked, "Send you to the company?"

"how about you?"

"I'm fine."

Lu Wanwan said: "It's better to say goodbye, the company is important, I can take a taxi to the company by myself."


Today, in order to see An An off, the three of them took the same car, so whatever Li Jingchen said, he had to send Lu Wanwan to work.

Lu Wanwan no longer insisted: "Well, it's up to you."

"En." After opening the car door, Li Jingchen said to the driver, "Go to Yaobo Company."

"Yes, Mr. Li."


The entrance of Yaobo Company.

The car stopped, and after Lu Wanwan unbuckled her seat belt, she said to Li Jingchen beside her, "I'm going to work, you should go to the company quickly."

"Wait." Li Jingchen took her hand to open the door and asked, "Are you okay?"

After a slight start, Lu Wanwan said, "What can I do?"

Li Jingchen nodded and said, "It's fine."

"Then I'm leaving?" Lu Wanwan said, looking at him and still holding her hand.

"When you miss your son, call him, don't cry secretly." Li Jingchen said, and let go of her hand.

Lu Wanwan rolled his eyes at him: "You're the one crying."

But after being told by Li Jingchen, she felt much lighter.

After getting off the car, Lu Wanwan stood at the same spot and watched Li Jingchen's car leave. When she turned around, she saw Xiao Shan standing on the steps, poking her head. Seeing her, Xiao Shan quickly looked away, pretending nothing happened. Look, walked into the company in a hurry.

Lu Wanwan knew that Xiao Shan was full of curiosity about Li Jingchen.

A girl of her age, at the age of dreaming, has absolutely no resistance to that kind of handsome, mature and wealthy man.

But Lu Wanwan didn't like Li Jingchen being coveted by other women.

She quickened her pace and followed behind Xiao Shan.

In the lobby, Xiao Shan pressed the elevator button and began a long wait.

At this time, Lu Wanwan came to her side and said, "Xiao Shan, why didn't you say hello when you saw me just now? We can go together."

Xiao Shan walked so fast just now, purely in response to the phrase "Being a thief with a guilty conscience".

Just now when Lu Wanwan opened the car door and got out of the car, Xiao Shan happened to see the handsome face inside the car, and stopped in amazement.

I remember the last time she saw this man after the celebration banquet.

It was already late at that time, and under the street lamps, she only saw the man's side face, she was already astonished, but when she looked at it again during the daytime, it was even more fierce that the deer was bumping wildly.

But Lu Wanwan's utterance made Xiao Shan's back shudder, and the charming fantasy that had just arisen went cold in an instant.

Xiao Shan laughed dryly and said, "Manager, am I late today? I just wanted to check in at the company quickly, so I didn't say hello to you. I'm really sorry."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "I see, why are you late today?"

Xiao Shan whispered: "My aunt was in pain, so painful that she couldn't get up, she fell asleep after taking Fenbid, and found out that she was late when she woke up."

Lu Wanwan understands a woman's pain: "Don't eat too much cold food, don't stay up too often at night, and taking painkillers will make your body dependent. You should find time to go to the hospital for recuperation."

Xiao Shan was taken aback when she heard that, so Lu Wanwan didn't come to settle accounts with her, did she?

"Thank you, manager, I'll remember." After she relaxed, Xiao Shan asked, "By the way, manager, you are so experienced, do you often have aunt pain?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I seldom have pain from my aunt, but I often have cold hands and feet."

"Ah? What should I do? Go to the hospital for treatment?"

"It's an old problem, no matter how you try to fix it, it won't get better."

"This is too miserable."

As soon as Xiao Shan finished speaking, she heard Lu Wanwan say: "However, every time I'm cold, my boyfriend will warm the bed for me. He is full of yang, and soon I won't be cold."

"..." Xiao Shan froze for a moment, imagining being hugged by that handsome man, asking softly if she was cold or not, and the sour water of envy bubbling up!

If you fall in love with such a man once, you will be willing to die even if you die.

Xiao Shan couldn't help but said: "Manager, your boyfriend treats you really well!"

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan lowered her head and stroked the wedding ring on her left hand, and said with a smile, "He's really good."

"Oh, if only I had a boyfriend like this."

After Xiao Shan finished speaking, she felt that it was inappropriate, so she hurriedly added, "I mean, there are fewer and fewer good men in the world. If possible, I would also like to find a similar boyfriend."

Lu Wanwan looked at her, admonishing and guiding: "Xiao Shan, you are still young, there are still many opportunities like this, don't stare at this one in front of you."

Xiao Shan's heart skipped a beat, and she said out of breath, "Jing, manager, I..."

"I know you are curious about who he is, what he does, and why he is with me, but Xiao Shan, this is between me and him, you don't have to take everything you see It's all spread in the department, understand?"

Xiao Shan did this because she wanted the male employees in the department to give up on her. Lu Wanwan could understand, after all, as the only woman in the department's office, Xiao Shan would inevitably want to enjoy the "privilege" of being the only woman in the department's office.

However, on the one hand, Xiao Shan wanted to win over the young men from the planning department, and on the other hand, she stared at Li Jingchen as a nymphomaniac. Isn't this inappropriate?

Xiao Shan couldn't hold her smile any longer, she asked awkwardly, "Manager, who is gossiping in front of you?"

"What do you think?" Lu Wanwan gave her a meaningful look.

Xiao Shan opened her mouth, but couldn't tell who it was. After all, almost all the men in the planning department were subdued by Lu Wanwan.

Anyone could betray what she said in front of Lu Wanwan!


Lu Wanwan glanced at the open elevator and said, "The elevator is here, let's go in quickly."

Xiao Shan had the urge to run away.

Lu Wanwan is the manager now, it's too easy to punish her, Fan Hai doesn't even need to ask.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shan couldn't help begging for mercy: "Manager, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to discuss your private life in the department, I promise there will be no next time!"