Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1337 In front of him, she has no confidence

After An An boarded the plane, she chose a seat by the window and looked at Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan who were standing under the plane.

Suddenly, there was a little reluctance in my heart.

Obviously I can go to see Daddy, why is it not as pleasant as I imagined?

An An thought strangely.

under the plane.

After looking at his watch, Li Jingchen said to the little woman beside him: "The plane will take off soon, let's go back."

Lu Wanwan said reluctantly, "Let me see An An for a while."

"It's not that he won't come back." Even so, Li Jingchen still stood with her.

When the time was really approaching, Li Jingchen took her away.

An An waved her little hand desperately in front of the window, and she didn't know if she was saying goodbye to any of them, maybe there were all of them.

After retreating to a safe distance, Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan watched the plane take off slowly with their own eyes. Lu Wanwan asked, "Are you really willing?"

Li Jingchen laughed at himself: "Who told me to promise him?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Do you know how risky it is for us to do this?"

Leaving aside whether Fu Shuo's parents would deliberately detain An An in City Y in order to retaliate against them, it was not certain whether An An could abide by the verbal agreement of "only go for three days".

Li Jingchen looked at her sideways: "Why do I feel that you want to regret more than I do?"

Lu Wanwan sighed: "Maybe, after all, I have no confidence in front of Fu Shuo."


At this time, on the plane.

When An An was in a mood that was sometimes happy and sometimes depressed, a soft female voice suddenly came from the side: "Are you the kid Fu Huai'an?"

An An looked up and saw a flight attendant pushing a dining car and smiling at him.

An An said politely: "Hi sister, I'm Fu Huai'an."

The stewardess put her hands in front of her body, bowed to An'an, and said, "Let me introduce formally. I am the chief purser of Mr. Li's private jet. I am very glad to serve you this time."

An An grasped the point: "You said this is his private jet?"

The stewardess introduced: "Yes, President Li usually calls when he goes abroad, which can avoid unnecessary harassment."

Li Jingchen actually used his own private jet to send him to see his father.

An An was a little surprised at Li Jingchen's generosity.

"Then he lent me his private jet, what will he do when he wants to go abroad for business?" An An rarely cared about Li Jingchen.

The flight attendant comforted: "I received a notice from Secretary Zhou that he ordered the plane to return on the fourth day, so it shouldn't delay President Li's business."

"... Oh." After An An nodded, she was speechless for a while.

Because Zhou Yang specially explained it, the stewardess kept chatting with Fu Huai'an in order to avoid boredom: "Kid, take a look, is there anything you like in this dining car? I'll get it for you."

An An looked at the drinks on the table and said, "I just want a Coke, thank you sister."

"Okay." The stewardess looked at his delicate and cute face, and smiled unconsciously: "My sister will pour it for you."

After An An took a sip of the Coke, she encountered an air current and jolted up.

After grabbing the handrail of the dining car, the stewardess comforted immediately: "It's okay, kid, don't be afraid, it will be fine in a while."

An An lowered her eyelashes and said nothing.

Inexplicably, he recalled the feeling when Li Jingchen took him into the elevator and the elevator was blown up to the point of collapse. Compared with that violent shaking, this kind of bump can only be regarded as a child's play.

An'an even dared to look out the window, watching the plane shuttle through the clouds, the wings trembling slightly...

Soon, the plane flew over the turbulent airflow area and became stable again.

The stewardess asked concerned: "Little friend, are you okay?"

An An came back to her senses and said to her, "I'm fine, sister."

Seeing that there was no trace of fear on his face, the flight attendant couldn't help but praised: "Little friend, you are so brave. You are not afraid at all when you come out without Mom and Dad."

An An said: "Because I heard that many planes will encounter turbulence, but there are no accidents, and professional flight attendants like my sister have told me that it's okay, so it should be okay."

The stewardess was inexplicably comforted: "It would be great if every little guest is as sensible as you."

An An smiled and asked, "By the way, sister, how long are we going to fly?"

The stewardess said softly: "City S and City Y are one south and one north. It takes several hours to fly. If you are hungry or sleepy, just tell me and I will send you food and blankets."

An An said boredly: "Sister, I'm not hungry or sleepy now, why don't you tell me which countries Li Jingchen usually travels to?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, investigate whether Li Jingchen has hooked up with other women!

Seeing that he dared to call Li Jingchen's name directly, the stewardess was startled and asked, "What is your relationship with Mr. Li?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

This time it was An An's turn to be shocked. He thought that Li Jingchen would definitely say that he was his son!

The stewardess shook her head: "No, it was Mr. Li's secretary who called us. He said that there was a very important young guest who wanted to borrow Mr. Li's private jet today. When we heard that it was a young guest, we thought it was Mr. Li. Some friend's kid, isn't it?"

After An An choked, she said angrily, "Yes, I am the son of Li Jingchen's friend!"

The flight attendant corrected: "Then you should call Mr. Li 'uncle'? It doesn't feel right to call him by his first name."

After tangling for a while, An An frowned with pale eyebrows, and changed her words with difficulty: "Well, can you tell me... what does Uncle Li look like when he is on a business trip?"

"What's it like?"

"Yes, my sister said just now that Uncle Li uses a private jet to avoid unnecessary harassment..." An An glanced wildly, trying to think of words: "So, I want to ask, when he usually travels, there are many people Harass him?"

"This..." The stewardess is still very professional: "Little friend, why are you asking this?"

An An looked like he wanted to boast, but couldn't boast: "Because of curiosity, Uncle Li is... handsome, and... rich, and there should be many people who like to pester him, right?"

"That's true." The stewardess said thoughtfully, "Two years ago, a new colleague poured a cup of coffee on him. At that time, like now, he encountered a draft."

"and then?"

"At that time, Mr. Li wanted to forget it, but that colleague asked Mr. Li to go to the bathroom to change clothes. After Mr. Li went, that colleague gave him towels and bathrobes. President Li has been fired."